Monetization of Great Quarantine

Here is the revelation (in german) I am about to translate it to you. It explains one important mechanism of how Great Quarantine is profitable for its organizers.

The background for the cited news item goes without prooflinks, for it is plain to see already. First they prohibited all small businesses, leaving people without means of sustaining life, this is already profitable for transcontinental giants who are somehow magically exempt from Great Quarantine, and it makes entire working population of the world desperate, and desperate people are easier to govern. BUT! Antagonizing the entirety of the working population is a risky move and it requires a lull, which comes easy nowadays — simply give them “monetary compensation”, it worked as a pacifier perfectly and even made happy a significant part of the victims.

At this point the very few sober voices tried to wake up the population: PRINTING MONEY DOES NOT CREATE VALUE! — in vain, of course. BUT! As it turned out (and revealed in Germany already) the plan was more sophisticated than mere money printing.

This massive “subsidy” pacifier, is not only a lull, it is a significant shift in the recipient’s LEGAL STATUS. By accepting the “subsidy” one makes himself emotionally and factually dependent on the govt, and legally RESPONSIBLE TO THE GOVT as he is now spending “free” money “given” by the govt. And it is not even evil on its own — if I pay you, I do expect some certain amount of responsibility for which I do pay. The evil part is attached: now the German govt is going to claim the infinite amount of responsibility from all subsidy recipients, and strip them down naked, demanding fines and damages far surpassing the amount of the “subsidy”!!!

So that they FORCED you to accept the “subsidy” and the previously non-existent responsibility, they DRAGGED YOU INTO the brand new legal field where you have no rights, and you (and people en-mass) entered this NEW RELATIONSHIP with the govt without knowing what this relationship entails. They performed it globally at once, and in such a manner that people had no incentive to resist. Then they begin to fulfill the evil part of the bargain GRADUALLY, picking on you all ONE BY ONE. Without haste, the govt reaps the crop! Every single “subsidy” recipient suddenly owes to the govt everything he has and much more. And your govt is pretty determined to squeeze you dry.

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