Our Life is Under the Strict Control of the Faceless System of ZOG

Codreanu’s Disciples Tortured By judeo-Bolshevists (by frosthate)

Lyrics to the first song in the video above (Russian song translated to English):

all that is pure, holy, eternal is immortal
waking up, I will see the milky way
the first step towards the wind is so difficult
led by starfire into infinity
where the gods die of old age
where the lines between the feelings of mortals are blurred
their souls shine like stars in the endless sea
in the eternal search for the truth of the fiery runes
and echo will blow into the desert rocks
where the wind rushes over the sea of not melted snow
where the pines remember their youth
thousands of years passed like a moment
but the ships are sailing over the horizon
where the sky and the bottomless sea merge
they never return to their native shores
by the will of the gods or against it

you should know – the milky way is only for those who are open in heart
and who is ready to forget someone else’s in order to find his own
only he is worthy of the path of the gods

One thought on “Our Life is Under the Strict Control of the Faceless System of ZOG

  1. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was a true patriot and red blooded man. He would have saved my country from 50 years of communism.

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