5 thoughts on “Matador vs. Spergy Far-Left Socialist

  1. I like these fake “radicals” who think they are anti establishment when in reality they are servants for the establishment. That particular jerk you confronted has a very conventional and unimaginative way of thinking, because he’s a coward and a pussy.

  2. You know Mr. Martinez, I will always argue FOR your positions because they were always logical but when you are weak in your arguments as you appeared to be in this particular instance then I will also point that out just as a favor to yourself.

    For me at least the question is not whether or not the capitalists import cheap labor from the Third World to supplement their bottom line, the important thing is whether or not Jews import these people with the additional interest of subverting the racial characteristics of the native population. In my opinion when you should argue with somebody like this that you are not concerned in the least as to whether or not there are ANY side issues regarding the invasion by the Third World into America (and by extension Europe) because that is not your main goal as somebody who believes in preserving (at all costs) white Caucasian societies.
    What difference does it make whatsoever whether there is some justification by a leftist as to why race mixing is good? The fact that it destroys OUR CULTURE by this persistent guilt tripping is the only thing that matters and that is (and should be) your justification for your position. I’m not faulting you here , I am just making a point as to how to strengthen a debate in your favor. You gotta remember that the Communist doesn’t care whether or not you have an argument; they only care about winning at all costs – you should also in your arguments.

  3. Chinese don’t have high IQ, they lie about their average IQ scores by only including statistical sample populations from their best provinces and best cities and the best schools from their respective places as falsely representing their entire country. They never include underperforming or other non-selected samples from their other provinces that don’t fit that category, the cases where they did measure them showed that the Chinese IQ is in the double digits way beneath Western populations. Also the Chinese are notorious for cheating or manipulating their results, and cheating and lying is a way of life in their culture and country. If no one believes me, all one needs to do is go look up users like Serpentza exposing China with videos and his commentary on the place or channels like China uncensored.

    The Chinese diaspora in places like America don’t represent good average sample populations either, as they are also select upper tier of their normal regular population. Because there are so many “Chinese” in general, a select percentage of their population performing or outperforming on something completely slants the results so that other groups with similar population numbers are out-represented by a large population like the Chinese because of sheer numbers. However there are countless dumb ones that are under-represented or are being covered up. And I am sure since Brandon is Canadian that he had exposure to Chinese immigrants in Canada whom are also another colonial force trying to colonize Canada, and they are dumb as a box of rocks and are known for crashing cars and doing all sorts of dumb crap despite being the rich upper class, which really disproves this whole high IQ bullshit fabrication they have cooked up to fool idiotic ignorant Westerners.

    1. There are other populations, who just like Chinese, fabricate their IQ test results, by selecting only people who are know to do well on IQ tests, and then publish such result as official average for their whole population.

      I tend to agree with what you are saying about the Chinese, as I have met some Chinese myself and they definitely did not strike me as particularly super-intelligent. Same with Jews. Jews for instance, also say that they have average IQs of 115-120, which is total bull. I have met Jews also, and they too didn’t strike me as particularly that intelligent. The Chinese (at least the ones from Communist China) have lower IQs than their counterparts in East Asia. The PR Chinese barely reach an average IQ of 100, while Koreans and Japanese have at least 105 average IQ. I am not entirely sure about Chinese people in Taiwan. I would still except Taiwanese to score higher on average IQ scores than say PR Chinese, only on the basis that Taiwan is not a communist shithole like PR China is.

      Also Jews. Jews certainly do not posses an average 115-120 IQ as they brag to. They are probably somewhat smarter than Arabs, at an average IQ of 90-95. Ashkenazi Jews probably would reach close to 100 average IQ (something like maybe 97-98), while Sephardic and Mizrahi ones have around 90 average IQ.

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