12 thoughts on “The Martinez Perspective (Aug 22, 2021): Analyzing the EMJ-Taylor Race Debate

  1. Fascism must exist or Catholicism has no teeth. Pope Pius XII knew this and backed Hitler and Mussolini as the new Holy Roman Empire’s military forces. Europeans must be exclusively involved in that process or that bird won’t fly.

    As a traditional Catholic and a Fascist, I reject EMJ and say he’s not even one of us. We need another inquisition to cleanse these non-Europeans; these Marxists. Masons, and Jews from the Church and Europe!

    We then need a recreation of the Holy Roman Empire that focuses entirely on restoring European Racialism and Militarism (Fascism) to enable Europeans by protecting us from foreign and internal threats and giving Europeans a source of cohesion based on Fascism and Europeanism.

    Without Fascism and the necessary inquisition forces, there is no point in the Church trying to exist! It will be infiltrated and destroyed from within otherwise.


  2. AMERICAN RENAISSANCE recently published a nasty rant by Fred Reed which displays total ignorance of the Jewish Question and a suspicious lack of even the most basic curiosity about the subject.

    Unfortunately Amren has repeatedly displayed dishonesty and cowardice of its own on the subject of the Jewish Question, most recently by publishing Reed’s idiotic rambling on the topic. According to Reed, Jews are simply far more successful than Whites in proportion to the degree to which they are far more intelligent, and anyone who resents Jewish power does so out of an inferiority complex. In Reed’s telling, White “bitterness”

    That is the most glaring weakness of AmRen, their steadfast refusal to even mention the JQ.

  3. The question of why Ancient Greek civilization reached levels modern so-called Christian civilizations in non-white areas have still not, can be explained very easily by Christian Identity. In fact, Christian Identity easily explains all the gaps in the narratives of both these men. Christian Identity is the absolute truth that both secular WNs and right-wing so-called Christians simply cannot bring themselves to acknowledge. And therefore they will always lack real answers to the most important questions.

  4. Religion is a factor.
    Not saying i wanted non-white christians in white countries,
    but just being white isn’t enough.
    Being White and having a semitic religion is no good.

  5. MP3 version is a great idea! I usually do something else while listening so only audio option is good for that. Keep up the great work.

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Martinez Perspective