More Than Half Of America Is Preparing For A Civil War


A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, […]

[…] , 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, […]

[…] 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, […]

It comes as the 2020 presidential race is getting hot, with both sides ginning up support from radicals, and clashes a regular thing. It also comes as the Black Lives Matter movement continues to conduct heated protests to the point of riots in some cities.

The virus is also playing a big role in the nation’s anxiety. A majority of those who are stockpiling food and essentials are doing so because of concerns COVID-19 will spike, as many in government are predicting.

Haven’t we all already known that this is going to happen someday?

People get rumbled up, they’re sick of the COVID Lockdown, they’re sick of niggers destroying their neighborhoods and they’re sick of leftists brainwashing their children.

The only thing that came to my mind when I read this statistic is this Quote from Hitler:

“When diplomacy ends, War begins.” 
― Adolf Hitler

6 thoughts on “More Than Half Of America Is Preparing For A Civil War

  1. Hitler was right – the reason why he was correct on virtually everything that he ever talked about was the fact that he was willing to speak truthfully about what was needed to be said and didn’t go through the motions of simply sugarcoating those things that needed to be exposed like we do nowadays.

    The reason for why we are in the difficulties that we are in now is not because there was a way to avoid them; quite the contrary – to avoid these interlinked and very interdependent problems you actually needed to have courage to speak about them. Instead, everybody took the easy route and as a result things became more and more convoluted and mixed up. No one was willing to deal with the real issues had on which would have been the responsible way of dealing with problems.

    Rather, everybody acted like everything was fine and the lines that the Jews had drawn was the course that everybody desired to follow, when it was actually not. As things began to unravel more and more it’s become more and more difficult to speak out against all these problems without being called a white supremacist or racist. So, people continue to be silent and the problems continue to fester. The only safe and sound solution to everything is racial separation and recognition that peoples need to go their own separate ways.

  2. If Biden gets elected tens of millions of immigrants will be storming the borders He has promised to give healthcare to 340 million people including illegals The USA will go up in flames and white people need to protect themselves Have your guns loaded

  3. yeah if it makes sense. I’m glad people are seeing it finally, I think most of us saw it coming decades ago.

  4. Guatemala: Migrant Scum Give Up on Evil Plan to Invade America and Suck the Life Out of Us

    President Trump didn’t do everything he’d intended to do, but he did stop a whole bunch of this sludge from entering into our once-glorious nation.

    Now, they are downhearted, with their evil plans not destined to come to fruition.


    More than 2,000 migrants on Saturday dropped their bid to reach the United States after Guatemala threatened to expel them out of concern they might spread Covid-19.

    The group, mostly made up of Hondurans who set out last Thursday from San Pedro Sula, asked local authorities to help them return home, the Guatemalan president’s office told news media.

    An AFP journalist saw some being loaded into army trucks for the return trip.

    But some small groups said they remained determined to reach the US to escape the poverty and violence in their home country.

    “My country is shitty. I should go live in a better country, made by evil white people.”

  5. There isn’t going to be a CW2. Their side has a bunch of skinny jeans wearing soy boy cucks with blue hair done up in a bun, and our side…….
    It’ll be over in under 15 minutes.

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