France: Scum Macron Accelerates Arab Conquest Agenda

Rothschild jewish stooge Emanuel Macron has pledged to force French school children to learn Arabic so they assimilate to the new rulers.


More Arabic will be taught in French schools and extra resources will be directed at studying the Muslim civilization, the country’s leader Emmanuel Macron said. The measures are part of the strategy to fight Islamic radicalism.

In his speech on Friday, the president highlighted the importance of preventing radicalization in the country’s Muslim communities. He said that “more Arabic language will be taught in schools or as part of extended day programs.” Macron explained that authorities must put an end to young people learning the language “from groups that offer them the worst and manipulate them.”

“Arabic, just like many other languages, is a treasure of our children, of their families,” Macron said, stressing that the state must support “the emergence of a better understanding of Islam.” 

The president announced that the government will create the “Scientific Institute of Islamology” along with new positions in higher education to conduct research on “the Muslim civilization, the Mediterranean Sea region and Africa.” On top of that, more funding will go to the Foundation of Islam for France, which was established in 2016 to promote “progressive Islam,”according to its mission statement.

Aside from various outreach initiatives, Macron vowed to continue defending secularism as one of the key principles of modern France. He said that the government would prepare a bill that would strengthen a 1905 law that officially separated the church from the state.

Macron is waging high-intensity cultural warfare against the indigenous French people. This devious bastard has been running France into the ground for years. He was put in power by French jews who knew that a former Rothschild banker would do their bidding on every issue and he hasn’t disappointed.

The French are being ethnically replaced in their own homeland by poo-skinned savages from third world hellholes. Daily French life is unbearable for many French people who are afraid to walk their own streets.

Beheadings, terrorist attacks, rapes, assaults, armed robberies…. all part and parcel of the new France under the satanic Bolshevik rule of jews and their poo-skin immigrant pawns.

The French need to organize an open revolt to take back their country from the globalist jew parasites, hajis and niggers terrorizing their citizens.

2 thoughts on “France: Scum Macron Accelerates Arab Conquest Agenda

  1. We need a worldwide revolution spark to get our White race into action. We could round up and behead these fucking traitorous leaders very quickly if the right kind of momentum and intensity could be initiated.

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