Power-Hungry Jews Call for Tucker Carlson to Be Fired

The cocky jew who runs the ADL is rampaging around trying to get Tucker Carlson fired because he called out the leftist agenda to demographically replace whites with third world brown people who will most likely vote for Democrats.

Tucker watered down the problem to a “voter rights issue” instead of a racial one, which it clearly is. This replacement agenda, which all Democrats and leftists support so they can win more elections, is about removing the white demographic bloc in the US so that left-wing politicians can stay in power forever.

The constraints of jewish-owned television in mind, Tucker won’t name this explicitly as a White Genocide, so he’ll only tell viewers it’s a voting issue. But that was a step too far for the haughty jews who are spearheading this replacement agenda.

In response to the ADL’s pleas for censorship, Tucker hit back at the jewish wasps nest by pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of the ADL, which supports ethno-nationalism for Israel while decrying it for white Americans.

The ADL wrote an explicit article on the issue of possible demographic change in Israel if Palestinians were given full citizenship in a bi-national state:

The proposal of a bi-national state, or a “one-state solution,” is nothing less than an indirect attempt to bring about an end to the State of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people.

The State of Israel was established out of the nationalist aspirations of the Jewish people and an international recognition of the rights of Jews to a homeland following millennia of persecution. While a Jewish state, Israel’s founding principles guarantee equal treatment and protection for all its citizens’ – regardless of religion, ethnicity or color.

A bi-national state, in principle and in practice, would mean the ideological end of the Jewish State of Israel and lead to the forsaking of Jewish nationalism and identity, along with its special status as a refuge for Jews fleeing persecution.

Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable.

It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.

Moreover, as Israeli analyst Yossi Klein-Halevi has argued, “the notion that Palestinians and Jews, who can’t even negotiate a two-state solution, could coexist in one happy state is so ludicrous that only the naive or the malicious would fall for it.”

Within certain intellectual circles the call for a bi-national Israeli-Palestinian state has gained traction. While couching their arguments in terms of egalitarianism and justice, proponents of a bi-national state are predominantly harsh critics of Israel, and use this proposal as a vehicle to further their advocacy against an independent Jewish state.

Some nationalist Israelis also call for a “one-state solution” whereby Israel would annex the West Bank and Gaza Strip and create one state incorporating this entire territory. Such a concept is equally unacceptable as Israel would then have to sacrifice its status as both a Jewish and democratic state. Were Israel to absorb these territories and make the residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip full citizens of Israel, demographic realities would lead to the effective end of a Jewish State of Israel. Should Israel annex these territories yet deny the non-Jewish residents full citizenship, Israel would no longer be a democratic state. Either choice is inimical to Israel’s founding ideology.

Any just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be based on two states, living side by side in peace and security.

The chutzpah and hubris is legendary. Supremacist ADL jews reject a one state solution to Israel-Palestine on the specific basis that it would lead to demographic change that could tip the balance of power away from jews. The ADL demands that Israel sustain its jewish demographic majority in order to maintain the jewish hold on power. They recognize demographic changes could lead to a reduction of jewish power in their own state.

At the same time, these sinister hypocrites lead the charge to censor white Americans who have the same fears for their country. The ADL are anti-white jewish vipers who view whites as their primary racial competition. By backing ethno-nationalism for Israel and opposing it for whites in America they’re ensuring a jewish victory over whites and the world.

This is why jews are evil and must be excluded from any white society if whites are to have any chance of survival as a race.

7 thoughts on “Power-Hungry Jews Call for Tucker Carlson to Be Fired

  1. Won’t play for me but I get the picture. Has anyone ever read, The Ugly Truth about the ADL. I heard it. William Cooper read it years ago and look what happened to him.

  2. That was oh, oh so very funny ! I like how at the 40 second mark in the video – old Bullet head says: “of course, today is Sunday and yesterday the ADL (All Dumbfuck’s League), was closed Saturday for Shit-bot.”

    Where you say in the paragraph below: “The constraints of jewish-owned television in mind, Tucker won’t name this explicitly as a White Genocide, so he’ll only tell viewers it’s a voting issue. But that was a step too far …”, No, I’m afraid you’re not correct in what you said. It’s not a step too far ever for the Kikes to ever have one go too far. There is no such thing as “too far”, because the concept in and of itself doesn’t even exist. You actually don’t even have to say anything for them to scream that you are taking things well out of the bounds of polite society. They only need the fragment of an excuse for themselves to scream that you are engaged in anti-Semitism. Any old excuse will do for them, they just need to spin it to their liking and then go on national media and claim how they are once again being prayed upon by those bad bad racists. After a while you want to upchuck it is so disgusting.

  3. The adl jew will no doubt brazingly say he’s a white man as most Jews say when they’re absolutely not, they just want to be white, we need to call out these mongol turkic middle Eastern asians

  4. Tucker is right, atleast he’s saying it- no politician will say any of this at all, all of them support Israel & noahide laws including Ron Paul & especially DeSantis. Replacement migration is exactly what it is, the UN has a document about it Entitled Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?

  5. I agree that is true he won’t call it a white genocide though, all of them dance around it. Not one person in media or politics will outright say it but atleast he’s bringing it up. Nobody can expect too much out of any of these ppl, this is as close as it’s going to get & they are already shitting their pants trying to get him fired

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