Trump Cuts All Government Funding for Anti-White ‘Race Theory’ Courses for State Employees

Looks like Trump’s been watching Tucker Carlson and reacting correctly.

He’s banned federal funding of ‘critical race theory’ courses designed to indoctrinate state employees into the death cult of anti-whiteness.

Fox News:

The Trump administration is halting “critical race theory” training in federal agencies, with White House officials calling it “anti-American propaganda.”

“This is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue,” President Trump tweeted. “Please report any sightings so we can quickly extinguish!”

Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote a memo informing agencies of Trump’s instruction to stop using controversial forms of training on “critical race theory,” “white privilege” and “any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either…that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or…that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date “training” government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in the memo to heads of federal agencies and offices.

Vought cited reports of executive branch employees being taught in the classes — designed to educate employees about “white privilege” and other concepts — that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and that it is racist to believe that America is a land of opportunity.

“These types of ‘trainings’ not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce,” Vought said.

Dang, based.

Trump is retweeting some pro-white accounts.

This is why Trump still has some sympathy with white nationalists. Yes, we know he’s kosher controlled opposition, but as the violent, radical left becomes more and more hostile and insurrectionary in their opposition to him, the more Trump will be forced back into our corner. He’ll be forced to make more concessions to white people who represent over 85% of his voting base.

Trump has some good, pro-white instincts… the hijacking of his non-jewish white family line by the rat bastard swine Kushner has made any hope in him truly helping us a distant pipe dream. Let’s hope he continues to make strong moves like this one which help white people fend of sinister marxist attacks on our race.

6 thoughts on “Trump Cuts All Government Funding for Anti-White ‘Race Theory’ Courses for State Employees

  1. Not just Kushner.
    From Miles W. Mathis . . . First published June 6, 2016
    I posted links on your website to this pdf a few times before.
    Apparently Brandon you do not believe any of it or wish to ignore it.

    Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish

    Do you think Miles W. Mathis is misdirection or cannot be trusted?
    He researches ancestries and associations and in doing so uncovers hidden, scrubbed and inconvenient truths (or maybe lies?).

    Similar with China and Jewish deep involvement in forming and steering its policies (I have posted this here before too) – in a recent article you said only chinese were allowed to participate in the chinese government and politburo.

    I know that you are doing a great job for the cause and use skilful tactics to give your messages extra punch. However be careful stating things as fact when many of us in ‘the movement’ do a lot of our own research and see these ‘dropped in statements’ as mini red flags. We are intelligent enough to let one or two of them go if we can weigh up your reasoning.
    Don’t get me wrong you have a super, brilliant website unlike any other and you put in great effort.
    Just saying as a ‘fact checker’ 🙂
    Truth is tricky these days.
    Vaccine anyone?
    Thanks for this website and your Bitchute channel is good too.

    1. DORSET “PATRIOT”– The German-language names FREUND and SCHUSTER can be names of both Jews and non-Jews Look at genealogies and records pertaining to FREUND, German for FRIEND, and you will find evidence of plenty of non-Jewish FREUNDs, immigrants in early America interred in Christian cemeteries.

      Ditto SCHUSTER, which is German for a maker or repairer of shoes. A famous American Schuster was George Schuster, the ground-breaking automobile driver, who is represented as a German immigrant, with no mention of his being a Jew. If he HAD been a Jew, the Jews would’ve made sure that everyone knew it.

      That Trump has such names in his family background does not necessarily make him Jewish, any more than bearing the name ROSENBERG–a typical name borne by Ashkenazi Jews–made Alfred Rosenberg, the theorist of the Third Reich, a Jew.

      I’m wondering what your point is. Trump is not a Jew in religion; and for those of us who insist in the teeth of anthropology that West Eurasian Jews are a different race, it will be a helluva challenge convincing any sane persons that in actuality Trump ain’t a White man lol. Moreover, though obviously not quite what we need, Trump is clearly better than undisputedly non-Jewish politicians like Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo, Warren, etc.

      That you display such a penchant for detective work regarding Trump suggests to me that you knew you were supporting a man (Farage) and a measure (Brexit) designed to impede White influxes into an historically White land while increasing the entry of BLACKS therein….

  2. Yes, I agree with the article that though Trump leaves a lot to be desired he does bear some significant value, and I can’t think that he isn’t greatly preferable to Dementia Joe and affirmative-action, corrupt-cop Kammy.

    No one can imagine, for instance, that the said anti-Whites would do as Trump has done, to cut the funding for these hateful White-guilt sessions; nor that they’d imitate his decree that destroyers of statues will incur 10 years in prison, nor, indeed, that they too would tighten the Southern border–a measure which I have personally witnessed.

    I have a lot of things against Trump, and wish there were someone better to vote for. He’s bullshitting about the Wall, saying that after building a couple of hundred miles of it it’s almost finished, because the Mexican border is a lot longer than that. He’s never followed through with the prompt roundup and deportation of invaders but has only talked about it. He’s let the Social-Media tyrants defecate on the First Amendment, merely complaining about it. In some of my many emails to the White House, I’ve told him he’s been a GREAT president–for Israel, not the USA. And though I guess he wants the queer vote, I feel he’s exhibited too much friendship toward the queer juggernaut.

    But (and this is as large a consideration in my mind as any other here) it is likelier than not, I believe, that there’ll be major civil conflict in the USA whether Trump wins or loses, and that it will be better for those who stand for heritage and law and self-defense if Trump is president. Weak Dementia Joe and europhobic Harris will almost certainly continue to side with the domestic terrorists, turn a blind eye to their crimes or exonerate them, and selectively prosecute Euro-Americans who defend themselves from racially bigoted attacks. Plus they’d like to kill the Second Amendment, whereas Trump has given no indication he’s interested in taking people’s guns.

    Of course, jurisdictions ruled by leftist traitors will persist in such skulduggeries, and people like us will be targeted for punishment if we fight in them; but if Trump is in office, at least the Federal government won’t be as big a problem; and Trump might put the Federal screws to demonrat, terrorist hotbeds such as are typified by Portland and Seattle, as he has said he will deny federal funds to demonrat jurisdictions which don’t uphold law and order.

    A Biden–or Harris (who knows how long that senile fuck would stay in office)–presidency would be a calamity. Trump, though light-years from perfect, is better and the best candidate whose election is now possible. We need to buy time, and to avoid catastrophe. So as a dual citizen of the USA I will volunteer to work for Trump’s reelection, as a get-out-the-vote man and a poll checker as I was for the 2018 mid-terms; and I urge everyone here who can help in some way to render that help–and in the meantime arm, practice, stockpile, network, prepare for crisis.

  3. There is no debate about Trump being pro-kosher. However, he does listen to Tucker Carlson who instigated this change in policy. No more Anti-White 101 training in the fed govt (at least officially). There is no doubt that this is a good thing.

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