Every Single Time, Once More.

I have stumbled upon this intriguing title: “The Misunderstood Culture Of Barbarians”. Wow! At last I can learn something alternative to the Roman heavily biased sources!

The first 4 minutes sounded amazing, we are about to hear that our ancestors were not imbeciles, and actually spoke Latin not much worse than Romans. And the presenter is a jew — wow! A mainstream channel 2.4M subs with a jwish presenter, praises native Europeans for whole 4 minutes straight! — VERILY NOT ALL! Right?


From 4th minute he segways to praising Huns, and in some 10 minutes segways to muslims in middle east and then praises them for the entirety of the video.

Once again a jew sold us “great muslim culture” under the title of “European Barbarians”.

4 thoughts on “Every Single Time, Once More.

  1. Not one of RE’s better efforts.

    There’s a bevy of things wrong, so I’ll try to list them in verbally economical fashion:

    1)The Romans didn’t exactly underestimate the Northern, often Teutonic peoples they called “barbarians”; trousers and some jewelry don’t add up lol to high civilization; nations like the Goths, Franks sand Vandals didn’t have cities (“civilization” comes from the Roman for “living in cities”); nor did they have aqueducts, advanced architecture, philosophy, developed civil law; they were illiterate, and we know about the early Germans overwhelmingly through Roman writers like Caesar (DE BELLO GALLICO) and Tacitus (GERMANIA)–as the early Germans didn’t write books!

    2) The early Northern Europeans were obviously not lacking in certain capacities; they were just not as refined or advanced as the Romans and Greeks; so if the Romans looked down on them as being rude and crude, they weren’t necessarily exaggerating and misrepresenting.

    3) That the Romans called other nations “barbarians” does NOT mean (and I think this is the presenter’s fault, because he implies it does) that they necessarily took them for being simple savages: they would call the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Etruscans, Carthaginians, etc. “barbarians” but not regard them as savages, uncivilized. They certainly would not have thought that of the GREEKS, from whom they learned so much and to whom the rich Romans sent their boys for schooling (though I think the presenter is wrong about the Romans calling the Greeks “barbarians”–I think they exempted the Greeks).

    4) Saying “Our ancestors were not imbeciles”–despite what those ROMANS (not Europeans, Indo-Europeans LOL?!) said–seems to betray some need of Anthropology 101. A Northern European, as the brief article’s author seems to be (especially with that surname), might well have already known our ancestors weren’t imbeciles, were it only because the Romans and Greeks were in the same family! Modern Europeans are overwhelmingly descended from the early Indo-Europeans who originated on the Pontic-Caspian steppe in what’s now Southern Russia–and the Indo-Europeans include Teutons, Slavs, Celts, Latins, Baltics, Greeks. And there’s astounding homogeneity among Europeans, such that we all have millions of genealogical ancestors–across Europe–as recent as the past millennium (cf. Coop et al, 2013, “The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe”)…. As the major human grouping most entitled to think of itself as a family, we’re entitled to be proud of our EUROPEAN ancestors, and indeed CAUCASIAN ones. I smell some “Nordicism” here, and the naive notion that there are hard and fast demarcations separating the European tribes.

    5) Feeling that the presenter failed miserably to make the ancient Germans and the Huns (whom he failed to clearly distinguish as chiefly Mongoloid, clustering with East Asians and indeed previously the scourge of China) appear what they were NOT–i.e., anywhere near as civilized and advanced as the Romans–I stopped watching after he spoke of Attila; so I don’t know what he said about the Muslims. BUT if he said their civilization was advanced and rich in science, etc,, he wasn’t wrong! NO QUESTION that the highest civilization in Europe during the Dark Age was in Islamic Spain. Thanks in considerable part, of course, to the Muslims’ acquaintance with Classical Graeco-Roman science and philosophy; and it was when we Europeans got back in touch with that same culture, the culture of our Pagan ancestors, that we had the Renaissance which led to unprecedented global greatness.

    6) The video’s presenter, Waldemar Januszczak, does not seem to be a Jew, but a Catholic Pole, descended from refugees from the Second Disgraceful Brothers’ War. Why did he have to be a Jew?

    1. i understand Romans were amazing, and had to be BETTER relative to barbarians, i just wanted to learn something new, i expected to be educated about barbarians, i expected my prejudice about barbarians to be smashed — i was disappointed A.F.

      and i am disappointed second time you can not tell a jew when he presents HIS FACE in the center of the frame with professional light and camera.

  2. Yes, of course. Every. Single. Time.

    I was about to toss the book “An Empire WIlderness” that I read some years ago. I skimmed through it one last time. The author went to great lengths to describe how disconnected Americans are becoming and he welcomed the new technocratic age. What struck me was that the author was unnecessarily disparaging of Christians, and made only one reference to jews which was quite glowing. If one is to describe how American has been changed, it would require a more thorough discussion of jews, right?

    Then, I re-checked the author’s name: Robert Kaplan. Ah. Again, Every. Single. Time. Maybe I should F451 that book.

    1. can you imagine i had no idea Steven Pinker is a jew before i read him.
      same with Jared Diamond — i theorized he is a jew from his writing 🙂

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