Gleeful Jew Social Engineers: Chinese Virus Measures Are Destroying the Birthrate, Making Women ‘Sexualize’ Themselves More

The Jew World Order is starting to show its true hand behind all these fake coronavirus measures: destroy the birth rate, make women into camwhores, men into porn addicts, everyone reliant on the Big Brother government.

Daily Mail:

Psychological fallout from the pandemic will cause birth rates to drop, people to stay single for longer and women to sexualise themselves more, experts have predicted.

Experts from the US reviewed 90 studies to help them predict how COVID-19 could shift social behaviours and gender norms — even among those not infected.

They expect planned pregnancies to decrease in response to the global health crisis as people defer marriage and kids, leading some nations’ populations to shrink.

Drops in birth-rates will have cascading impacts on society and economics, affecting such things as job opportunities and support for elderly populations. 

Furthermore, the unequal division of the extra household labour brought by lockdown could see gender inequality rise and foster more social conservatism. 

In many ways, the researchers noted, ‘the pandemic has become a worldwide social experiment’ — the results of which have yet to finish playing out.

… Furthermore, Professor Haselton said, economic inequality could see many women sexualise themselves more in order to compete with each other for desirable men.

The one thing they worry about is the unintended consequence of thrusting us back into traditional gender roles as more women become unemployed and reliant on men.

Furthermore, the unequal division of the extra household labour brought by lockdown could see gender inequality rise and foster more social conservatism. 

In many ways, the researchers noted, ‘the pandemic has become a worldwide social experiment’ — the results of which have yet to finish playing out.

The team noted that the pandemic has heaped more onto the plates of women — who were, even before the pandemic, typically more stressed by the marriage of career and family obligations.

Lockdown and school closures, for example, have burdened women with more extensive responsibilities in the realms of childcare and education.

According to Professor Haselton, the impacts of this are already being felt. For example, she said, in the realm of academia women scholars already appear to publishing less amid the pandemic — the reverse of their male counterparts.

The roots of this inequality are not only bound up in traditional gender roles, the researchers argued. 

‘Throughout evolutionary history, a woman’s reproductive fitness hinged on the success of each individual offspring to a greater extent than a man’s,’ they wrote.

Women evolved stronger motivations to attend to the details of childcare and may feel pressured to accept more childcare and homemaking responsibility when others, such as teachers and childcare workers […] cannot.’ 

In turn, the team suggest, this trend could lead to a ‘large-scale backslide toward “traditional” gender norms’ — where women end up dependant on their men as ‘breadwinners’ — and related shifts further into social conservatism.

These social engineers can’t predict or plan everything. There are unintended consequences. Women are going to lose jobs and then fall back on the men in their lives to take care of them. The selfish female instinct will kick in and some of them will get in line with traditional gender roles just to survive.

But it will probably just be temporary. When they get their jobs back they’ll go right back to feminism and degeneracy.

The only way to solve this woman problem is to chain them all to the kitchen sink.

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