Bitchute Caves to Jewish-Marxist Pressure – Embraces Censorship

Bitchute is going the way of jewtube towards brutal censorship of pro-white voices.

My Bitchute channel was recently blocked in most EU countries as well as Russia. At first I thought this was because the EU put out some ban list and Bitchute was just complying.

But it turns out that Bitchute’s moderation team is the one who decided to preemptively block my channel in all countries that have hate speech or holohoax denial laws.

This is the message you now get.

“Contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team.”

There it is… Bitchute has censored me on the basis that it “could” be illegal content in certain countries that don’t let citizens criticize brown people, jews or homosexuals.

Why would Bitchute do this? They were under no threat to do so. Unless they receive a legal notice from some government agency from one of these countries to block this content, then who cares?

Bitchute admittedly listens to the criticism of anti-white marxists who demand they remove white nationalist content.

Fuck Bitchute.

Bitchute capitalized on the censorship of jewtube to build its platform, marketing itself as a “pro-free speech alternative”. But this proves they’re going in the same direction as jewtube. They used dissidents to build their brand and platform and are now throwing us under the bus for convenience.

Now that they’ve got a big user base and steady income, they’re “mainstreaming” themselves to become just another censored, jew-controlled platform.

You can find my videos on World Truth Videos which appears to be a true free speech platform. Please sign up for an account on World Truth. Also, subscribe to my Telegram channels to get new videos and content.

4 thoughts on “Bitchute Caves to Jewish-Marxist Pressure – Embraces Censorship

  1. Hmm? A website called has been criticized but not taken down. However, anything that scrutinizes jews is always on the chopping block. I recently posted on facebook ” zionist jew bastards”, and ” fuck israel”, and landed in Facebook jail for 24 hours. Amazing how anything pro-white is deemed racist, but pro black, jew etc. AND anti white is permissible. Tell me again who is being oppressed? BET is black entertainment television. I once proposed WET, white entertainme t tv and was ostracized from my group. 25 years ago in university. There is an all hispanic network, hindus, pakistanis. Fuck israel, fuck zionist jew bastards, fuck jewtube.

  2. “A high school newspaper has exposed how state police quoted Adolf Hitler and advocated violence in a training manual”

    A high school newspaper in Kentucky, The Manual RedEye, exclusively obtained information exposing that Kentucky State Police quoted Adolf Hitler in training slideshows
    According to the RedEye, the slides urge recruits to “meet violence with greater violence” and quote Hitler three times.
    State governor Andy Beshear described the training slides as “unacceptable (Jewish unacceptability).”
    Across the US, police forces have faced accusations of systemic racism, following a series of killings of Black men by white police officers.

    In Kentucky, a high school newspaper obtained slides exposing how the state police force used Adolf Hitler quotes in their training sessions for recruits.
    Students working on the Manual RedEye, the newspaper for Louisville’s duPont Manual High School, published exclusive slides a local attorney obtained through a public records request and shared with the publication on Friday.

    In the slides, reported the RedEye, recruits are told to “meet (Jewish) violence with greater violence” and be a “ruthless killer” with “a mindset void of emotion.”

    One slide then goes on to quote Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic manifesto: “The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”

    Lieutenant Joshua Lawson, a spokesperson for the KSP, defended the material’s use in a statement to the newspaper.

    “The presentation touches on several aspects of service, selflessness, and moral guidance,” wrote Lawson.

    The expose comes amid criticism of police forces throughout the US in the wake of a series of Black men’s killings by white police officers. The killings have led to widespread protests against police racism and the excessive use of violence by police.

    In response to the protests, police have used, periodically, indiscriminate and violent tactics.

  3. Bahahaha duuuude. I just checked your World Truth channel and that omegle video was hilarious. The begian girl on the left looks like super stinky vagina. The rest all look like dirty STD carriers.

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