4 thoughts on “White Man Gives Verbal Beat Down to Silly Liberal Femoid

  1. She is a perfect example of the femoid NPC.
    I try to interact with women as little as possible.
    Congrats to you for keeping your cool.

  2. http://www.renegadetribune.com/blm-freak-white-men-are-the-common-enemy-we-need-to-get-rid-of-them/

    BLM Freak: “White Men are the Common Enemy… We Need to Get Rid of Them”
    At a Black Lives Matter demonstration at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens in London on Sunday 19th July, a self-described mixed-race member of the LGBT community said that intersectionality “means recognising that there is one common enemy: the white man. The systems that they use are capitalism, patriarchy, and fascism. They were created and perpetuated by white men, for white men, in the interests of white men.”

    He added that “All of these groups of people, the issues they face, it all comes from the same people: white men. So we need to get rid of them,” he said, going on to suggest that people should “kill the rich”.

  3. I couldn’t help it, but I noticed throughout the entire course of the conversation my eyes kept being drawn back again and again to what appears to be a Band-Aid or bandage that appears to be right in the center of her chin. I can’t help but wonder did she get that Band-Aid due to a nick she got on her chin this morning while shaving ??
    I mean if she was shaving this morning then perhaps what we got here is that she (he?) might actually be a tranny. I mean think about it, who else but a tranny would be so defensive over all kinds of social issues if they didn’t have skin in the game so to speak.

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