New Zealand Re-Elects Horse-Mouth Globalist Whore to Power

New Zealand is finished.

A horse-mouthed, fire-breathing liberal femoid who supports open borders and nigger worship has been elected once again by the braindead populace of New Zealand.


Jacinda Ardern has won a second term as New Zealand’s Prime Minister after her success at handling the country’s coronavirus outbreak helped secure a landslide victory. 

With 87% of the votes counted, Ardern’s center-left Labour Party has won 48.9% of the vote, meaning her party looks likely to score the highest result that any party has achieved since the current political system was introduced in 1996. 

“Tonight, New Zealand has shown the Labour Party its greatest support in at least 50 years,” Ardern said in a powerful victory speech on Saturday night where she referred to the difficult times ahead for New Zealand. “And I can promise you: we will be a party that governs for every New Zealander.”

Coalitions are the norm in New Zealand, where no single party has ever won a majority of votes under the current system. 

Labour’s main opposition, the center-right National Party, is on 27% — down on last election’s 44% and likely to be the party’s worst result since 2002. 

National leader Judith Collins said she called Ardern to concede defeat and congratulate Ardern on an “outstanding result” for the Labour Party. 

Results are still being counted. Final results will be released in three weeks once special votes — including those cast by New Zealanders living overseas — are counted.

Even her opponent was a femoid. New Zealanders had to decide between two liberal femoids as to which one they want to drag their country further into the mult-racial hell pit.

What a blackpill.

Most people are too stupid to be entrusted to elect the right leaders. Democracy is the rule of idiots over smart people. The masses are untrained imbeciles who follow the trends pushed by jew-media outlets. Whichever candidate gets the best coverage, wins the election, usually.

Trump was an exception to that rule because there are enough smart white men in America who consume better media sources. But Trump is just controlled jew opposition so it didn’t do any good anyway. These rat jews have all the bases covered in sham democratic elections.

Only a ruthless, iron-willed fascist dictator can’t sort this mess out.

3 thoughts on “New Zealand Re-Elects Horse-Mouth Globalist Whore to Power

  1. What a pleasure it is to consider that after one’s lifelong, daily absorption in political thought and investigation, one has as many votes as the feeblest of the mentally feeble who are swayed by pathetic rhetoric about what “the American people” want. I think of this a lot as the U.S. election approaches and I anticipate casting my paltry little vote.

    I also know of the great correlation between IQ and birthrate. The countries with the highest average IQ, South Korea and Japan, also have the lowest birthrates. (Europe is second to East Asia in height of average IQ and lowness of birthrate.) The countries with the lowest average IQ, in sub-Saharan Africa–black Africa–have the highest birthrates. What can this mean except that over time the stupidest will decide elections, even if they don’t vote at the same rate as the fewer and smarter?

    Democracy must lead to failed or deeply defective societies.

    No surprise, I guess, that women have risen in political power as democracy’s vogue has grown. Women have a lower average IQ and their historical intellectual achievements are practically nil. Even now, with more freedom in some ways than men have, NO women are on the cutting edge of thought, science or technology. Their majority presence in universities now, is ironically more a result of their intellectual backwardness than their actual intelligence. Caring for things intellectual not a tenth as much as men care, they are docile students who faithfully parrot back what the teachers tell them, for the sake of things like grades and graduation, not out of a hellbent pursuit of verity. The scholar imitates, conforms, replicates; the genius questions, rebels, originates.

  2. I used to be a believer that women did have the right to vote. Now I’m totally against that idea and I believe that women should not be allowed the right to vote and in fact the idea of voting should be returning to the idea that was in the founding fathers viewpoints.

    Namely that only wealthy educated white men who are men of property should be given the right exclusively to decide the fate of the country. Not only are wealthy white men capable of understanding (if they are of moral character) the nuances that go into governing a nation state they are also those people who are most interested in preserving their essence by voting for ideas and policies which benefit their descendants. It’s a mistake to let any nonwhite, or Jew, or woman the right to decide any issue whatsoever. Jews will only vote for their own interest and the others are too ignorant to make decisions that are in their best interests.

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