New Camera Technology Checks If You Wear A Mask Or Not


A new technology being used in shops in Thailand and other countries to enforce coronavirus restrictions conducts a face scan to check if the customer is wearing a mask and refuses entry if they don’t have one.

“My local shops in Thailand. In 2 seconds scans my temperature and to see if wearing mask. Doors don’t open if not. 3 cases in 100+ days here. ,” […]

The system resembles something you’d see as part of airport security. The customer walks up to a screen which displays the words ‘Face Detector’. The system then scans to check if the customer is wearing a mask before allowing them to pass through a barrier.

Many of the respondents in the Twitter thread supported the idea, but others warned that this was another example of how people are being forced to accept the “new normal.”

“I wish people would stop championing and normalising this nonsense,” commented one user. “We will never get back to 2019 Normal if we continue down this road. A global over-reaction of epic proportions – we’ve been utterly played by the Chinese over this one. I bet they can’t believe it themselves.”

Another respondent pointed out that a similar system was also being used in Scotland.

With the world increasingly heading towards a Chinese-style social credit score system, it’s possible that in the longer term, the technology will be used beyond masks to refuse entry to people whose faces have been entered into a database.

It could also be used to enforce a myriad of other restrictions, such as forcing people to face scan before they use the Internet (already being introduced in China) and refusing access if their social credit score has dropped.

China has already combined its COVID-19 track and trace system with the Communist country’s social credit score program.

In August 2019, the Communist state bragged about how it had prevented 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

This article speaks the truth, we’re heading towards a social credit score society where big brother is always watching you.

The whole COVID stuff is getting more absurd every new day.

The best you can do is to prevent shops that have these installed and never come back to them, to show them that you’re not one of these COVID slaves.

3 thoughts on “New Camera Technology Checks If You Wear A Mask Or Not

  1. Certain people (David Icke and others) who research global developments foresaw this years ago and they were ridiculed.
    Then in 2018 and 2019 I noticed several other (more ‘listened to’) internet players’ articles frequently discussing the Chinese model surveillance state as the blueprint for western nations.
    Where Icke goes others follow.
    He has a lot to say and should not be ignored.
    Now the future is overtaking us and we are not laughing now.
    I do not think technology can be stopped now, it will eventually outsmart humans and become very dangerous.
    The psyop merchants who were the catalyst for this looming global disaster might live to regret – or die as a result of – the part they played.
    Based Kraut – I like your articles.

    1. Glad to hear you like them 😀
      Technology sure is a big problem especially if its being used for mass surveillance.
      We can already see it today, big companies like Google or Facebook who abuse their massive market share.

      1. especially if its being used for mass surveillance

        Yes that is not good.
        Used to create digital profiles of people.
        Profiles as tools to remove/permit your freedoms, predict what you are going to do next, and even modify your behaviour (mind control).
        We should resist and fight against all this intrusion, imposition, and everyday life restriction.
        Some ‘conspiracy theorists’ say it is a fake pandemic and that a dangerous vaccine is the near term goal.
        I do not trust governments.
        Collaborators, politicians, known funders of organizations who brought the world to this sorry stage need to form an orderly queue in the woods . . .

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