New Netflix Film ‘Cuties’ is a Pedophile’s Wet Dream

The depraved scumbag jews at Netflix are now openly producing pedophilic content.

Washington Times:

Netflix, in a new series called “Cuties,” is blatantly sexualizing little girls. And tens of thousands have already signed a petition demanding the show’s removal from public streaming.

But how could such a horrifying show make it past the pitch room in the first place?

Netflix, the media company that panders to the pedophile crowd. What a brand concept.

Netflix is premiering *Cuties* on September 9,” tweeted one member of the Catholic cloth, as Mediaite reported. “Here’s the plot summary — the promotional image is 11 year olds dressed in clothes inappropriate for adults (so bad I won’t tweet it). I can’t believe we need to say pedophilia is wrong … But so many went to Epstein’s Island.”

Even the program description from Netflix sounds bad.

It first read, “Amy, 11, becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts to explore her femininity, defying her family’s traditions.”

After mass outrage, Netflix issued an apology and watered down the descriptive text.

The trailer.

When asked outright if they support pedophilia, Netflix refused to comment.

In other words, yes they support pedophilia and are actively promoting it on their satanic platform.

Nobody would be surprised to learn that the sick mind behind this pedo smut is an Israeli jew.

The jews who run Netflix are actively promoting sexual degeneracy to children. Another animated series is a shit-show of perverse references to deviant sex practices and activities.

Nearly all the people involved in the making of that show are jewish, to nobody’s surprise. Jews are clearly using entertainment platforms to corrupt the youth and sexualize children. The goal of this jewish demonic conspiracy is to further break down the morals of our society so that any twisted evil behaviour is seen as just another ‘preference’. This is how the LGBT freaks first began to gain acceptance for their deviant and reprobate ways and it’s a strategy now being employed by pedophiles to normalize their satanic tendencies towards child rape.

Jews are the world’s leading pedophiles.

With jews you lose!

7 thoughts on “New Netflix Film ‘Cuties’ is a Pedophile’s Wet Dream

  1. I may have found a way to build bridges. Let’s all join forces to rid the world of pedophiles. It would be for the common good. Anything goes. Flamethrowers, automatic weapons, unimaginable torture. Forcing many of these sickos into groups and lighting them ablaze. I never condone violence outright or unjustly. It isn’t moral. In this case there should be no exceptions. In the states, we label them as level 1,2 or 3 offenders. Regardless of that, none of them should survive long past their guilt verdicts having been read. A simple “bang!” from a court room officer would suffice. Ask any sane person what they’d do if someone harmed their child and a most common response would be that they’d want to kill the motherfucker. What the fuck kind of a world do we live in where this pedo shit can now be watched on Netflix? What kinds of parents would allow their kids to participate in that kind of film?

  2. You see the whole purpose of all this is to get you completely conditioned in the Western world to everything that used to be unacceptable as being acceptable, and everything that was acceptable to now be considered to be a gross violation of social norms and to not be allowed.

    Two wit: take a look at the idea behind the current police force that now exhibits its nature throughout the current United States. Nowadays the police force now permits criminals and anti-whites to roam freely without any kind of consequences; simultaneously any whites who dare to fight back and to express an opinion which is contrary to the federal government is labeled an anti-Semite and a KKK member whose purpose is to produce hate speech and engage in hateful actions-even if there is no truth to that.

    In a similar vein then we see that it is okay to put out the idea that you can now exploit children for any reason whatsoever and it must be considered acceptable are you will be considered a racist bigot. So take that you bigots! You better be certain that your children are accessible to anyone who wishes to kidnap them and rape them whenever they feel like it! You don’t want to be considered a bigot, do you?

    I imagine that the final end result of all this will be to bring back games such as in ancient Rome in the case of gladiators except that now the only people who will be allowed to slaughter the slaves will be nonwhites and Jews who want to make sport of any captive whites that they have in their possession… Prepare yourself for that because that’s where were headed…

    1. There’s a good word for it: “transvaluation”.

      The Satanic did not create the world, and can not truly create anything. Only God can do that.

      Out of rage and jealousy, therefore, the Satanic must “create” by twisting things that already exist into their opposites.

      All that is good, must become bad. All that is pure, must become sullied. All that is strong, must become crippled.

      Where does it stop? Either when people turn to God and Truth again, or when the transvaluations weaken the world so gravely that it collapses most gruesomely–an Apocalypse, basically.

  3. One other thought that immediately occurred to me was this: would this so-called film of exploited children be perfectly okay if all the children that were in this and wanted to twerk as they call it-wouldn’t it be okay if all the children in this particular production were specifically Jewish ??

    I mean if you think about it it would be perfectly natural for the children to be totally Jewish since Jewish people are always so progressive; right ?? They always have free thought and everything they do and so Judaism would be the perfect vehicle introduced the world to the idea of children rubbing their asses against one another in a suggestive and sexual manner-wouldn’t it ??

  4. Absolutely disgusting. This is an issue that could bring people together. If we fight pedophilia, then we fight jews. Likewise, if we fight abortion, then we fight jews. If we fight pornography, then we fight jews. If we fight gambling, then we fight jews. If we fight ponzi schemes, then we fight jews. If we fight banking, then we fight jews. If we fight against wars in the middle east, then we fight jews. If we fight homosexuality and trans-bs, then we fight jews.

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