6 thoughts on “The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 16, 2021): Amnats/Wignats Endorse Taliban; Cuckservative Acknowledges White Replacement”
Hey, I tried to tell you this several months back, and you blocked my comments. I doubt you whole forum is anything but controlled chaos designed for the collapse of western civilization. Stop blocking comments from Christians or continue to enjoy the collapse that you seem adamant to occur. Your entire understanding lacks the comprehension of what white mans religions are.
Salient facts. The system is broken beyond repair. People need to be careful not to become a boomer trying to save their luxuries and their weakness inducing addictions and poisons. Don’t put the ring on and expect to be free to use it’s power without penalty. (Paraphrasing) “Step aside. Let them crush each other. It is all political theatre. We have no allies, no sides. There are no sides. Step aside. Sides? I am on nobodies’ side. Because no one is altogether on my side.” -Varg Vikernes. Varg has some nazbol ways and his Nordicist ideology is not a working model that can succeed. Sort of like his paganism ideology will fail because it’s not capable of defending itself. But he has his moments of lucidity with this being one of the few things he’s said that has remained accurate with time. It’s good to see you also seeing this more and more with each video. You’ve evolved into a much more capable and dangerous foe for the enemies of our unique and most powerful race. We have to break the cycle of failure we’ve been forced into from birth. Instead we must embrace our own potential at the expense of everything else.
Fuck ZOG & the Taliban.
Why is that such a controversial position?
Ironically, Afghanistan was stable when there was Soviet & later U.S. puppet regime ruling them.
TRS are like Rebel News.
Both are good talking domestic issues,
but foreign issues shilling for Jewish regimes (Rebel News) and
Islamic & Communist regimes (TRS)
Ironically, the Taliban is the wahhabist-wing of the mujahiddean.
The same mujahiddean that strasserists & nazbols are against because they were backed by israel against the USSR.
Hey, I tried to tell you this several months back, and you blocked my comments. I doubt you whole forum is anything but controlled chaos designed for the collapse of western civilization. Stop blocking comments from Christians or continue to enjoy the collapse that you seem adamant to occur. Your entire understanding lacks the comprehension of what white mans religions are.
Salient facts. The system is broken beyond repair. People need to be careful not to become a boomer trying to save their luxuries and their weakness inducing addictions and poisons. Don’t put the ring on and expect to be free to use it’s power without penalty. (Paraphrasing) “Step aside. Let them crush each other. It is all political theatre. We have no allies, no sides. There are no sides. Step aside. Sides? I am on nobodies’ side. Because no one is altogether on my side.” -Varg Vikernes. Varg has some nazbol ways and his Nordicist ideology is not a working model that can succeed. Sort of like his paganism ideology will fail because it’s not capable of defending itself. But he has his moments of lucidity with this being one of the few things he’s said that has remained accurate with time. It’s good to see you also seeing this more and more with each video. You’ve evolved into a much more capable and dangerous foe for the enemies of our unique and most powerful race. We have to break the cycle of failure we’ve been forced into from birth. Instead we must embrace our own potential at the expense of everything else.
Fuck ZOG & the Taliban.
Why is that such a controversial position?
Ironically, Afghanistan was stable when there was Soviet & later U.S. puppet regime ruling them.
TRS are like Rebel News.
Both are good talking domestic issues,
but foreign issues shilling for Jewish regimes (Rebel News) and
Islamic & Communist regimes (TRS)
TRS will defend Cornel West & the Taliban but not Pat Buchanan & Atomwaffen.
Ironically, the Taliban is the wahhabist-wing of the mujahiddean.
The same mujahiddean that strasserists & nazbols are against because they were backed by israel against the USSR.