6 thoughts on “Racialist Man Chats With Liberal Woman

  1. Looks like your youtube embed was removed, so I watched this video on odysee. You made a lot of really good points. Hopefully it will get her to think. Well done.

    Regarding gender equality, the best example I can think of where women have more rights than men, is the fact that female genital mutilation is illegal, but male genital mutilation (mgm) is legal everywhere in the world, and promoted heavily in the usa… Its the jews that have been promoting circumcision in the usa since the 1840s. And it’s the jews that have blocked or reversed every attempt to ban mgm in the past decade. In 2018, the ADL sent iceland a letter threatening to damage their tourism industry and brand them as nazis if they banned mgm. And in 2020, jewish groups intimidated the danish givernment to back off from a circumcision ban even though 85% of the danes supported it. In 2012, courts in germany declared that circumcision of minors violated their constitution, and jewish groups were able to get legislation passed to reverse that decision…

    I will never forgive them for that. Please consider bringing that up the next time the topic of gender equality comes up.

    1. Good point about the MGM! Not only do male babies die of it every year in the US, but countless thousands of others experience repercussions that aren’t always apparent until they reach puberty and experience pain in sex. All male infants who undergo MGM experience loss of normal, functioning, and erogenous skin that would equal approx. 15 sq. inches in an adult male. Majority of MGM occurs in America and Israel. Gates pushes it in Africa telling people it prevents AIDS. Sadly, the men go and have more unprotected sex, spreading AIDS because it does not prevent AIDS. Gates is asshoe. The fake “Africa Study” that was touted by the mass media was not a legit. study. They gave different instructions to the men who were circ’d than they gave to those who were not. For instance, they told the circd men to wear condemns after having surgery, but told the intact me to continue their sexual habits. Of course the study “says” that circumcision helps prevent aids. Total BS> Also, they quit the study before it was even finished. Completely debunked. Circumcision actually removes specialized Langerhans Cells that are thought to help protect against disease, as opposed to causing more of it.
      https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17312-bill-gates-helps-fund-mass-circumcision-programme/#:~:text=By%20Andy%20Coghlan%20Microsoft%20founder%20Bill%20Gates%20last,than%20halve%20the%20risk%20of%20men%20becoming%20infected. Gates and his cabal friends do not care about us. They will use us for bogus studies and other experiments like this to promote their agenda. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2017.01676/full

  2. She had weak emotive woman mainstream arguments against Brandon’s common sense points, these lemons will believe everything the mainstream narrative says, no critical intelligent thinking at all.

  3. Dude you’re the man. You are so good at just talking to these people rationally and non judgementally they just open up to you. Amazing. It’s like deep down inside they hate all this shit too. They just need someone to give them a nudge. I’m realizing most whites are pretty open to these ideas when presented the right way.

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