Diversity Hire Trevor Noah Brings on a Man in a Wig to Talk About Sports

Diversity hire Trevor Noah, the host of the Daily Show which was previously hosted by the anti-White scumbag jew Jon Stewart, is now trotting out men in wigs to advocate for the tranny takeover of women’s sports.

It’s surprising that Noah is giving airtime to White men in dresses seeing as they’re competing with niggers for the oppression Olympics gold medal. The cross-dressers have almost trumped the blacks as the top of the intersectional victim stack, but it seems they’ve formed a temporary alliance to combat the common White cis foe.

The reason that the Daily Show hired Noah is because he’s a South African black with intense racial resentment towards Whites. The Daily Show is little more than a cultural tumour advancing the full decimation of what’s left of Weimerica.

Since retiring from the show, Jon Stewart, the termite jew who cut his teeth gnawing away at the moral fabric of the nation, has dedicated what’s left of his miserable career to attacking White people.

Like all jews on television, Stewart does the (((fellow White people))) Hebraic bit to shame and guilt-trip Whites into accepting their own racial displacement and cultural demise. He believes that by larping as White, he can ingratiate himself with naïve and trusting White folk while he brainwashes them into ethnic sadomasochism.

But this racial guilt tripping does not carry over to his rat-faced jewish tribe, though. You’ll be hard pressed to find a single segment where Stewart laments the very real jewish privilege that exists in the West today. Instead, he will scapegoat rural conservative Whites for everything as he shovels money into the pockets of brown Democrats who are hell-bent on replacing Whites with coloured hordes of immigration south of the border.

What ultimately lies at the root of Stewart’s anti-White hate is a typical jewish insecurity and fear about rural conservative White Europeans. Most jews are afflicted with genetic PTSD about strong-willed Europeans who pogrom and holocaust the innocent jews who dindu nuffin. Stewart’s twisted jew mind implores him to undermine his host and suck the lifeblood from it so as to guarantee the “safey” of the bloodsucker.

When Whites are finally a powerless minority, the jewish tribe believes it will have unfettered dictatorial control of the country. It believes it will have eliminated the peril of White Aryan masculinity that has been a thorn in their flabby Hebrew sides since time immemorial

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