Femoid & Cuck Boyfriend Throw Coffee On Guy For Not Wearing Mask

Femoids and their cuck low-T boyfriends are the ultimate System Zombies.


That skank deserved a much harsher beating than that.

These women and spaghetti-arm closeted homosexuals are devoted instruments of the satanic beast System. They will sacrifice life and limb to enforce the Beast’s new oppression orders on peaceful civilians.

These zombies see people without a mask and some deep-rooted conformity censors in their fucked up brains kick into overdrive, unleashing chemicals to spur aggression against the unsuspecting target.

Women are the worst for this kind of behavior because women are biologically programmed to follow the orders of authority figures and rigorously enforce any new dictates of the Regime.

That whore deserves to get raped by black pack animals.

One thought on “Femoid & Cuck Boyfriend Throw Coffee On Guy For Not Wearing Mask

  1. Confrontations like that are fun sometimes but it is best to avoid them.
    Do not go in places where you have to queue and conform.
    I have not worn a mask yet and will never do so . . . and I won’t let them stick anything in me, swab, needle, microchip or anything else.

    Best to avoid those zombie retards who follow the government diktats.
    Go out at times when the shops are fairly clear and zombie free.
    Do not talk to the retards or catch their ‘sad panicked stares’.
    Many are simply old people who trust the government and watch the six o’clock news and they would feel physically sick if they knew they were breaking any government rule or law.
    They have not broken the law every day so they are not used to doing that and they are fearful of the consequences.
    Pity them but don’t stoop to their level, avoid them if possible.
    If they throw a comment at you simply ignore it and ‘don’t take the bait’.
    If they persist then keep it simple and tell them this is all a hoax and scam and there is no virus and ‘the new normal’ is to create ‘the new world order’.
    Keep mega relaxed and smile at others without masks.
    There is something to be said for putting yourself in the position of demonstrating it is ok to go maskless . . . just by being in the store you might have increased the mask/non-mask ratio by 30%, when people see they might follow your lead and not mask up next time.
    The UK has a coup taking place and a ‘new world order’ occupation government is controlling the dumbed down population.
    There is no virus, it is simply another jewish scam.
    It is all centrally planned by globalists and evil bastards (eugenics depopulation fan Bill Gates is a case in point) . . . big pharma who have bought the politicians and government.
    The UK media is being censored to prevent the public from knowing about mass 1 million plus anti-mask demonstrations in various countries (Berlin had one recently), the media lies and says it was only thousands of demonstrators.
    Demonstrations may or may not work – mass non-compliance does work because the rules become unenforceable due to the state system being unable to cope and the police cannot be everywhere.
    The NWO jerks (Boris for example) hope that fear and compliance will make people self-police and adherents will rat on non-adherents.
    Refuse and resist in every way, including don’t pay any penalties . . . they are issued by the enemy.

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