Poll: 30 Percent of American Women Under 25 Are LGBT Degenerates

And to think there are still people who doubt me on the Woman Question?

The American Conservative:

Here’s a fascinating article from New York magazine on the massive gender gap between Trump and Biden supporters. It contains this eye-popping claim, buried deep down: Neither the societal shift away from traditional gender roles nor the downstream cultural consequences of that shift are anywhere near complete. As Rebecca Traister has incisively argued, the growing prevalence of singledom among America’s rising generation of women is one of the most potent forces in contemporary politics. In 2009, for the first time in history, there were more unmarried women in the United States than married ones. And today, young women in the U.S. aren’t just unprecedentedly single; they also appear to be unprecedentedly uninterested in heterosexuality: According to private polling shared with Intelligencer by Democratic data scientist David Shor, roughly 30 percent of American women under 25 identify as LGBT; for women over 60, that figure is less than 5 percent.

David Shor is one of the best data people the Democratic Party people has. Take this seriously. Has anything like this ever happened to any society, ever? Three out of ten women under the age of 25 consider themselves to be gay or transgender. Five percent, sure. Maybe even eight percent. But thirty? Will they always think that? Maybe not, but these are their prime childbearing years. The US fertility rate is at a 35-year low, and there’s no reason to think it will rise. Some critics blame structural difficulties in the US economy that make it harder for women to choose to have children, but European nations make it vastly easier for mothers, and still cannot get their fertility rates above replacement.

What’s behind this is primarily cultural. We have become an anti-natalist society. And further, we have become a society that no longer values the natural family. We see everywhere disintegration. Yesterday, on the Al Mohler podcast, I talked about going to a conservative Evangelical college a few years back, and hearing from professors there that they feared most of their students would never be able to form stable families, because so many of them had never seen what that’s like.

And now we have 30 percent of Gen Z women claiming to be sexually uninterested in men. There is nothing remotely normal about that number. It is a sign of a deeply decadent culture — that is, a culture that lacks the wherewithal to survive. The most important thing that a generation can do is produce the next generation. No families, no children, no future.

That’s right, thanks to the selfish and idiotic life choices of young women, America is destined for societal death and collapse.

Women are mindless trend-followers. And the trends that the satanic jews in the media tell women to follow is nigger-love and LGBT lifestyles.

If one quarter of young American women are dykes who’re uninterested in men, where does that leave young men in the dating market? The majority of the other three quarters of young American women are raging shitlibs who refuse whatsoever to date conservative men, let alone white nationalist men.

One could surmise that this poll is inaccurate because young women are just saying they’re LGBT to be hip and trendy when in reality they’re still hetero. It doesn’t matter. What sane, honest man would want to date a mentally ill defective femoid who identifies as a dyke or bisexual mutant even if only for appearances?

These women are hopelessly broken and unfixable. They’re wastes of bone and flesh. Men would have a better time with a sex robot or prostitute than most of these atrocious modern whores.

Polls and studies continue to show that modern women are a nightmare and that young nationalist white men are up shit’s creek in trying to find a remotely traditional and tolerable female mate.

9 thoughts on “Poll: 30 Percent of American Women Under 25 Are LGBT Degenerates

  1. The politicians are importing third world immigrants that breed like rabbits here by the tens of millions North America has been sold out to the third world by these vote buying traitor politicians Now we are going down the drain just like all these other shit hole countries

  2. So, where does one go to find a nice woman that has an education, morals, values, and despises jews, niggers and decadence? Someone that understands the differences between genders and the difference between equity and equality? Following is a list of women that have characteristics that are awe-inspiring. Perhaps there is a modern-day Viking woman in my or any of our futures. Let’s hope.


    1. I was shopping today in and took notice of something. Every white woman I saw was with a black or had a black kid. I also saw asian men and women together, sows and bucks together, south asians with south asians, White dykes with white dykes, etc. I felt like I was in a Stephen King movie. Ain’t right.

    1. Yeah. This is definitely bullshit, as Meistro Miguel Serrano said… if it is from a jew, it must be dismissed as lies until otherwise proven absolutely to be true. However these girls nowadays are thoroughly mind-controlled via hollywood and the media.

  3. So, if it is projected that one in two children will have autism in the near future, 80% boys (because it’s predominant in males), then everyone will be retarded! The Future is bipolar Female Lesbians with anxiety disorders gossiping & catfighting. Total social collapse! ‘Acceleration,’ some will say. The left will adopt the cause of mental illness and come up with welfare plans and redefined terms. Modern warfare is so dystopian.

  4. The innermost ideas of promoting homosexual relationships will only guarantee that those who do not reproduce will never pass on their genes. Their offspring, or lack thereof, will never carry on any bloodline of a homosexual.

    Homosexuals will wipe-out themselves.

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