8 thoughts on “The Martinez Perspective (Jan. 21, 2022): Analyzing Jewish Apologisms”
“Jew”. What thoughts come to your mind when you hear this word? None? But something clicks in the brain, right? Some switch works.
It brings some discomfort for a second.” This doesn’t happen with the word “Belarusian. Nothing happens when you hear “Moldovan” and even “Gypsy”. However, this magic word makes shudder and raise eyes nine Ukrainians out of ten. Usually, this word is pronounced by the townsfolk somehow in a whisper, especially if the conversation is about someone familiar – “and you know, he is (in a whisper) a JEW.”
I remember my childhood. I don’t remember where I first heard (heard it on the grapevine) of this nation, but one day I asked my mother: “Mom, is Brezhnev a Jew?” I remember the way she looked at me. It was 1981…
My brother, a man who is absolutely not evil, fed pigeons and put a scare into sparrows to remove them from the bread crumbs. He did it with the words “well, flow away, JEWS”. I believe that many people’s attitude towards people of this nationality is formed in childhood; it was absorbed with mother’s milk, or with semolina – for sure.
Many books have been written regarding the “Jewish question”, as well as the stories about “cunning Jews preventing us from living” are passed down from generation to generation… So what kind of nation is this terrible? Why they poison the air? Who are they? Although, I repeat, too much has already been written, and I want to express my assumption about why my beloved Ukrainian people dislike beautiful Jewish people so much. “And God created man.” Opponents of the divine creation of the Earth often ask a question that, in their opinion, can knock the ground out from under the feet of any believer: “Where did the blacks come from if Adam was white?” Well, firstly, I don’t remember describing the color of Adam’s skin, and secondly, WHO SAID THAT THE GOD HAS CREATED ALL PEOPLE? If you want to consider monkeys as your ancestors – consider it! Now about the Jews: the Bible clearly says – all people are made by the God. Well, this is for those who do not consider the Bible just an entertaining little book.
Where did this monstrous hatred of the Jews come from among my Orthodox brothers? From illiteracy? Or the eternal search for those responsible for their plight? Or from a deeply, completely ingrained mental “hi and everything will be bad with them, like it is bad with me?” Yes, that is, that is – I personally have not seen a single poor Jew. People know how to work. “That stench is cunning!” And what exactly is the trick? In order not to drink away the money earned in a crowd? Do not fall, drunk, on your face in the dirt on the street, but take the money to the family? Does this sacramental “cunning” consist in the fact that a Jew will not pass by earning money, considering that it is not “suitable” for him to do this?
At the beginning of the last century, more and more Jews, whose country was the Russian Empire, hated, restricted the rights in every possible way and killed Jews, organized pogroms. Jews went to America. Often this “journey” took 14-17 days. Those who left earlier, in rare letters home, described a country in which they were treated like people, not like cattle …
So, those who survived the voyage and ended up on the coast of America settled in the ghetto. Three families lived in one tiny room. And they worked. Much and hard. This generation gave America many doctors, excellent lawyers, businessmen and scientists. Contrary to logic, ALL the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto subsequently found themselves in professional sense. The only comparison that comes to mind is “phoenix bird”…
What else do my beautiful people dislike so much in this nation? The way Jews have close kinship and family ties in general? Well, yes, leaving a child in a maternity hospital for a Jewish mother, as well as for a father, seems impossible, absolutely insane. In Jewish families the elders are revered, like in no other nation, they are strongly attached to each other and to children. A child is simply a favorite in each family, for each father and mother. Here they follow every “step” of this little human. And this little human – when he grows up, matures, creates his own family – he will love his child the same way. And this is not understandable to many people. Well, this sounds like wildness in our time …
What to say of “Jewish deceivers” and “dishonest Jews”. in all times there lived Jews who walked the path of truth. That is why the Jew, according to A. Gorky, “were that beacon where a relentless protest flared up proudly and high above the whole world against everything dirty, everything bad in human life, against acts of human violence, against disgusting vulgarity and spirituality.“ And how, in fact, could this mighty voice of love for truth not arouse the hatred of those who build their mansions of lies and deceit on the foundation of violence and crime?” – A. Gorky reasonably asks in his article “The Jewish Question”. Are Jews evil? Who thinks so, just try to show Jews that you are their friend. A true friend. The result will not be long in coming. The previous caution has disappeared. It turns out that Jews are kind and sympathetic people.
And where does this distrust come from? This is a result of travelling around the world, and sometimes I have noticed a monstrously cruel treatment of them. They were offended (and oh, how to put it mildly!) by Christians, who, according to the Bible, were supposed to bring only love to the world! And in general, how could one treat Jews like this, as the first Christians, and most importantly, Jesus himself (!) were Jews?! I’ll go and tell some “your holiness” on Christmas and I’ll also get it hot and strong…
Two Jewish boys studied with me. I offended them. The guys were good. However, I “hooked” them for any reason and for no reason. Simply because they are Jews. Both Maxim and Gleb have been living in California for 14 years now. I tried to contact them several times. To apologize. For my wickedness and stupidity. By the way, let us speak of “greedy Jews”. Many dogs lived at Gleb’s house. Therefore, Gleb and his parents paid for the flight of seven dogs. A very expensive flight. We all thought it was crazy…
“Jew” means, “liberated” in Aramaic translation. People who have thrown off the yoke of someone else’s oppression (Egyptian or Uzbek – it does not matter) – they can be called Jews. I have thrown off the heavy yoke of dislike to these people. Thus, I am a Jew, and what a Jew! I was delving for a long time, talked a lot with Jews while trying to understand them. I haven`t understood them.
However, I have taken a shine! I love this people. I love them with an inexhaustible energy, eternal vitality, the ability to find a way out of any situation. Jews are like an apple tree: no matter how bad the weather, it gives us ripe fruits every year. Like the sun. As a small stream that keeps running…
I love the poetry of this people, I admire their wit, I can listen to their songs for hours. It is beautiful; sometimes it is unrestrainedly cheerful, infinitely sad… I apologize for the oppression, rudeness of my people in relation to the beautiful people – the JEWS. Shalom to you brothers. Mazl tov, dear…
It is interesting to me (Jewry problem ) because I was born, grew up, and absorbed the anti-Semitism of the Ukrainian people. And I like to breast the current. I love Jewish people, perhaps contrary to the opinion of my environment. However, what is interesting that very few people believe that I am not a Jew, but a purebred Ukrainian! The amazing thing is that everyone believes that only a Jew can so selflessly “fit in” for the Jews. (From an interview in the New York newspaper “Jewish World”, 2011)
Actually – Sharii is a false-refugee, shabbes-goy freak, hired by the Zionists (Khabad sect) to lead Russian propaganda against Ukraine. Shame on Spain for sheltering him! He must be deported asap!
“Jew”. What thoughts come to your mind when you hear this word? None? But something clicks in the brain, right? Some switch works.
It brings some discomfort for a second.” This doesn’t happen with the word “Belarusian. Nothing happens when you hear “Moldovan” and even “Gypsy”. However, this magic word makes shudder and raise eyes nine Ukrainians out of ten. Usually, this word is pronounced by the townsfolk somehow in a whisper, especially if the conversation is about someone familiar – “and you know, he is (in a whisper) a JEW.”
I remember my childhood. I don’t remember where I first heard (heard it on the grapevine) of this nation, but one day I asked my mother: “Mom, is Brezhnev a Jew?” I remember the way she looked at me. It was 1981…
My brother, a man who is absolutely not evil, fed pigeons and put a scare into sparrows to remove them from the bread crumbs. He did it with the words “well, flow away, JEWS”. I believe that many people’s attitude towards people of this nationality is formed in childhood; it was absorbed with mother’s milk, or with semolina – for sure.
Many books have been written regarding the “Jewish question”, as well as the stories about “cunning Jews preventing us from living” are passed down from generation to generation… So what kind of nation is this terrible? Why they poison the air? Who are they? Although, I repeat, too much has already been written, and I want to express my assumption about why my beloved Ukrainian people dislike beautiful Jewish people so much. “And God created man.” Opponents of the divine creation of the Earth often ask a question that, in their opinion, can knock the ground out from under the feet of any believer: “Where did the blacks come from if Adam was white?” Well, firstly, I don’t remember describing the color of Adam’s skin, and secondly, WHO SAID THAT THE GOD HAS CREATED ALL PEOPLE? If you want to consider monkeys as your ancestors – consider it! Now about the Jews: the Bible clearly says – all people are made by the God. Well, this is for those who do not consider the Bible just an entertaining little book.
Where did this monstrous hatred of the Jews come from among my Orthodox brothers? From illiteracy? Or the eternal search for those responsible for their plight? Or from a deeply, completely ingrained mental “hi and everything will be bad with them, like it is bad with me?” Yes, that is, that is – I personally have not seen a single poor Jew. People know how to work. “That stench is cunning!” And what exactly is the trick? In order not to drink away the money earned in a crowd? Do not fall, drunk, on your face in the dirt on the street, but take the money to the family? Does this sacramental “cunning” consist in the fact that a Jew will not pass by earning money, considering that it is not “suitable” for him to do this?
At the beginning of the last century, more and more Jews, whose country was the Russian Empire, hated, restricted the rights in every possible way and killed Jews, organized pogroms. Jews went to America. Often this “journey” took 14-17 days. Those who left earlier, in rare letters home, described a country in which they were treated like people, not like cattle …
So, those who survived the voyage and ended up on the coast of America settled in the ghetto. Three families lived in one tiny room. And they worked. Much and hard. This generation gave America many doctors, excellent lawyers, businessmen and scientists. Contrary to logic, ALL the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto subsequently found themselves in professional sense. The only comparison that comes to mind is “phoenix bird”…
What else do my beautiful people dislike so much in this nation? The way Jews have close kinship and family ties in general? Well, yes, leaving a child in a maternity hospital for a Jewish mother, as well as for a father, seems impossible, absolutely insane. In Jewish families the elders are revered, like in no other nation, they are strongly attached to each other and to children. A child is simply a favorite in each family, for each father and mother. Here they follow every “step” of this little human. And this little human – when he grows up, matures, creates his own family – he will love his child the same way. And this is not understandable to many people. Well, this sounds like wildness in our time …
What to say of “Jewish deceivers” and “dishonest Jews”. in all times there lived Jews who walked the path of truth. That is why the Jew, according to A. Gorky, “were that beacon where a relentless protest flared up proudly and high above the whole world against everything dirty, everything bad in human life, against acts of human violence, against disgusting vulgarity and spirituality.“ And how, in fact, could this mighty voice of love for truth not arouse the hatred of those who build their mansions of lies and deceit on the foundation of violence and crime?” – A. Gorky reasonably asks in his article “The Jewish Question”. Are Jews evil? Who thinks so, just try to show Jews that you are their friend. A true friend. The result will not be long in coming. The previous caution has disappeared. It turns out that Jews are kind and sympathetic people.
And where does this distrust come from? This is a result of travelling around the world, and sometimes I have noticed a monstrously cruel treatment of them. They were offended (and oh, how to put it mildly!) by Christians, who, according to the Bible, were supposed to bring only love to the world! And in general, how could one treat Jews like this, as the first Christians, and most importantly, Jesus himself (!) were Jews?! I’ll go and tell some “your holiness” on Christmas and I’ll also get it hot and strong…
Two Jewish boys studied with me. I offended them. The guys were good. However, I “hooked” them for any reason and for no reason. Simply because they are Jews. Both Maxim and Gleb have been living in California for 14 years now. I tried to contact them several times. To apologize. For my wickedness and stupidity. By the way, let us speak of “greedy Jews”. Many dogs lived at Gleb’s house. Therefore, Gleb and his parents paid for the flight of seven dogs. A very expensive flight. We all thought it was crazy…
“Jew” means, “liberated” in Aramaic translation. People who have thrown off the yoke of someone else’s oppression (Egyptian or Uzbek – it does not matter) – they can be called Jews. I have thrown off the heavy yoke of dislike to these people. Thus, I am a Jew, and what a Jew! I was delving for a long time, talked a lot with Jews while trying to understand them. I haven`t understood them.
However, I have taken a shine! I love this people. I love them with an inexhaustible energy, eternal vitality, the ability to find a way out of any situation. Jews are like an apple tree: no matter how bad the weather, it gives us ripe fruits every year. Like the sun. As a small stream that keeps running…
I love the poetry of this people, I admire their wit, I can listen to their songs for hours. It is beautiful; sometimes it is unrestrainedly cheerful, infinitely sad… I apologize for the oppression, rudeness of my people in relation to the beautiful people – the JEWS. Shalom to you brothers. Mazl tov, dear…
It is interesting to me (Jewry problem ) because I was born, grew up, and absorbed the anti-Semitism of the Ukrainian people. And I like to breast the current. I love Jewish people, perhaps contrary to the opinion of my environment. However, what is interesting that very few people believe that I am not a Jew, but a purebred Ukrainian! The amazing thing is that everyone believes that only a Jew can so selflessly “fit in” for the Jews. (From an interview in the New York newspaper “Jewish World”, 2011)
Hi, Brandon! Guess who wrote that crap?
The article I posted. Guess who wrote it? Anatoli Shari : https://www.google.com/amp/s/elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2021-05-20/un-juez-investiga-el-acoso-de-neonazis-ucranios-a-un-activista-oculto-en-espana.html%3foutputType=amp
The article was taken from here: http://zelikm.com/news/2010/03/08/%D1%88%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87-%D1%80-1978-%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BD/
Brandon, help to make the Spanish aware what kind of freak they sheltered
Actually, help deport him to Russia, where he belongs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZWA8LC0brI&t=2s Sharii the shabbes-goy`s pro-Israeli video. He is based in… Spain… in Barcelona
Actually – Sharii is a false-refugee, shabbes-goy freak, hired by the Zionists (Khabad sect) to lead Russian propaganda against Ukraine. Shame on Spain for sheltering him! He must be deported asap!
Sharii mocks Roman Pope for supporting gays. The irony is that Sharii pretends to be pro-gay, probably, when visiting Spanish stupid authorities. Deport that stupid grifter!