Crafty Jews Want to Distract You With This Election Circus

The jews in power want whites to waste their energy backing one horse in a sham election that’s rigged against white people either way.

Trump and Biden are both jewish-controlled puppets. The jews will make one of these puppets slightly better than the other to create an illusion of difference and choice, but none of it amounts to much in terms of actual policy.

Jew-stooges Trump and Biden are two sides of the same Hebrew shekel

Trump won’t rescind birthright citizenship or deport all the illegals. He won’t stop brown people from flooding in the country every year. Biden will open the borders and legalize all the border jumpers.

They don’t support us, so we shouldn’t support them. Putting white energy into a jewish sham election is a mistake. American whites, and whites around the world, should either be attempting to create new political parties that we control or some other form of activism designed to promote white segregation.

Perhaps building a town like South Africa’s Orania as a safe-haven for whites.

Elections are shams. Only rich people can win elections in a fake democracy ruled by media and jew fiat currency. White nationalists can never win this game because our enemies control the game. It’s like trying to beat the casino at blackjack or roulette. You may win a few hands or spins of the wheel, but will eventually lose it all.

It’s time for whites to make a clean break from the Beast System and go our own way.

Start small by moving out of the big shitlib cities where all the degenerates and non-whites are. Move to a smaller white town, start a small business, and live frugally until you can get on your feet. Find a white female suitable for mating and start a family. Red-pill your fellow white neighbors.

Some of us are committed to the propaganda war and this is our mission. Not all are good at this or capable of it, so you can financially or otherwise support the people who are on the front lines fighting the information war.

Start small, grow, and take back your destiny white man!

4 thoughts on “Crafty Jews Want to Distract You With This Election Circus

  1. Joe Biden has been elected, meaning Kamala Harris is vice-president. I will speculate that she was chosen not for her impecable political record, but for her vagina and melanin. She is a three-in-one deal: South Asian, female and African. If…if Biden, enfeebled man that he is, is in any way incapicated, then she would be the HNIC. The predictions that I will make are bleak, but I see more liberal agendas being funded, police being defunded, immoral an reprehensible behaviors bec oming normalized, our hard earned tax dollars supporting those unwilling to work, and a Weed and Hennessey stand on every other corner replacing Starbucks. The attempts to rewrite history in efforts to villify Whites will accelerate. It’s going to look like a mix of Mad Max and a night at any club any hood USA.

    1. Did you really think at any time that trump was for real? This is EXACTLY what trump was put in office to do! Goddamn some you CLING to false hopes!


    Doug Emhoff. Hubby of Kamala Harris. Jewish. So, a black indian woman who is married to a jew was elected. That is a 4 for 1 deal. She wasnt chosen for her capabilities but for what she could bring the dems: votes. The coons were uppity about curious george so the dems knew they could use kamala to get votes. She wasnt even worthy of running for president and now shes second in command with a kike behind her. If they want to defund law enforcement then please begin with the secret service. Aunt Jemima and the Quaker oatmeal guy look a like can fuck off.

  3. You know the results and I’m sure you’re familiar with the hundreds of thousands of ballots for Biden being dumped in key battleground states so I won’t go over that-those hundreds of thousands of ballots were being dumped in the middle of the night while everybody is asleep… Curious huh ?!

    Wanted to try to make a quick response to the latest broadcast about accelerationism; the people who believe in that concept are those who are probably engaged in wishful thinking thinking that if people get angry enough they’re going to go ahead and rise up. It’s not impossible but it would be difficult.

    My personal take on the whole matter is that Biden is just a stand-in for Kemal Harris to come to power. If Trump fails to prevail and Biden’s installed to be the next president of the United States then I see NO REASON to think that this will NOT be THE LAST ELECTION that the United States will ever have. Before you dismiss that out of hand do remember that it only took Hitler ( who now looks to me like a moderate compared to modern American politics) to produce the enabling act which effectively suspended the Weimer Republic. I suspect that this will happen here in America if Biden takes power – we have seen incredible encroachments upon our liberties were now you can even speak certain phrases or words because it will be considered to be ‘Hate Speech’ and Internet platforms refused to allow certain viewpoints to be promulgated for the exact same reasons. So if Biden comes the power (i.e. Kemal Harris) then expect them to have a completed communist revolution.

    Lastly, the Jews (and yes I do believe they are running this whole show) as well as their paid cohorts have fully the intention to ultimately decimate the white race. Don’t think it’s beyond the possibility that those who don’t wish to go along will not be taken to a ditch and shot in the back of the head. These are people who want us dead – end of story!

    There’s only two possibilities-either we separate or the continued forcing associations between people who don’t want to be together will ultimately cause an explosion. So why don’t they want us to separate to ease the tensions ? It should be obvious: they don’t want to have any possibility of us escaping their grasp. They want to keep us within arms length so that when the time comes and the situation is appropriate they can deal with us the way they really want to deal with this. Don’t think this is beyond possibility.

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