Brown Scumbag Mohsin Hamid Wrote Book Imagining White Erasure

These arrogant brownoids are now putting their wet dreams of a non-White world into fantasy fiction.

Synopsis of “The Last White Man“:

One morning, a man wakes up to find himself transformed. Overnight, Anders’s skin has turned dark, and the reflection in the mirror seems a stranger to him. At first he shares his secret only with Oona, an old friend turned new lover. Soon, reports of similar events begin to surface. Across the land, people are awakening in new incarnations, uncertain how their neighbors, friends, and family will greet them.Some see the transformations as the long-dreaded overturning of the established order that must be resisted to a bitter end. In many, like Anders’s father and Oona’s mother, a sense of profound loss and unease wars with profound love. As the bond between Anders and Oona deepens, change takes on a different shading: a chance at a kind of rebirth–an opportunity to see ourselves, face to face, anew.

The anti-White establishment media is, predictably, swooning over the novel:

Advance praise for The Last White Man:

“A fantastical exploration of race and privilege. . . . In an age aflame with strident tweets, Hamid offers swelling remorse and expansive empathy. Such a story could only be written by an author who is entirely candid about his awkward journey along the racial spectrum. . . . It anticipates that sweet day — not forever deferred, surely — when we finally close the casket on the whole horrific construct of racial hierarchies and see each other for what we are.” —The Washington Post

“Fantastical treatments of race have long served to underscore just how absurd it is that this social construct should wield so much power. Hamid’s novel follows in this legacy, challenging readers to consider the ways in which something as superficial as the color of one’s skin holds sway in their lives.” —TIME

“A moral fable for our entire harrowing world. . . . exquisitely evoked by Hamid in a mesmerizing, serpentine style. . . .The Last White Man offers its own small ray of light.” —Los Angeles Times

“Searing, exhilarating. . . . reimagines Kafka’s iconic The Metamorphosis for our racially charged era. … Hamid brings a restless, relentless brilliance to his characters’ journeys and the revelations, public and private, that inform us all. … Gorgeously crafted, morally authoritative, The Last White Man concludes on a note of hope, a door jarred open just enough to let transcendence pour through.” Oprah Daily

A world without White people is a world of darkness, both figuratively and literally. Since Whites invented most modern technology, how the hell are brownoids going to survive without our inventions? Who the hell is going to potty-train these brownoids? Hamid and his kin will revert back to street-shitting once Whites are gone.

White privilege is so pervasive that Hamid the Muslim goat-rapist can get on Sky News to promote the erasure of Whites as “the start of something better”.

Hamid the angry shitskin is tapping into a growing market of White race hate. In the modern era, it pays handsomely to sully the name of White people and imagine our racial genocide. Just ask race hustlers Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi.

There it is. Hamid is taking a page out of their book to rake in mountains of cash preaching the demise of superior Whites, whom they envy and worship at the same time.

These self-hating brownoids despise us but want to be us because they know we’re the best of God’s creation. Their rank hatred is an exercise in self-pity and projection of their own racial shortcomings. They understand deep down that Whites, the true People of Color, were sent to earth from the heavens to bring light to the world. They can’t psychologically deal with being second best, so they lash out with hate Whitey literature and dogma.

The media loves it and will jump on every opportunity to promote the next up-and-coming brown race hustler pitching White genocide as a “solution” to social problems. If only we all disappeared can brownoids feel safe and comfortable in a White world, they say.

How about just go back to your own stinking dump of a country and be with your own people, so you can feel adequate and safe? But they won’t ever do that because then the parasite will have lost its host, whose blood it lives off of.

You can write a nice email to Hamid’s agent letting him know what you think of his degnerate hatred of our race:

We can’t let the anti-White beasts get away with demeaning our race publicly as they profit off our demise.

One thought on “Brown Scumbag Mohsin Hamid Wrote Book Imagining White Erasure

  1. Hail Martinez. Glad to see you using the term White erasure, rather than great replacement, which is vague and almost sounds like a good thing. Keep up the good work.

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