Smash Feminism and Find Yourself a Wife

Under the banner of “female empowerment,” weak and subversive men have allowed women to usurp masculinity. The virilization of women and the emasculation of men has given rise to a palpable resentment between both sexes, resulting in an epidemic of divorce, domestic violence, and decrepitly low fertility rates. Ultimately, this has amounted to the erosion of the family. The pestilence of feminism crescendoed with the capitulation of the paternal order, where we saw straight white men reluctantly surrender power to women and other subordinate groups. Since this perversion of the pecking order, we’ve seen a gradual downfall of the West in almost every conceivable way. We therefore see a return to patriarchal society as a seminal task of Western man. We must break this distorted dynamic, first by reclaiming our masculinity, and then leading women back to their rightful designation out of politics and into the home as mothers!

“German women! German men! It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda is to German women. Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not forget that women raise boys to manhood. You know that the National Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily politics. This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not respect them, but because we respect them too much. We do not see the woman as inferior, but as having a different mission, a different value, than that of the man. Therefore we believed the German woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other areas than the man.”


Living in a sexually inverted age has made this task seem insurmountable; but it is us men, and only us men of the dissident right who possess any inkling of hope in restoring the natural order. Yet still, few men in our circles firmly grasp the female question: how to secure an ideal woman and what constitutes her role within the family and greater society.

A woman’s role in society is vastly different than that of men. Not less than, but different. Their contribution to society is of equal importance, but their strong suits and weak points are not equal to that of a man’s. As the saying goes, men are from Mars (the planet associated with virility and aggression) and women are from Venus (the planet associated with love and fertility). Another way to put it, men are more “left-brained” while women are more “right-brained”.

People are generally inclined towards thinking one way over the other. If you’re analytical and methodical, you’re a left-brained person. If you’re creative and artistic, you’re a right-brained person.

The left hemisphere of the brain dominates the following abilities and aspects of our conscious mind:

  • Thinking in words
  • Linear thinking
  • Facts Logic
  • Sequencing
  • Mathematics

And here are common traits of people who think more with the right hemisphere of their brain:

  • Guided by Emotions
  • Artistic and Creative
  • Attention to context
  • Visual skills
  • Intuition
  • Imagination
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Seeing the bigger picture instead of focusing on the details
  • Mood swings

As you can see, women are more right-brained than men. Obviously, there are women who are more left-brained or men who are more right-brained, but the rule generally applies to both sexes. This is why men dominate the STEM fields while women are overrepresented in professions related to childcare, customer service, and cosmetics.

Men also have larger brains and demonstrate a higher average IQ than women by about 5.0 IQ points when tested on non-verbal reasoning (problem-solving based around pictures, diagrams and shapes) according to a meta-analysis of 57 studies of general population samples.

While men tend to score slightly higher on IQ tests, women typically display greater EQ (emotional intelligence) as it pertains to empathy, particularly emotional empathy, or feeling what the other person feels. While empathy can be a useful survival trait when applied to your family and race, it can quickly become a terminal cancer if not curtailed by the more cold and calculated brain of a man. We’re seeing that today in which women and effeminate men are pushing for self-immolating immigration policies.

Naïve altruistic women make an easy host for foreign invaders and subversive parasites who seek to latch onto the breast of a nation and suck the milk of its lifeforce for their own sustenance. This is why women were barred from politics then and must be barred now before their warm embrace welcomes the death of our nations! The choice is clear: rescind women’s rights or reduce your nation to a pile of ruins!

The innate differences in men and women on a biological level are discernable and measurable. Recognition of these biological differences allows men and women to apply their strengths accordingly. But if men and women are not emotionally, intellectually, or physically the same, why have we upended every traditional gender norm? Why are men being subjugated by a humiliating gynocracy? In the same way we never should’ve made citizens and voters of blacks, but rather repatriated them back to Africa, we never should’ve made voters and politicians of women, but rather upheld them as the fertile womb of our nation. We have only ourselves to blame for not remaining resolute in our hierarchical worldview. We have become too soft-handed and flabby to maintain the natural order, so the tail is now wagging the dog. The weakest elements of society have undermined their inherent leaders, and the pyramid of power has been turned upside down.

“Looking back over the past years of Germany’s decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.”


So far, we’ve explored the general nature of women and how it contrasts with the nature of men. We’ve discussed how feminism has turned women against men and destroyed the family and thus our nations. Now let’s examine a woman’s proper role, as well as how to pursue and procure a woman.

The great irony is, those who are most alarmed by White Genocide are having the least children. This is likely due to the low agreeability and autistic tendencies of most race realists. If you’re an incel, I suggest exploring the manosphere for tips on how to approach women and develop attraction. If you’re a childless Chad, quit dicking around and get serious about settling down.

The importance of securing and impregnating a woman cannot be overstated. Our abysmal birthrate is the point upon which success or failure rests. Everything else is peripheral. The struggle we face is one of existence or extinction. Either we fight and spread our seed, or we die. Let that soak in the next time you decide to wank off instead of penetrating a flesh and blood female. Get out on the prowl and be on the lookout for the following criteria:

  1. Free of tattoos and other unsightly body modifications
  2. Dresses conservatively, without showing cleavage or lots of skin
  3. Is either a virgin or has a low body count
  4. Is free of venereal diseases and fertility issues
  5. Acts ladylike (mannerly, reserved, humble, apolitical)
  6. Knows how to cook and clean or is willing to learn

These days, the likelihood of finding a woman that checks all the boxes above is about as likely as finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. So use your discretion here. A woman who needs a little elbow grease may have some hope if you can use your mojo to mold her into Susie homemaker. But if she’s a complete train wreck, just forget about it and move onto the next.

These model wife Mennonite women are the last of a dying breed and a sobering reminder of what feminism stole from us.

Your goal upon meeting a woman is to develop attraction between you and her. Your goal is not to “redpill” her. There is no need to train her to become an expert on geopolitical and socioeconomic issues. The focus should be centered on seducing her with your charm and ability to hold a conversation. All the while, you’re acquiring intel on if she can perform basic household functions and bear children. The intention here is seduction, not political instruction. It can be a real boner killer to get into deep philosophical discussions with the opposite sex. These are subjects to be pondered and debated between two competing men. Do not bring women into a man’s realm of discussion.

When it comes to conversation with women, just KISS them. Keep it simple stupid. Take H.L. Mencken’s ideal scene with a woman from his 1918 book In Defense of Women for example:

“It is the close of a busy and vexatious day—say half past five or six o’clock of a winter afternoon. I have had a cocktail or two, and am stretched out on a divan in front of a fire, smoking. At the edge of the divan, close enough for me to reach her with my hands, sits a woman not too young, but still good-looking and well dressed—above all, a woman with a soft, low-pitched, agreeable voice. As I snooze she talks—of anything, everything, all the things that women talk of: books, music, the play, men, other women. No politics. No business. No religion. No metaphysics. Nothing challenging and vexatious—but remember, she is intelligent; what she says is clearly expressed… Gradually I fall asleep—but only for an instant… then to sleep again—slowly and charmingly down that slippery hill of dreams. And then awake again, and then asleep again, and so on. I ask you seriously: could anything be more unutterably beautiful?”

You’re trying to groom a lover, not a fighter. We need to lead women back into the kitchen and nursery, not onto the battlefield. We want soft-spoken housewives and nurturing mothers, not Fuhrers with vaginas. This autistic idea that we should recruit women to the cause confirms how far we’ve descended into the excesses of egalitarianism. Any man who tries to involve women in the political sphere fundamentally misunderstands the society we’re trying to create and the role of women in that society. We know women are not simply dudes with boobs, so stop being complicit in this masculinization of women.

We as nationalists understand there are topics of discussion, as well as obligations that belong to the world of men and others that belong to the world of women. Politics and war, for example, are arenas that should be left to men. A man should see his interaction with a woman as an opportunity to destress and unwind from daily life rather than enflame tensions by pulling her into the struggle Nature herself has imposed upon us men. Small talk and whispers of sweet nothings are on the menu of acceptable dialogue between beauty and the beast. See your woman as a well-earned escape from the troubles of life, not as an opportunity to brood over them.

The irony is so many nationalist men are under the impression they need to get women on our side; that we need to make our political struggle a woman’s business. They truly believe that if we don’t appeal to women and try to convince them on the issues, we’ll never win the war. This is a leftist fallacy! Women only need a cursory understanding of basic fundamentals, so they can be better mothers, but they don’t need to study it like we do.

Just let women be women again! And part of being a woman entails being feminine and submissive to men on these matters; not becoming experts on racial theory and nationalism. Let them live in the world of small talk and trivialities. Let your woman devote her energy towards choosing the pillows, what fabric the curtains are, what color to paint the walls, and other womanly concerns. Your job is to keep her content, happy, and provided for. Don’t drag her into this nightmare that we as men have been forced to fight!

In the same way you wouldn’t dictate how your wife decorates the home, she should trust your judgment on political matters and the political worldview you plan to impress upon your children. If she’s not willing to fulfill her role as a woman, and she wants to challenge you on the boundaries you govern as a man, you can remind her who’s the boss of this domain.

She doesn’t have to know anything about politics to acknowledge your authority. Besides, it’s easier to convince a woman to trust your judgment than it is to explain in elaborate detail the esoteric schemes of global elites. Save her the headache. All you need to do is reassert your male dominance in a leadership capacity, establish sexual attraction, and she will submit to your authority.

If she refuses to surrender control on these issues, then she’s not Waifu material and it’s time to hit the eject button. Don’t be a pushover by trying to placate her. A lot of guys make the mistake of trying to appease a woman by telling her everything she wants to hear, thinking it will keep their relationship on good terms. This happy wife, happy life boomer mentality is the surest way to lose a woman’s respect. Women will try to control you, but deep down they’re just testing your manhood. Subconsciously she wants a strong man, so she will test you to see if you’re a man of conviction or a pussy.

Don’t be a slave and let her follow your lead because I can assure you, having a woman who recognizes her supporting role as a wife and a mother is much more valuable than any woman who is politically active or ‘redpilled’. You can teach her basic truths, but we don’t need women to be champions of the movement. That is our job. You just need a woman to respect and desire you by being a confident and uplifting guy.

This is not to say women cannot be racially aware. They should have a vague sense of racial loyalty, but you don’t need to go any further than instilling in her a sense of love and duty to her people, which can be instilled AFTER you’ve gained her loyalty and affection. You’re not going to gain her attraction with these topics, so that’s a conversation you have after you’ve consummated your relationship. Don’t try to put the cart before the horse. Once you gain a woman’s attraction, she will follow you into the depths of hell.

Beware of any woman who is hyper-political or extremely online. Women who are hanging out in male dominated circles have either assimilated a more masculine temperament or they’re there to soak up the male attention. Actually trad women are either apolitical or intuitively acquainted with nationalist ideas. They’re not dwelling in political chatrooms, or play-acting like this stupid broad.

These e-THOTs are not looking for a monogamous relationship online either. They’re just looking for an ego boost from a flock of thirsty guys. This movement doesn’t need “fashy” right-wing girls. It needs women who are ready to pop out white babies, and that’s going to take a lot of sacrifice and commitment on their behalf. If a woman’s not doing that, and she’s instead hanging out online in overwhelmingly male political chats, my question is, what are her motives? Why is she not chitchatting with other girls, exchanging recipes or gushing about her latest crush?

While men remain egalitarian homos, more women will try to pick up the slack and assume the roles of men; but it is important to recognize that this is not a positive development. More women attention whoring on social media and insinuating themselves in male discussions means men have failed to tame their women and mold their daughters into mothers. If you find a woman on the internet and she’s not advertising a respectable business or has some other legitimate reason, tell that THOT be gone and banish her back to the kitchen!

It is, however, important to note there are exceptions to this rule when it comes to female political personalities; but they are by far the exception. As the saying goes, the exception does not disprove, but rather proves the rule. By and large, normative women will have no interest in political squabbling or right-wing activism. Those who do engage are generally tomboys. Some women may have got an extra dose of testosterone while in the womb and feel their personality doesn’t match their biology. Just be wary of the “trad” THOTs who are in it for the ego trip and the beta bucks. You can usually detect the latter by her faithful following of beta male orbiters.

While women should be shielded from the political stage and the battlefield, they can still get an education and pursue a career. Driving women out of the workforce is not only unnecessary, but impractical in this Jew-rigged economy backed by ever-inflating fiat currency. The problem isn’t women in school and the workforce per se. The problem is women being brainwashed by pop culture to prioritize careers over children. 

We can remedy this situation by enrolling our daughters in Classical Education schools free of anti-white Marxist propaganda and by petitioning for pro-natal policies which provide support for working mothers. A woman must be given the social support to bear children during her best reproductive years. A woman’s fertility begins at the age of 15, extends into her 20s, and rapidly declines in her 30s. Research has shown that a healthy 30-year-old woman has only a 20% chance of getting pregnant! So long as the conditions are met for a woman to sustain the life of our nation, she can receive a sound education and contribute to her share of the work for which she is best suited.

Men of the West, this is my appeal to reason. The biggest impediment to defeating feminism is not women. It’s the spineless cucks who can’t bring themselves to stand up to them. To the limp-wristed SIMPs, get off your knees and quit pandering to women! To the socially-awkward autists, get out of your comfort zone and start approaching women! Uncuck yourself at once and recapture your destiny as the captain of this ship. As revolutionaries, fate has enlisted us to restore the fraternal order of men and break free from this hypnotic trance of equality! And with this rekindled fire in our bellies, we will lead our women back to their rightful place – out of politics and into the home as mothers!

2 thoughts on “Smash Feminism and Find Yourself a Wife

  1. This results in a lot of women and girls raping, trafficking, and abusing men and boys until it backfires when males kill them in retaliation. You know how strong and intimidating males are. But for women to sexually abuse boys, it’s easy because boys are too weak to fight back compared to men.

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