Two of the sleaziest people on the interest share the same trash opinion: that Ukrainians deserve to die en masse because…. the Iraq war happened, or something.
Here’s Syrian Botox Girl’s “take”:

Here’s Anglin’s “take”:

They’re both frothing at the mouth for more Ukrainian blood to be spilled, so they can drink it and proclaim “Hail Satan! Hail Putin!” Syrian Botox Girl wants it as a Semitic ritual blood sacrifice because her goat-raping brethren in Iraq suffered an invasion 20 years ago. Anglin wants it because he’s probably paid by the Russian state to take that position.
Anglin likely hasn’t lived in Ohio for months. He has voted as an Ohio resident only once – in the 2016 presidential election. (He registered as a Republican.) He sent in his ballot from Krasnodar in western Russia, according to records from the Franklin County Board of Elections.
It’s not really known if Anglin did live in Russia and this could have been a ruse by him to throw off authorities about his whereabouts. It’s kind of hard to believe that he would wittingly tell the government where he was living in Russia, but we are talking about Anglin here so it’s possible. But it doesn’t really matter where he lives, his website is little more than a catalogue of Russian and Chinese propaganda mixed in with nihilistic blackpills about the West and White women. He affixes Putin and chink-worship to an incel suicide cult. It’s not the first time he’s shilled for anti-White policies. A year ago he rubber-stamped Belarus dictator Lukashenko’s orchestrated brown migrant invasion into Poland, which he says was “hilarious” and deserved:

Brown migrant invaders are good for you, goy! It will help bring down the anti-White elites, goy! Race-mix while you’re at it, goy!
This isn’t the first time Anglin has vomited out anti-White opinions. He dropped a real, stinking dousy in 2012 where he called outright for White genocide.
He states:
- “the White race should be bred out”
- Whites are dangerous
- He’s only attracted to black girls
- He hates America
A year later he started the website “Total Fascism” and then “Daily Stormer”. As you can see today, he really hasn’t strayed from those original anti-White leftist sentiments, he’s just repackaged them to appeal to White Nationalists and right-wingers. He preaches hatred of all White women collectively, a hatred of America collectively, and a hatred of the West collectively. Instead of using the customary leftoid rhetoric, he’s repurposed the same thing with a right-wing twist like, “the West is liberal, full of gays, White women are all sluts/feminists, Whites are too stupid to fix anything, We’d be better off under Chinese rule,” etc. The same underlying defeatist nihilism is present in his writing and opinions today. His recent statement that he would love to see more Ukrainian civilians be murdered by Putin’s mongol rape army and cynical defense of Lukashenko’s migrant horde incursion into Poland, suggest he’s still pursuing an anti-White and anti-West agenda, but is trying to trick right-wing White people into going along with it.
Syrian Botox Girl should not legally be allowed to speak political opinions or even exist in a White country. But she knows better than to go back to that stink hole called Syria.
That “Daily Stormer” editor,is!, DEFINITELY!, something of a character, that’s for sure!?!; he is way too critical of Western women in general: though it’s TRUE that a large majority of our ladies have been “conditioned”–dare one say, “poisoned” by latter-day joo-dough satanic Marxist anti-life “hookum” t
o FERVENTLY believe that a human fetus is just a “clumb of cells”,(and,thus!, isn’t a person,& deserves to be ABORTED!?!).Plus!?!,they SEEMED “hooked” to the incredulous adolescent belief that life is NOTHING!?!,but,one,big, non-stop PARTY 🥳🎉!?!,As for “Syrian Girl”,she just comes across as being way too sorry,FOR THE WRONG PEOPLE,(if you KNOW?,what I mean…),😔
Anglin is something else. Truly!
I was done with him when he began shilling that Belarus President. Like he is flying in non white invaders.
Anglin is most likely mentally ill or something. I saw he has a celebrity complex, he likes to say too often “I told you, I said this, I said that I I I I I I, ME ME ME ME ME.” He says things like “I hate to bash Jones while he’s down” bla bla bla… he thinks Jones is actually reading him. Hes a nobody but he thinks hes someone important. I also saw this ugly maggot calling on his audience to better go and seek Asian wives, preferably Thais or something. Hes really invested in the “Waifu” thing. He craps on all white women while promoting Asian women like goddesses or something. Theres so many things wrong with Anglin. Hes definitely mentally ill.