Finding is the Best Move You Have Ever Made

If you are reading this article as a new viewer to this site you are helping us fight back.

You’re obviously here for a reason, either you follow Brandon Martinez on Telegram or Bitchute, or one of the other writers. Or you have stubbled across this site by researching the Alt-Right as something your interested in.

Finding a site like and having a good look through will help you see the truth. The truth behind who really runs the world, who is pushing immigration to predominantly white countries, who is funding BLM to remove your culture and heritage, and who is in control of the lying mainstream media.

If I could give you one piece of advise this weekend let it be this:-

Take an hour or two out of your weekend to look through this site, read as much as you can and take it all in.

The writers for this site don’t write made up clap trap like your national newspaper. We research what we hear and find the truth.

Don’t believe what you hear from the mainstream media. The Alt Right is not evil. We care about our country and our people. Do you see the Alt Right burning down buildings and beating people up who don’t agree with them ? No, because that is what the left do.

If you’re a white nationalist and you’re interested in finding out more about us, download the Telegram app and follow Brandon Martinez.

We all look forward to hearing from you.


5 thoughts on “Finding is the Best Move You Have Ever Made

  1. I am here roughly 30 times daily. After the first visit I was hooked. Once truth is experienced it can not be denied. There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs and the truth. As an objective researcher who fact checks everything, this site is the side of truth. What I do know is that by contributing here and on other sites, I am aiding in convincing new readers that it is whites who are under attack and that we must band together lest we perish. There is nothing wrong with having pride in who and what you are. I am proud of myself, my white family, white community, and Mr. Brandon Martinez. WPWW.

    1. “There are three sides to every story: yours (non-Jewish and White), theirs (Jewish or non-White) and the truth (non-Jewish and White). ” (Corrected)

  2. Got interested about the site after watching some of Martinez Omegle videos. It certainly has potential. I can see it becoming a large and reliable news source if there are enough writers who put out consistent, quality content.

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