3 thoughts on “Sneaky Jew Tries to Deny the Influence of His Race

  1. Palestine has no military force. They have no way of defending against the zionist onslaught aimed at expanding control in the Middle East for oil. Afghanistan is the gateway, but the Afghani’s, like us, will not go down. They will not be conquered. 9/11 total ZOG job that laid blame on Arabs to start a war for Zionist dominance. Iran…a threat? To who? Name one place Iran has invaded in the last 100 years. They may fight with their neighbors, but that is not a concern of the USA, however, it is a ZOG concern. Play sides, kind of like the USA did with Saddam and Usama. The Iranians are not at all trying to establish a global calibrate. This uneducated nitwit has only sound bite knowledge about world events. Remember, the Arabs, Persians and Afghani’s want what we want: to be independent and left undisturbed. The common folks want this but the politicians, well, different story. For decades, I have studied Islam and how despotic leaders screw everything up for the masses. The Saudis and the UAE are butt buddies with the Jews. Nothing good from that. I am on here to both convey knowledge and acquire it. Love to see a video with Alan West or Mark Shapiro.

  2. Great video. The dude was squirming and could only regurgitate a bunch of zionist bs. The west would do so much better if it exported its jewish diaspora to israel, then built a big beoootiful wall around it to keep everyone in.

    1. “The west would do so much better if it exported its jewish diaspora to israel, then built a big beoootiful wall around it to keep everyone in.”

      Agree completely.

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