4 thoughts on “Martinez Absolutely Torches Slippery Triggered Jewboy

  1. One sweeping statement he repeatedly made was that no presidents have ever been jewish.
    That is believable if you stick to mainstream sources like wikipedia and genie.
    Miles W. Mathis is particularly good at spotting scrubbed family historys and name changes typically done by jews covering their tracks.
    Opinion of researcher Miles W. Mathis.

    1. “Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish”

    2. Part of this paper suggests Abe Lincoln was too.
    Addendum March 11, 2020: You know who else was Jewish? Lincoln . . .

    3. What about FDR, JFK, LBJ.
    I remember somewhere in one of MWMs papers him saying that all of the presidents were jewish.
    Most were certainly freemasons. Many were from ‘the families’, nobilty, peerage connections. Uncover their ancestral tracks and you will the find jews mixed in, but usually concealed.

    Repeating phrases like “all the presidents were christian” or “6 million jews died in gas chambers” does not make it true, although morons will probably believe it.

  2. . . . at 40 minutes.
    He is trying very hard to ridicule and belittle your talking points, interrupting and fast talking until it actually makes him look foolish and shallow and uninformed.
    Not much knowledge of 911 or he is feigning ignorance.
    Keep it on track with the facts

  3. ‘Lucky Larry’ lost rent and then had the hassle of court cases and bad publicity particularly regarding his very lucky absence on the day in question.
    Money and assets even billions are not as important as staying alive. Agendas and doing as you are told might also have played a part. Who knows what deals and secret agreements go on?
    One thing is for sure, the families who lost loved ones on 911 lost the most.
    Brandon correctly points to clues that Israel had a hand in it.
    Jonah states he is a leftist.
    Many leftist agendas are thought up and enabled by jews as are rightist agendas.
    Agendas typically contain dialectics with jews controlling both sides (which is clever you have to admit).
    Whites it would really help you if more of you were jew aware.

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