Dirty Jew Laura Loomer’s New Political Ad is All About Jews & Israel

I called this awhile ago: Laura Loomer’s only political issue in running for congress is protecting Israel from the “Islamic socialists” in the Democrat Party.

White people are being squeezed to death in a kosher shit sandwich where scumbag moslems and jews are fighting about who deserves more privileges, special treatment and handouts.

Loomer is a fake jew cuckservative and a one-issue voter: what’s best for jews and their parasite nation of Israel.

And this retarded bitch actually tries to present herself as America First and gets props from some moronic corners of the alt-light. Loomer represents a big part of the cancer that’s eating away at America. Nonwhites and jews see America as nothing more than a fat cow utter to suck from and they’re all trampling each other to get to the front of the line.

Jews and moslems out of White America!

5 thoughts on “Dirty Jew Laura Loomer’s New Political Ad is All About Jews & Israel

  1. When this asshole Jewish supremacist was banned by Facebook (or was it Twitter?). I was stupid enough to support her protest on Twitter–UNTIL she depicted her banning as “antisemitism,” after which I cursed her and said exactly what she is. With the multitudes of non-Jews being censored, banned and de-platformed–no doubt at a much greater rate than Jews– I saw that like so many Jews she cared nothing for truth but only for getting her way.

    My father once told me that a Jew will stick his arm into a barrel of shit to get a $5 bill at the bottom. He might’ve added that non-Jews, including Italians, will do likewise, though perhaps not so typically; but in any case this fucken Loomer is of that ilk.

    All the same, I think it’s better that Loomer defeats the Jewess demonrat incumbent, name of Frankel, a flat-out europhobe who supports Burn Loot Mayhem. At least Loomer is against BLM, recognizing that its members are anti-Jewish at bottom, that weaponizing blacks against Euro-Americans is a boomerang that will come back to crash in Jewish faces. In one of the Jewish online dailies, the JTA or THE FORWARD, I posted that like rank-and-file Leftist Jews–whose europhobia is based mostly on fear–Frankel’s perceptions are stuck in a dead past, whereas Loomer recognizes that history has moved on and “people of color” now represent the main danger to Jews.

  2. Rothschild’s 25 Point Plan For World Domination
    “In 1770, Mayer Amschel Rothschild married Gutta Schnapper. In that same year, he retained Jewish-born, Adam Weishaupt, an apostate Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, to revise and modernize Illuminism, the worship of Satan, with the objective of world domination and the imposition of the Luciferian ideology “upon what would remain of the human race” after a final orchestrated social-cataclysm.
    (the first 8 points are presented here; the remaining 17 points will be subsequently added)

    1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.

    2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.

    3. Initiate class warfare.

    4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive – any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.

    5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.”

    6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.

    7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”

    8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt the youth.

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