Mutt Commits Knife Attack Near Charlie Hebdo Building


PARIS – French terrorism authorities investigating a knife attack that wounded at least two people Friday near the former offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, authorities said. A suspect has been arrested.

The area in eastern Paris remained cordoned off by police two hours after the attack. Children were being sequestered in nine schools while police worked to determine no other suspects were on the run, according to education and police officials.

It is unclear what motivated the attack or wether it was linked to Charlie Hebdo, which moved after its offices were targeted in a 2015 Islamic extremist attack that left 12 people dead.

An investigation was opened into “attempted murder in relation with a terrorist enterprise,” according to an official at the prosecutor’s office. Authorities did not release the identity of the suspect arrested in the area of the Bastille Plaza.

“I saw a guy that was in his 30s or 40s with an axe in his hand who was walking behind a victim covered in blood…I cant tell you how many victims there was, I just saw one,” witness Kader Alfa told {…} at the scene.

Police initially announced that four people were wounded in the attack, but the official told The Associated Press that there are in fact only two confirmed wounded. {…}

Police did not release the identities of the attacker or the wounded, who are in “absolutely urgent” condition, the official said. The official was not authorized to be publicly named.

{…} attackers are scheduled to testify Friday afternoon.

Is this going to end some day? I mean come on, people have to realize by now that this will never stop as long as we’ve got this invaders in our countries.

They will never stop until they’ve made our homes to their homes, and that’s what we have to stop!

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