3 thoughts on “Bloodthirsty Sadistic Murderous Jews Want to Exterminate the European White Race

  1. Jews could destroy us!!

    “Augmanity, a research company based in Rehovot, Israel, has synthesized molecular machines, made from nucleic acids, which are capable of digesting viral RNA and utilizing it to assemble additional copies of itself inside living cells.”

    Any device that can self-replicate in the wild is a bad idea.
    And being able to do so inside our bodies is a degree below in the scale of worse-ness.
    This sounds extremely irresponsible. It’s better to have it self assemble from parts made in a lab, but not self replicate.

    And if you really wanted to do replication, then you should design it to require a chemical not normally found in the body or in nature. You’d give the patient this extra chemical during treatment. And it would be unable to replicate without it.

    But even that can be risky. You want to make VERY sure that no mutation of your device will ever allow it to replicate without that vitamin.

    It’s safer to avoid self replication entirely.

  2. Some of your article banner images would make great Tee-Shirts.
    I cannot find anything online with the smiling jewish gentleman on.

    He appears in a number of your articles illustrating various suppressed truths.
    You could get printed a whole clothing range . . . to make your points (and earn revenue).
    After all . . . that is what they do . . . but they swamp the market with clothing logo designs to corrupt, steer and brainwash the masses.

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