Portland: Antifa Thugs Attack & Knock Out White Man, Raid His Truck

This just in from the apocalypse epicenter in Portland.

More videos from the scene.

The savage who sucker kicked him in the head from behind is some mulatto-looking punk calling himself Keese Love.

This is the future for white people if we let these subhuman leftists and niggers take power.

3 thoughts on “Portland: Antifa Thugs Attack & Knock Out White Man, Raid His Truck

  1. There have been numerous instances of these types of attacks. They have one common denominator that perhaps people have overlooked. It is soft targets that are attacked. Whether the assaults be on individuals, small groups or police stations (the police are now soft because no matter what they do some fault will be found, making them hesitant to act, if at all, and I pity them). Places that I have not heard of being attacked include but are not limited to: biker bars, construction sites, MMA gyms, and generally places with concentrations of grown men who are strong. Hell’s Angels clubhouses, Arayan Brotherhood members, Gracie Jiu Jitsu gyms, ranches in Montana, small military installations, service members in uniform, postal workers (because they deliver gibs), Gold’s Gyms, and on and on. These are places and people that I haven’t heard of being attacked. With the utmost respect to the Hell’s Angels, please let one of these thugs run into one of them in the most wrong of ways and let the retribution be slow and painful.

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