5’2 KGB midget Vladimir Putin has made it pretty clear that he views himself as the saviour of the brown races of the world, not the White.
Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted earlier today that the “globalist” world order is “totalitarian” and is “holding back creative pursuit.”
Putin made the comments during a forum in Moscow.
The notorious leader claimed that the west had only achieved its global preeminence due to the historic plunder of other nations and had no moral right to enforce a unipolar model on the planet.
“The model of the total dominance of the so-called ‘golden billion’ is unjust. Why should this ‘golden billion’ among the planet’s population dominate others, impose its own rules of conduct?” Putin asked.
“Based on the illusion of ‘exclusivity,’ this model divides people into first and second class status, and is therefore racist and neo-colonial in its essence,” he added.
“And the globalist, supposedly liberal ideology which underlies it is increasingly acquiring the features of totalitarianism, holding back creative pursuit, free historical creation,” Putin claimed.
The Russian President went on to stress his view that the globalist world order was built off the exploitation of other countries.
“Of course, this ‘golden billion’ did not become ‘golden’ by accident. It has achieved a lot. But it did not only take up its positions thanks to the realization of some ideas, but to a large extent due to the robbery of other peoples – both in Asia and Africa. That’s what happened.”
He then proclaimed that western elites are terrified that their global order is being dismantled.
“No matter how much Western and so-called supranational elites strive to preserve the existing order of things, a new era is coming, a new stage in world history. And only truly sovereign states can ensure high dynamics for growth and become an example for others,” said Putin.
The West is racist and neo-colonial, goy. The West is only on top because it “plundered the world” of resources. Putin sounds like a typical college campus leftist, doesn’t he? All he needs to do now is dye his hair pink and he can join up with the local social justice mob at Evergreen State.

Putin will save you from racist Westerners who want to oppress global POCs…. by taking out all the Nazis in Ukraine. The KGB midget throws in a couple shots at “liberal ideology” to keep his gullible right-wing goober fans in the West on their leash. Mixing anti-White/anti-Western attacks with anti-liberal (Putin never really defines what he means by ‘liberal’) rhetoric is pure Duginism, playing to both sides of the spectrum at once to keep them eating out of the Kremlin’s blood-stained hand. The puzzling part is that he shares the same view on race and ethnic exclusivity of nation (he calls it “caveman nationalism“) as his ‘liberal’ counterparts in the West, so it seems that he is only selectively using their failed multicultural policies against them as he tries to perfect analogous policies in Russia and ban any opposition to it.
In true KGB chameleon style, Putin simultaneously criticizes the West for failed multiculturalism, while hailing his own multicultural policies in Russia as a success, so the banal critique is merely that they didn’t do it right by building enough mosques and bringing in enough Eurasian mutt hordes from Central Asia, like he does. He also complains that the West hasn’t been “inclusive” enough of the non-White world in its success. Sounds precisely like Putin is trying to one-up the deranged diversity mongers in Washington and Brussels by advocating for a diversity and inclusion program on a global level, just as the Kremlin pushes for a yearly resolution at the UN to ban “hate speech, racism and xenophobia” globally.

I notice a whole lot of projection here. Russia has done its fair share of conquering and plundering of neighbouring states, and Putin is currently embarking on such a crusade in Ukraine as his marauding troops loot and pillage every Ukrainian town they enter. This is the reason he’s even making this critique. It’s another classic “whataboutism”.
“I’m invading and dismantling the nation of Ukraine so I can loot it for my own personal gain…. but you did this to Africa 300 years ago so you can’t criticize me for doing it… at least I’m killing White people while you killed precious Blacks.”
That’s more or less the script.

Also notice that even when Putin makes some common sense statements about issues like gender which every basic conservative believes, he manages to obfuscate the issue by collectively blaming things like gender fluid garbage on “the West”, aka all White people, instead of its true architects, the Marxoid Left. He never blames the Marxoid Left, or Judeo-Leftists, he scapegoats the entire Western hemisphere just like Dugin so he can sell you his anti-Western “Eurasian multipolarity” model of “inclusivity” by giving the global East and South (aka non-Whites) a bigger seat at the global power table.
Really, what Putin and Dugin advocate is supplanting Western power with Brown/Asiatic/Mutt power because the browns, Asiatic bugmen and mutts don’t care when he rains hellfire on White-European countries like Ukraine. In fact they support him doing so as “revenge for Western colonialism in Africa and the Middle East”. “Multipolarity” is just a codeword for Eastern globalism (Eurasian Union, Shanghai Cooperation Council, African Union, Belt & Road).

When Putin attacks “the West” he’s not even slighting just the current globalist-controlled governments of the West, he’s attacking it as a concept, as a geographic zone, as a race…. and he conflates whatever governments happen to presently be in power with the “geographic zone” of the West to apply collective guilt and shame on White people, even though these current governments are doing the most damage to White people, which he never points out.
Putin the 5’2 KGB midget is on Team Non-White. Only 80-IQ QAnon types and demoralized wignat ZAnon Eurasianists fall for the hype.

I’m honestly shocked to see that someone is aware of the fuckery that Putin and his shithole of a country is pulling off in the west, I thought the West was lost and full of Putin fans. As someone from the Baltics, there’s much I could tell you about the rooskies and what Russia is about nowadays.