3 thoughts on “White Kid Gets It!

  1. You said something Martinez at the 20 minute and 1/2 mark in the video in which you were talking to the guy about having separate racial states: one for black, one for possibly mixed race, and the rest for pure whites.

    The point that you always miss (along with a considerable number of other people) is the fact that what is overlooked is that the people who don’t wish to separate from us don’t wish to separate from us only because they can’t prey upon us but, more importantly, to the Jews if we have a purely white country in which we permit no others to come in then we will have a country in which the Jew cannot obtain a foothold and ultimately destroy us!

    That is the most important thing of all; the fact that Jews MUST HAVE ACCESS to white people so that they can undermine and ultimately annihilate them. Never ever forget that statement that I just made, the reason why they (the Jews) will never ever permit us to racially separate from other races is that undermines their plans to ultimately annihilate us. The Jews of course don’t openly state that to anyone other race but they know that if they can guide the course of events to permit admission of other races into white countries then they will have accomplish their goal in terms of a being able to annihilate us!

    1. Very interesting conversation. I’ve listened to quite a few of your videos and they really make a punch. This young man is 1000x more awake then I was at his age.

  2. Very interesting conversation. I’ve listened to quite a few of your videos and they really make a punch. This young man is 1000x more awake then I was at his age.

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