Italy: Treacherous Senate Revokes Salvini’s Parliamentary Immunity So He Can Stand Trial for Blocking African Invasion Ships

Any resistance to jewry’s evil plans to mongrelize our race is met with fierce punishment.


Italian senators have backed stripping far-right leader Matteo Salvini of his parliamentary immunity.

It means Salvini could now face a trial for allegedly illegally detaining migrants at sea. It’s in relation to a case last year when he refused to let a rescue ship carrying scores of migrants dock at the Italian island of Lampedusa.

Thursday’s vote was close. 149 senators voted for, 141 against.

“I am proud to have defended Italy and I would do it again,” said Salvini, reacting to the vote.

Prosecutors in the Sicilian city of Palermo accuse Salvini of abusing his powers as then-interior minister in August 2019 to prevent the Spanish NGO Open Arms ship from docking in Lampedusa. The rescue vessel was marooned at sea for nearly three weeks with more than 150 migrants on board.

He insisted the decision to stop migrants from getting off the ship — until a deal was reached with EU countries to take them in — was reached collectively within the government.

That’s the same defence Salvini is using in another similar trial, in which he is accused of blocking migrants from disembarking from the Italian “Gregoretti” coast guard boat last July.

Salvini was the only Italian politician who took meaningful steps to stop African invasion ships from docking on Italy’s shores. For this heroic act of loyalty to his nation, Salvini’s being ruthlessly hounded by homosexual pro-invasion lawyers and globalist anti-white politicians who want more African migrants in the country so they can get cheap sex with nigger minors.

One strong motive for these globalist politicians, charity workers and lawyers to bring in hordes of young African men to Europe is to secure more anal cavities for their deviant sexual pursuits. The jews behind this plot have promised all of their compromised puppet politicians that they’ll get unlimited gay sex with young niggers if they sign off on refugee resettlement plans.

That’s a very enticing prospect for the pedophiles who run all left-wing liberal and socialist political parties in the West.

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