UK: Jewish Housing Charity Doesn’t Give Flats to Non-Jews

Rodent Jews only help other rodent jews and the UK judicial systems says that’s great.


A small legal challenge has turned into a precedent-setting case about whether someone in today’s Britain can be prioritised or denied housing on the basis of their religion.

The law isn’t always right and it’s not just people who can be taken hostage.

In a disgraceful decision deemed legitimate by the UK’s highest court, a single mother with four children was refused social housing – because she wasn’t a Jew.

It’s that simple. 

The charity Agudas Israel Housing Association (AIHA) owns 470 houses in the London borough of Hackney. Local authorities promised, in October 2017, the next available home to the woman and her kids, two of whom are autistic.

AIHA refused to hand over the keys to any of its SIX four-bedroom, unoccupied flats.

Their argument was it makes offers “only to members of the Orthodox Jewish community. As Britain is a secular nation, the woman’s legal team found this claim astonishing and argued it had the same sentiment as the ‘No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish’ signs that were once displayed in some pubs. 

Lord Sales stated the charity’s use of positive discrimination was lawful, under the Equality Act 2010, in order to correct the disadvantage faced by the community. The issue apparently was not racism, but discrimination on the grounds of religious observance. The court considered the “widespread and increasing overt antisemitism in our society.”

Intolerance or hate speech of any form is unacceptable. But it’s hard to believe the courts and public reaction would have been the same, if this had been Islam or a group of Pashtuns from the Iranian border region.

Jewish affairs are treated differently. There’s a ‘kid gloves’ approach and they’re deemed to be culturally valuable, while other communities are sometimes dismissed as interlopers. AIHA’s founder Ita Cymerman-Symons, speaking last year about the legal action, offered the view: “Which non-Jewish person honestly speaking wants to live in the midst of a building full of Haredi men with all the beards, and all the chanting on a Friday night and all the children?

A homeless single mother with four children for one, along with many others.

Plenty of people in social housing endure noisy neighbours, potent cooking smells and screaming kids. But isn’t that wonderful? Diversity and living cheek by jowl with people who see, think and believe different things to you.

That’s a rich learning experience for anyone.

The fallacy of the AIHA’s superiority complex of viewing Orthodox Jews above others is, every public service is available to their members. And, of the charity’s 2019 income of £105,710, the sum of £39,716 came from British government grants. They won’t be stonewalled at hospital or refused entry on a bus, so why should they be allowed to create their small-minded kingdom with impunity?

These Jewish community leaders seem to be shutting out anyone who doesn’t align with their beliefs. It’s unhealthy and depressing, especially in a multicultural metropolis like London.

In this modern epoch of universal jewish privilege, these things are allowed, even encouraged, by the brutal ZOG government.

Jews are allowed to discriminate against non-jews in any way and the government will rubber-stamp the discrimination. Jews are allowed to run a larcenous and murderous ethno-state in the Middle East and Western jew-ass sniffing governments will throw money at it while promoting multiculturalism at home.

All is permitted when stinking supremacist heebs are in charge.

One thought on “UK: Jewish Housing Charity Doesn’t Give Flats to Non-Jews

  1. I don’t see a problem with them discriminating against whites if they own the houses and the funding is via their charity to help their people.
    I also don’t see a problem with whites doing the same thing against them.
    Fair is fair.
    However whites discriminating against jews is ‘woe betide’ and not allowed.
    That ‘no no’ is unfair and needs to stop.
    Also the jews can and do buy up whole areas to create ‘enclaves’.
    Nothing wrong with enclaves as long as they are not too sprawling, however we would prefer not to have them at all in our country.

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