Matt Heimbach Shows Up at Pro-Russia Event With Soviet Flag

Former Alt-Right figurehead Matt Heimbach is attempting to re-enter the American political scene as an overt pro-Soviet communist. He showed up recently at a pro-Russia event in Washington, DC, alongside a bunch of libertarians, progressives and assorted screwballs who are demanding that Ukraine surrender its land to invading Russian Bolsheviks.

In this clip Heimbach explains why he renounced fascism to embrace Marxism-Leninism.

The truth of the matter is that Heimbach’s current views are barely different from his previous views when he was larping around as a Neo-Nazi. He was preaching all of the same shit then as he is now with a few small tweaks of emphasis… that’s it.

He was always a radical socialist anti-capitalist even during his neo-Nazi heyday. But that’s in essence what many, if not most, national socialists are (radical anti-capitalist economic socialists). The degrees of separation here between Marxist socialists (his current larp) and national socialists (his previous larp) is very slim, especially when it comes to economic and geopolitical views. Back then he notably put more focus on race as an issue, as natsocs tend to do, which he has now rhetorically toned down in favour of more class warfare rhetoric in line with Marxism. But the general thrust of his views remain the same:

  • anti-capitalist
  • Third Worldist
  • pro-Muslim
  • pro-Russia
  • anti-“imperialist” (fake, since he supports Russian imperialism & only opposes imperialism against brown people)
  • pro-BRICS
  • anti-American
  • anti-Western geopolitics
  • Duginist
  • socialist/leftist economics

He had all those points down before when self-identifying as a fascist but has now dropped the pro-White advocacy and embraced multi-racial international communist class warfare paired with intense hostility to the American nation-state. But the Marxoid class warfare and anti-Americanism is also endemic today on most of the “Dissident Right” who do identify as fascists or national socialists. Again, no big difference there between the communist and fascist worldview.

Heimbach was previously kicked out of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a gaggle of buffoonish cosplayers, for being a communist/Strasserite:

Matthew Heimbach, who only a few months ago resurfaced as a member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) after his embarrassing implosion of his Traditional Workers Party due to an affair he was having with his mother-in-law, has been expelled from the group after expressing positions that they viewed as leftist.

According to News2Share, the expulsion was announced via social media by Tennessee NSM State leader Kynan Dutton, who is best known for joining White Supremacist Craig Cobb as they tried to take over a small North Dakota town, eventually arrested with him and charged with multiple counts after they took rifles to the streets and shouted threats and is currently facing charges of assault stemming from an incident last June during a Pridefest event in Knoxville. The announcement said Heimbach was expelled for being a “betrayer, traitor, and Communist,” citing NSM Chief of Staff Burt Colucci and NSM leader, Jeff Schoep, as the ones who signed off on his expulsion.

Heimbach defended to News2Share his support of what is called Strasserism, a farther left form of Nazism and a precursor to what is commonly referred to as third positionism. “No, it’s not a form of communism,” Heimbach said. “Communism is international socialism by its very ideological texts, Strasserism is a national form of socialism.”

That’s weird because the group he was kicked out of have basically the same leftist economic positions as him. So why did they kick him out for being a communist when they are also communists? Standard autistic purity spiraling among economic leftists, I suppose. Heimbach is quoted there defending Strasserism, aka National Bolshevism, but the difference between that and the Hitlerite version of National Socialism is so small that it ought not even get a separate category. Notice that the only difference he can point to between his views and Marxists at the time was that his socialism was national and theirs international. Wow, real distinct bro. International socialism was never really a thing beyond slogans. All communist states were national and had defined borders, even if they spoke in terms of “workers of the world” uniting. “Third Positionism” is another euphemism these types use for this bundle of views, which is the same thing as National Bolshevism while pretending it’s different.

Even back when he was identifying as a traditional Natsoc he hated America and wanted it to be destroyed so Russia could win the global geopolitical battle. Same thing he’s pushing for now.

The pro-Russia event in which Heimbach appeared was also attended by fellow communist Caleb Maupin, who apparently invited Heimbach’s new group to their afterparty, evidence of which is at the end of this video below:

Maupin tries to do damage control and distance himself from Heimbach because of his past, but they were even given a table to promote their shit at Maupin’s commie consortium after the rally. Maupin is an avowed communist who works for Russia Today as a propagandist for the Russian government in the US. It makes a lot of sense why these groups are getting together: they’re both communists who hate America and love Russia.

Also present alongside Heimbach at this pathetic spectacle was rat-faced goblino nutjob Zoltanous, real name Shandon Simpson, a former US National Guard troop who was kicked out for being a fascist. Here’s a clip of the guy back when he was identifying as a fascist defending the Soviet genocide of Ukrainians in the Holodomor:

It’s not surprising that this homicidal degenerate spastic is now supporting Putin’s attempted genocide of the Ukrainian nation. At their core, Third Positionists aka Nazbols are anti-White lunatics who want to genocide the White race and annihilate the Western world so that third world brown communists can win the global race war. Here’s another clip of the retard melting down and calling for the genocide of Pagans, Christians and everyone else he doesn’t like:

This evil freak has homicide on the brain. Ideological zealots of this nature are very dangerous. These types become the Lavrentiy Berias of the world, mass executing political prisoners.

Even when this clown was self-identifying as a fascist – which I have no reason to believe he is not still doing – he made it clear that fascism is socialism and closer to Soviet Communism than anything else.

The reason that he puts himself next to Stalin on a political compass as a fascist is because fascism is indeed a variation of Marxism-Leninism which is why you see so much overlap between communists and fascists. Every major fascist leader in history (Mussolini, Mosley, Hitler, Goebbels, etc.) were “former Marxists” and/or members of socialist parties who merely revised their previous stance a slight bit to make it national instead of international. Heimbach has done this same thing but in the reverse to arrive at his current position.

Scholar Joshua Muravchik wrote about this matter in his book on socialism:

Perhaps his most illuminating pages are devoted to the careers of Mussolini and of Engels. We tend to think of fascism as the antithesis of socialism or Marxism. But as Muravchik reminds us, there are in fact deep continuities between them. Mussolini began as a disciple of Lenin and did not so much repudiate Marxism-Leninism as become a self-declared “heretic.” Thus one of Mussolini’s groups of thugs called itself the Cheka, after Lenin’s secret police. As Muravchik observes, “However fierce they grew in their antipathy to communism, the fascists never ceased mimicking it, implicitly underscoring their claim to be the true or superior heirs to the same legacy.” (Something similar can be said of Hitler, whose party, after all, was called National Socialism. It is true that Hitler was adamantly anti-Communist; at the same time, he acknowledged that he had “learned a great deal from Marxism.”)”

Another commentator summed up Mussolini’s Fascism as a variation of Leninism:

It’s worth remembering that the founders of fascism were mainly Leninists like Mussolini with a sprinkling of anarcho-syndicalists (George Sorel being the best known of those). Actual fascism retained the founders’ doctrinal hostility to what modern leftists would call “corporate power”, never renouncing its state-socialist roots and being (in fact) hostile to all centers of power other than the state itself. The modern idea that German and Italian fascism were conservative or pro-business ideologies is essentially a fantasy constructed by pro-Soviet propagandists during and after World War II. In fact, classical fascism never wandered very far from its left-wing origins; corporatism can be seen as an elaboration of the theoretical role of worker’s soviets in Leninist theory.

The main philosopher behind fascism, Giovanni Gentile, called fascism “practical Marxism”:

Let me tell you this, none of them had sympathy for traditionalism, let alone cried about returning to the past, figures such as: Sergio Panunzio, who saw Fascism as the highest realization of Marxism; Nicola Bombacci, who believed that the actions of Mussolini were in line with the Marxist-Leninist dialectic. Bombacci would aid Fascist thought by bringing mainstream Communists into the fold, individuals such as Giovanni Bitelli, Federico Giannini, Dino Fiorelli, Mario Guarnieri, Bruno Ricci, Sigfrido Barghini and Alibrando Giovannetti. Oh, and let us not forget how Giovanni Gentile, the main philosopher of Fascism, believed that––not only did fascist doctrine achieve the only feasible form of Socialism––but Fascist Philosophy had become a form of Practical Marxism.

Gentile never rejected Marx but merely revised him:

Giovanni Gentile does not reject Marx, but rather builds upon Marx by pointing out that Marx was actually just a “confused idealist”, and that Fascism is in actuality just “a better Marxism”. In other words, Fascism is not “Anti-Marxism”, but more accurately “Post-Marxism”. It is a “superior Marxism” or “practical Marxism” in praxis because it’s built upon a coherent ontology unlike the vulgar materialism of Marxists that follow figures such as Engels and Lenin.

As a teen, Mussolini was enamored with Karl Marx:

“The teenage Mussolini characterized himself as a socialist and got involved in socialist organizations. When he left Italy for a sojourn in Switzerland at the age of 19, he carried a nickel medallion of Karl Marx in his pocket. Back home a couple of years later, Mussolini developed a reputation for left-wing radicalism, got himself arrested and showed a taste for the idea of politically-directed violence. Revolution was in the air and he was well up for it.”

“By 1912, Mussolini was in the leadership circle of Italy’s Socialist Party and editing their newspaper Avanti! He was very effective at the job, doubling circulation and personally becoming a widely read radical socialist journalist. One is that he was caught up in the nationalist fervour surrounding the war. Another is that he was mindful of Marx’s aphorism that social revolution usually follows war and thus saw it as an enabler for what he wanted politically.”

“But speaking for himself at the time, Mussolini was clear on his ideology: “I am and shall remain a socialist and my convictions will never change! They are bred into my very bones.” And looking at the early fascist program, one can see massive overlaps with a socialist agenda circa early 20th century. Among other things, there was to be a minimum wage, an eight-hour workday, a progressive tax on capital, expropriation of uncultivated lands, and universal suffrage.”

Mussolini boasted of socializing three quarters of the Italian economy in State hands. Isn’t socializing the economy one of the central tenets of Marxism? In the video below Keith Woods, a self-identified fascist philosopher, says that Mussolini would have socialized even more of the economy (aka gone full-communist) if it weren’t for right-wingers in the government and monarchy holding him back from his revolutionary socialist economic plans.

In the same video, Woods traces the origins of fascism in Italian Marxism:

The second most important figure in the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels, said in 1925 that the difference between Communism and Hitlerism was “very slight” and that he admired Lenin almost as much as Hitler. The preponderance of the evidence shows that fascism is indeed a leftist phenomenon rooted in revolutionary Marxist-Leninism, revised and made to fit a nationalist discourse to get the commoners behind it since they had more attachment to national identity than class identity. They just fused both together in a synthesis of class and national (or in Hitler’s case ethnic) identity.

So why are we surprised to witness these Frankenstein monsters like Heimbach and Zoltanous move in between these ideologies like fluid jelly?

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