3 thoughts on “Fat Jewboy Azamat Tries to Justify Zionist Subversion & Powergrabbing

  1. Very interesting debate… unfortunately this Israeli guy wasn’t that much bad… as it’s obvious he is Ashkenazim (AshkeNAZI) “Jew”… (Which by the way are not even real Hebrew, Israelite Jews)… and AshkeNAZIs were historically European’s the greatest pain in the ass. The fact is that almost all European countries during at least 1000 years tried to get rid of this Shtetl “Jews”… where the most successful happened to be England… as they got rid of Jews with the Edict of Expulsion (a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England on 18 July 1290), and remained free of that nasty parasite for some 350 years. The edict was overturned during the Protectorate more than 350 years later, when Oliver Cromwell permitted Jews to return to England in 1657, upon “intervention” of rabbi Menasseh ben Israel, who came to the country from the Netherlands to make the case for Jewish resettlement. Cromwell obviously got “soft”, as Jewish “intervention” always means bribery… so nasty parasite returned.

    Hence, every Jew has to be aware that “who knows why” they were never liked by anyone… starting with ancient Empires and Kingdoms. AshkeNAZIs brought Communism in 1917 to Russia… and by installing Hussein as POTUS they successfully finished conversion of America in a Soviet States of America, with soon to become ruled by single party… Democrat Communist Party of America. As America is much more profitable host for Ultimate Parasite, it is to expect that America-Communism (Judeo-Corporate Communism) would eventually last there longer from the Soviet one… unless some miracle might happen… massive armed Patriot rebellion… including significant parts of Military and some others from the System.

    It seems as Trump was just a temporary nuisance… which is why they removed him in a colossal Jewish “putsch”… and of course thanks to the huge collaborating support from the irresponsible utterly retarded Left… that has been “optimally” tranquilized with Jewish Cultural Marxism… the whole generations. Yuri Bezmenov explained that process in details when he warned America in 1984

  2. As of me… Without (organized) massive AshkeNAZI “Jewish” penetration in American society, and their cunning nepotistic infiltration in the System… Israel would be irrelevant factor. Without enormous American Military and Financial support it would probably cease to exist. As long as Jewish AshkeNAZI parasite dwells among us… in America particularly… we remain on the way of our total extinction… exactly the way how bastard Coudenhove wrote in his Practischer Idealismus… and “legendary” Barbara L Spectre confessed in her infamous interview to Israeli media some ten years ago.

    Adolf too made a huge mistake as consequence of his failed “Jewish Question” handling gave Jews two enormous leverages against dumb “Goyim” – Holocaust (Holohoax) and Anti-“Semitism”. Instead of attacking USSR he should have try to make a better deal with Stalin. The point is that Stalin in 1934 established Jewish Autonomous Oblast far in the east… and there should have been relocated all Jews from the Europe. Instead of starting the war against Britain and idiotically declaring war to the US… he should have tried to cut similar deals with these two to deport all Jews in JAO… and keep them there quarantined away from the rest of the world.

    The fact is that collective irresponsibility and ignorance in consequences equal with stupidity, where result is always one – DISASTER!

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