Hard-Pressed Brits Forces To Pay £9Billion To Fund Migrant Invasion Of Britain

More than 50 four-star hotels across Britain are providing plush accommodation for illegal immigrants at the expense of you and I, the British taxpayer according to the latest estimations.

It’s part of Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to force the British people to pay £4billion to house criminal migrants in plush accommodation as part of the politicians’ ongoing Population Replacement project.

The disgraced British premiere, currently wrecking the British economy through extreme health-and-safety lockdowns, is encouraging millions of Africans and Muslim from the Middle East to illegally cross numerous safe countries to reap our benefits in Britain.

“The deal is shrouded in secrecy with government officials refusing to say precisely how many hotels are being used and how many asylum seekers are staying in them”

Daily mail

During the Government’s draconian lockdown of businesses beginning in April, scores of boats have landed daily on the English South coast packed with illegal migrants – overwhelmingly Muslim men of fighting age.

Boris Johnson and his Tory party have proved themselves a danger to the well being and lives of the British people.

With no effective opposition from Labour and any of Johnson’s anti-British policies, stepping up the pressure to hold the traitorous Tories to task falls on each and everyone of us.

First UK-based report by Alt-Right.com’s TK

One thought on “Hard-Pressed Brits Forces To Pay £9Billion To Fund Migrant Invasion Of Britain

  1. All lives are equal
    But black lives are more equal than others

    St George of the 6 Felonies looked exactly like one of the more, err, protruding jawed, upturned lip pupils. So I knew what even a mainstream search engine would turn up if I put CRIMINAL after his name.

    1 – armed robbery
    2 cocaine
    3 cocaine
    4 cocaine
    5 armed robbery
    6 meth

    My HoD at a Good Catholic School told me they have less & less control over who comes into their own school. Incompetent diverchittey hires are forced on them by (((The Creep State))). Think of Cuckstain as a Palermo Mafioso, using its TLMTTI Power to bully, racketeer & pimp the dumb goy. Even private sector is effected – state power is massive & to get contracts from public srctpr , hr yentas are compulsory. A company couldn’t survive even in the PS hiring only competent NWM. Then their are gormless cucked companies *cough*!!!

    Blacks are the most indulged, mollycoddled & over-promoted group in history. We know this, but even I was shocked at the extent the (((CREEP STATE))) abuses the freedom of White Men, esp wrt Blacks, whilst working as a TA in a supposedly ‘Good Catholic School’ in Londonistan.

    When new vacancy – Asoans recommend Asians, Blax recommend blax, rats recommend anyone but NWM. Only White People are gormless enough to not stand up for themselves. Asked Asian after work drinks about boss – as I suspected he had utter contempt for the disloyal White hags who allow own dept to become TW SHC. They value loyalty + despise these judasrat Karen’s.

    It was like that Chris Jackson article at AmRen. Was shocked when my HoD told us before an upcoming (((OFSTED))) inspection:

    ‘The last inspection criticized us for the underperformance of black boys.’


    WTF should White Schools / teachers / pander to black boys? Obviously teachers aren’t closet BNP + KKK members; most are PC leftists (even in GCSs, tho less so than others). Working in that environment, it became clearer to me the Creep State Rats are basically mafia thugs, abusing & racketeering against anything not enforcing The Cathedral. Basically, each school is intimidated into worrying it’s racist, gives special treatment to black boys, exam boards over mark them – RESULT – The extreme thuggishness & low IQ of BBs is partially disguised.

    Creep State Rats also imposed ‘diverchittey’ recruitment on the school. Part of my attraction to the job was it was my old school / Catholic school. In London, Catholic schools was a good way of escaping too many darkies. BUT NOT NOW. Even tho poor Irish (+spanish, portugese, italiab, polosh) peasants like my mother helped make the school, no longer can we maintain our own demographic. Senior staff informed me they have no power over our own school. Creep State Rats impose third worlders on us. And it doesn’t matter how useless they are. W/o exception, there wouldn’t be a single black member of staff on merit!

    A common trick they use to disguise TW stupidity with the usual rat-dindu tag team vs YT. (Eg principal of The Goldberg’s + ‘Dr’ Holly on Dance Moms MO+HLS=AA.) One very black biology teacher was ‘Dr X’. I’ve long known that TCS’s LMTTI credentializes The Great Replacement. I suspected the common dynamic:

    1) Look for clever black
    2) Can’t find one
    3) Pick RELATIVELY clever one
    4) Gets crappy undergrad from 3rd rate poly
    5) Rat infestation of higher ed
    6) Education (like all humanities) postgrads = whiney poz BS
    7) Black doctor
    8) Imposed on White School in magical thinking this makes him smart
    9) It doesn’t
    10) Can’t sack him bc WAAAAAAYCIZUM

    Knew this was the case. Asked a fellow supersmart TA (doing PhD in bio at night) at works drinks. He says to me his biology knowledge is weak & regularly makes elementary mistakes in lessons with 14YOs!

    My colleague was a biased stale pale male?
    No. My colleague was a yellow Filipino!!!!

    But this man wasn’t the MoS who shocked me about Rat malevolence. Just dumb incompetent. A nasty SJW witch of an English ‘teacher’ took even someone as already RP’d as me. An utterly repellent personality & demeanor that viscerally repulsed everyone – pupils, teachers, TAs. Think that ghastly frizzy shrew on the SkyNews debate panel show ((((½ black)))) in looks & politics. Everyone HATED her.

    The Deep State manipulation was most obvious with this hysterical shrew. You could hear her classes from anywhere on the same floor, such was the kids’ visceral disgust with her obvious PC hectoring &her total ignorance of disciplinary techniques. For obvious reasons she taught lower ability classes & younger ones – Part of the reason for dumbing down of the curriculum is simply the stupidity of the AA darkies TCS forces on even ‘Good Catholic Schools’ who don’t want them. We had a huge dept – 10+ LSD staff, yet I noticed this particular vile shrew almost NEVER had any of us TAs in her class. The low ability class she taught had lots of statemented pupils. The only possible explanation is the rats don’t get hi on their own supply & wanted to cover up diversitardity & foist darkies on good White institutions DESPITE KNIWING FULL WELL THE INCOMPETENCE!!!

    I was only in her class twice – about 2 weeks apart – so there is NO WAY her hysteria could be blamed on pmt. I generally got to know PMT & none of her behaviours was consistent with it. One of the poems she taught was the very definition of cringey, exactly like that hilarious:

    Mama was chocolate
    Dadda was vanilla
    Me is better

    Crud from Chris Jackson. It was a poem that was obviously chosen by her, as it had ZERO literary value, & was crudely written & demonstrated no sophisticated rhythm or metaphor. Something like:

    A bit of Bangladeshi
    A bit of Jamaica
    A bit of Nigerian
    Make modern Britain

    Exactly what the Creep State wants – no education, no culture, no civility, no quality. Just crude indoctrination. Chris Jackson is right – Homeschool your kids.

    Not once in my time at school – as a pupil or TA – did I hear Beckett or Shaw mentioned. Curriculum is rigidly controlled by pozzed (OFSTED); All about cringey, mawkish black lesbian female authors ’empowering’ w/o reference to quality. No wonder poor w/c White lads fail! 3 main purposes to Cuckstain education:

    1 social engineering
    2 social engineering
    3 social engineering

    We all know 1984 should be compulsory as it reflects today. Not bs by mawkish ch!tyy Shakespeare about lovely widdle fairies running round magic kingdoms sprinkling potions. Don’t get me started on the sanctimonious POS sleeping pill to kill a mockingbird! History is pozzed to + you’d think the Suffragettes were the most important!

    White Boys KNOW they’re being cucked over. Took some statemented/SEN lads for help in a separate room. I never told any of them my politics, yet I had to beg them to stop telling me nog jokes! I was flattered they felt comfortable enough to to that with me. They had a visceral consciousness (even tho most of them were of lesser ability) that the elite rats & dindu thugs like Sanchez/Stirling got priority over them. If ‘No Justice, No Peace’ isn’t the very definition of a chimpout what is! Yet msm tries to portray cultmarxism as ‘young & trendy’. BS! It’s poncey liberal 50+ White ppl who swallow it. WcWM know exactly that they are discriminated against. I really hope those lads weren’t so open with 1 DSR plant in my Dept. Anglo name, not the repulsive anti-nature recessive features of Miriam margargoylis. Many other class teachers tribal. They don’t make it obv, so they needed to be careful about the yebta perma fixture in my dept. Anyone RP knows who she’d favour in a conflict between obligations to goyboys & her chance to get the Diverchittey PColice involved!!!!!!

    Deep down these White lads & dindu baller thugs threatening NO JUSTICE NO PEACE (chimpout) know that dindus + rats can’t compete with Civilized Europeans on merit, so use violence to intimidate, since Whites score higher in civilization, looks, personality, IQ, organization, creativity etc…. NO JUSTOCE NO PEACE – translated into plain English:

    Listen cracka, we’re gonna mess up yo civilization, even tho we’d never dream of going back to our mudhuys, unless you promote 100x higher than our ability, & ruin your own traditions, of free speech, civility,peace ……!!!

    They’re not interested in justice; they’re interested in maintaining their Black Supremacist privilege via distraction. Everyone knows black players get all the major decisions against White players, such is msm & referee PC manipulation. That’s why Sterling/Sanchez keep up their intimidation. Just ask a member of the French Empire of Africa XI & his scandicuck ref. Small simian brain, long simian arms – yeah play basketball if you wanna, I’m so terrified of you calling me racist & chimpingout that you can bouncwyball from trees!!!!!

    Anyone who thinks the dindus are organizing this themselves know nothing about the NAACP. Another vparasite race at the top of society with high IQ & ratlike cunning run pantifa/blm – I see a giant ‘Russian’ Nose growing like Pinocchio from Stamford bridge.

    The main reason for school racial segregation isn’t even IQ pt competence – it’s maturation rates. White kids can be bullied by thugs, tho chronologically same age, is actually aa lot more mature & streetwise. A toxic mix when added to teachers brainwashed to favour ethnic types & (((msm))) psyops making them wanna imitate thugs. HOMESCHOOL!!!

    The kids all called this hysterical new student Englush pgce SJW ‘Avatar’. Never met anyone who elicited such a visceral contempt as her, such was her shtewish, hystetical, incompetrnt, transparent attempts to hector sjw issues into all w/o tact or humour, as a means of neutralising competence. Around this time there was a major (((Hollyweird))) film by that name & she looked just like the main character. Not unusual for kids to give teachers nicknames, it happens to qualified, popular, competent First World teachers too. The hilarious thing was that even the staff called her Avatar! I never knew her name (don’t think she introduced herself). Normally a big taboo about showing a united front in front of pupils. The reason was everyone was so exasperated by her SHC ways – 1) disrupted there own lessons, 2) had to cover her lessons + meetings about her. I knew my (new) HoD was a PC type, with the usual PC airheaded CultMarx bs her demographic had. Yet even she was exasperated at having to cover her lessons & called her ‘Avatar’.

    Looking back, the amount of (((Creep State))) + (((infiltrator staff))) needed to keep her at the school was astonishing! I had seen student teachers who were kicked off their course who were FAR better than her simply bc the experienced staff didn’t rate her. Yet the staff rated Avatar far less. So how did she survive. The dynamics of (((diversity lawyers))) forcing this ‘Good Catholic School’ to be overwhelmed with incompetent Turd Worlders must go like this; the truth of what Kevin MacDonald said about anti-White behaviour being incentivized by the Deep State:


    Looking back now, I think I even OVER-ESTIMATED TW competence. Deep State knew of me & school right-wing rep. Most of us ultimately suspect blax are promoted well beyond their merit in Cuckstain, but I’d’ve thought that among the millions they could’ve found one person to keep up the PozPaganda. But no. Virtually NONE of them would have a ‘suit job’ based on merit. Beforehand, I would’ve guessed about ¼!

    Part of the reasons Poz hates White Men is bc race issues are obvious to him as he is least susceptible to msm psyops. That’s why medicult ‘profession & admin karens mess him over at all stages.

    Kids take ppl as they are SO It’s much harder to brainwash them. The sjw poz-ism is an effect of (((education+msm))) smoke & mirrors. If someone is incompetent, a kid will say it, eben if that person is dark, degenerate, feminist etc…. That’s why the medicults barrier, admin catladies desperately try to discriminate against White Men. We tend to be honest, whereas lower m-c WW are VERY easy for TCS to manipulate. Same with most public sector. I’ve dealt with Londonistan councils for a relative – it’s basically make work for black women. Curriculum + DMV lady in states – WOW – almost as if same group of rats either side of Atlantic transfers wealth from talented, creative hi IQ WM to lazy, dumb obese diversitards. I don’t even live in a diverse borough. But any urban arwas in gbr, guarantee you’ll see blacks overrepped,women overrepped. Do it. Obviously far easier for sinecure council jib than teaching. In teaching, pupils + exam rrsultts catch affirmitard actiinists out!!!!!!!

    Another funny thing was how msm lies (ofc only court history could be taught)were the exact opposite of reality! A friend told me as a NWM there is absolutely no point in me applying for any job in the public sector. As an Irishman it’s almost impossible.

    The school wasn’t to my taste, but my friend told me as an NWM you get what you can. Esp with the bigoted DOBs still allowing discrimination against Irishmat. ANd at our own schools. He said: “if you’re a black, lesbian, fat, disabled, obese hooknose Muslim, the public sector MUST give you a job”. I guess most of us know this, but quite the lengths they go to benefit blacks specifically in education amazed even me!

    One of my main reasons for agreeing to work in that school was Catholic Schools were one of the few places an Irish NWM could get a job w/o abuse & discrimination from the bigoted DOBs (dirty orange britfags). But the bar studs won’t eben let us (my HlD was an Irish woman) choose our own demographic. The DWALBREAKER for me was this, might not have agreed to work for them if I knew how cucked they were + it was actually not a very good school for that (krapp PE dept, no football/cricket, old-fashioned, stuffy, no modern music etc). Take a photoshoot of my dept in a Catholic school most time I was there you’d NEVER guess what it. Was. You might say Hindu, muz, kosher rtv… Like a CM diberchitty wet dream!!! When I say discrimination, I mean NEGATIVE discrimination, such that this was the only job I could get, not what blacks understand by discrimination – AA jobs, BWbeing physicists(!!!!!!!!), msm / ARSE numinous roles, unsackable cuzza ‘DAT be waycist’ rat gvt lawyers/polssticking their giant Nose into got Catholic schools etc…

    Funny thing is the butter BS ofsm poz pwnd just open your eyes. Dunning-Kruger effect is obvious – it was the black boys who complained most about the bio-teacher. (Everyone complained about the Eng-teacher she was so repellent).

    Also sitting in a class I could see how conscious they were of their meritocratic handicap. Whilst assisting an SN child in a low ability class which was about ½ black, I overheard them voicing this. The school streamed the forms in each year by ability – THEre were 6 forms per year, each form was given a ‘House’. The lowest form of each year was called the ‘n’ set (random name so as not to give too much away, tho all the kids knew exactly what went on). The ‘HouseMaster’ of the year put up photos of all the new first year pupils. I must confess that I hadn’t thought much about it until I heard one of the black pupils being taught in the room say to another: ‘see most of the new n set is black’. The school was relatively White for Londonistan standards (10-20% black). Tho most people who came back after being away remarked it was more diverse. (ARSE DE MONTFORT NAUSEATING BOMBAST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

    Maybe the HouseMaster was an EVIL STALE PALE MALE using his privilege to undermine the black boys’ conference. He was certainly male. Whether he was stale is open to debate. But he SAF wasn’t pale by Amy definition!!! He was a dark as coal south Indian mathematician. Most of my #2s are lighter than him. In fact, he was darker than most of the African pupils themselves!!!!

    The anti-White dynamics of the public sector were revealed to me during break time whilst supervising the LSD. One of my fellow TAs – a senior black woman was discussing educational psychologists (which our dept had a lot of contact with). She said: ‘So many people have said that I should become an EdPsych. They say it would be easy for me to become one, with so many black boys having problems.’ EPs earn hundreds of pound an hour courtesy of the cucked NWM taxpayer (& loads have infantile grammar, I discovered when proofreading work for my boss). Here we see the perverse incentives that the rats instigate throughout the Cuckstain state sector:


    Because of massive TNB we should reward the black community with 1000s of £s. I can easily believe it. All sorts of TNB is indulged to ‘even out’ suspension rates. Teachers are pressurized not to officially discipline blacks, whilst overreacting to White Boys to obfuscate issues. Let me state: one of my fellow TAs was herself a deep state rat plant!


    This was all at a school that was resented by the educational establishment & considered ‘right wing’. It wasn’t right wing – most of the staff tended to be almost as brainwashed by Frankfurters as others. Everything is relative. Chatted to a teacher who had taught at ghetto schools in lunch hour a few times. He told me with fear in his voice what those schools are like, the ignorance, violence & poverty. The racial undertones were obvious (he was a White Cockney), but such is the fear of the DS in ed that he couldn’t NTN even off site in casual convoy, such is the trotskyist terror.

    I must emphasize a lot that this was BEFORE The Creepy Gnome turned the RCC into the cuckalick church. When it still expressed the values of the Europeans who developed it.

    NHS (needs to e defunded as much as the BBC) + medicult ‘profession’ in Cuckstain totally pozzed. Major branch of creep state rats screening out WM from teaching to pushCultM. Hi, Matthew Prickey!!!!!

    Every working class White Man in Cuckstain knows that if he’s up against a black man with similar qualifications / experience / personality for a job what the result will be. Even SLIGHTLY better credentials it would be the same result! Before he’d have ANY chance of trumping diversity, pozzers, catladies, retards, rats, (((hr))) & the Creep State he’d have to be SIGNIFICANTLY better credentialed than out numinous friend. That’s why so many NWM don’t even bother & have the worst results – everything in the ‘education’ – really BRAINWASHING INDOCTRINATION – system is designed to abuse him.

    Don’t expect much help from many White female teachers either! Some were good & moral, but many were judasrat brainwashed Stepford Wives. It became so obvious to me why The Creep State likes stacking the public sector (ofc paid by WM taxes) esp ed with Karen’s – latch onto any ideology, gullible, susceptible, disloyal etc… No doubt many of them actively prefer to get blacks results then Whites.

    Ironically the reason we needed Catholic Schools is bc of the NEGATIVE DISCRIMINATION the Irish faced among dirty, hypocritical, orange Britfags. One of the attractions for mr was i thoughtvit might be one of the few places in londpnistan to get away from affirmitards! Poor Irish (& to a lesser extent Spanish/Polish etc…) Peasant families like my own helped to create the values of such schools. I don’t see anyone demanding to go to Rastafarian schools – but then (((forced bussing))) only works 1 way here or in the States! Wasps+Rats in private schools are unaffected, & maliciously impose third worlders on us, being the degenerate jusasratscum they are. As a normal White Irish Man in (((Gross Cuckstain)))) there is no point applying for jobs; my colleagues tell me TDSrats are giving less room – more social engineering, less freedom, more Frankfurter ARSRS growing their huge dirty orange Chavski ‘Russian’ Noses like Abramovich’s nose bending round all those corners.

    Yes ofc throughout the history of the British police normal, upstanding, attractive White Men firmed the Police. But ofc in Cuckstain 6 million laws against that & ‘Russian’ Nose stretches 6 million contortions with ARSE colleagues to prove Cressida Diyk PigScum always were fat, lazy, northern obese black women.

    Rats letting any White Men have freedom of association or meritocracy in anything above 2 ppl – About as likely as a normal White Irish Man seeing a dermatologist on the NHS!!!!!!!


    Working class White Man spends years as a construction worker in freezing cold & rain outdoors building a school. On the last day he falls off the roof, breaks an arm & a leg. Can work no more. Wants to retrain as a teacher at the school he built. Trust me – this lad would be SHOCKED at the lengths the Deep State & its brainwashed Karens go to cucked him over… Even tho he built the darn thing & would make a better teacher than half the ‘qualified’ ethnics/Karens there!!!!


    Be careful tho – you can deplatformed as racist for saying WHITE LIVES MATTER

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