Germany: Synagogue Attacker Cited Jews & White Genocide as Motive

The goyim know.

US News:

“Still, I was not aware of the dimension of what was happening outside of the sanctuary — I would have never thought that somebody would throw explosive devices at the synagogue and the adjacent cemetery.”

The attack suspect, Stephan Balliet, is currently on trial on charges of murder for the killings outside the synagogue. He explained his motivation to the court: “Jews are the main cause of white genocide and want to establish a new world order.”

The attack, one of the most violent and overt anti-Semitic acts in postwar history, caused shockwaves across Germany, which considers protecting its Jewish minority of about 200,000 a special responsibility after the Nazi genocide of 6 million Jews.

Germans are waking up to the elite jews’ plans to replace them.

The dirty globalist jew has it in for Germans because they’re the last race to put up fierce resistance to the jewish plan for world domination. They’ll never be forgiven for this, hence jewry’s attempts to expedite white genocide in the Reich.

The principal goal of World Judaism is to mix out the white race so that there are no longer any competent competitors to the jews. This is why they flood us with retarded dregs from third world countries and use every means of propaganda to encourage us to mix with them.

This is all by jewish design.

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