Pro-bono Russian propagandist Ryan Dawson, an “anti-war libertarian” who is now a deranged cheerleader for Putin’s Eurasian expansionist war of extermination in Ukraine (because the victims are White and he likes to see Whites die), wants you to buy his Epstein map for $50.
Fifty seems a little over-priced for a poster with some names and faces on it, but I guess grifting off of pedophile victims is where it’s at in the “alt-media” shill game these days.

Dawson’s modus operandi from day one has been to corner niche alt-media topics like 9/11 or Jeffrey Epstein and then sell himself as the sole research authority on these topics, hoping to convert that into clicks and dollars. He desperately tries to smear anyone else covering the same topics as “cranks” or “plagiarists,” like he did here with Whitney Webb who discusses his attempts to drag her through the mud because she was getting more traction for her work on Epstein than he was.
She wrote this thread on Twitter:
For 4 years, Ryan Dawson has smeared me and has tried to take credit for my research on the Jeffrey Epstein case. Today, I’m setting the record straight because 4 years is far too long to deal with this crap. In 2019, when numerous journalists covered Epstein after his arrest, Dawson falsely accused me of “plagiarism” after the success of my MintPress series on the case. He has never stated what I supposedly plagiarized or provided any evidence. Part of his reasoning is that I was covering the case around the same time he was in 2019, even though Epstein was the #1 news story being covered by nearly every indie news outlet at the time.
Dawson’s accusation notably came after the censoring of YouTube channel. He told a mutual contact that he knew I hadn’t plagiarized him, but had been stressed by his channel’s deletion and was trying to bring attention to his work on Epstein when the case was big news. I challenged Dawson to provide evidence after his attack on my integrity. He provided none but continues to smear me. Since then, I have produced a meticulously sourced 1000 pg book on the subject. Dawson now takes all the credit & claims all that research is “his.”
I sacrificed so much & worked myself to a breaking point, both mentally and physically, to finish my book on time. It is all my research or Ed Berger’s research unless otherwise stated. Every source is cited. I can promise you that Ed and I did 100% original work for this book. In contrast, to the best of my knowledge, Ryan has produced no book, but videos on the case with much less sourcing and a Microsoft paint “map” of the Epstein case that he falsely advertises as the “Epstein client list.” To see this “client list”, Ryan charges $40.
My Epstein research covers numerous topics and aspects of the case that Ryan has never discussed. It is wrong and unfair for him to claim my research is his, especially without evidence and when it is research he has never even covered at all. …This seems to be an ego thing on Dawson’s part, as he is eager to promote himself as the “top global authority” on Epstein. I don’t self promote like that & am merely looking to get info out about the case, & so should Ryan. There’s a lot more here at stake than your ego.
Also, I tried to resolve this with Ryan privately through an intermediary, but he declined and blocked me. I normally avoid online “drama” like this, but I have a right to defend my work and my integrity. …I didn’t know who Ryan was until he started claiming I stole from him and insulting my work… you know who else has the “same info”, james corbett, christopher bollyn and several others who have all “stolen” from Ryan because apparently only Ryan is allowed to report on 911 or Epstein.

I’m no fan of Webb because she seems to repeat Russian propaganda as fact like most “alt-journos.” But as you can see there, Dawson is a huckster who will try to knock down anyone in his way to establish a dominant market share of this retarded “alt-media” space of clowns and charlatans. He did the same thing with the 9/11 topic, accusing anyone other than himself of being a kook, fraud or of stealing “his work” for discussing the same topic.
That’s funny because Dawson was himself accused of stealing artwork that he put on a t-shirt to sell without giving the artist credit.
Now the mercenary, money-driven egoist is larping as an “expert” on the Ukraine war by slapping a stupid Z on his forehead and regurgitating talking points verbatim, as if his own takes.

This is a guy with the integrity of a crack whore on skid row. To bolster his own pro-war Russian nonsense, he routinely brings on a convicted sex offender named Scott Ritter (former UN weapons inspector who just blabs on and on about weapons systems), and then excused Ritter’s heinous sexual deviancy in a blog post.

Interesting too is that Dawson is heavily promoted by the communists of the “Alt-Right,” preeminently Mike Eunuch.
Mr. Eunuch is known for chastising anyone actually right-wing who doesn’t want a communist Modern Monetary Theory economic system as a naughty “lolbert” but Dawson is one libertarian that Eunuch can break bread with. As he says there in the clip, they both share an opposition to Zionism and have a habit of fellating Muslim Arabs as eternal victims who we must worship. They also both share a homoerotic crush on Vladimir Putin as “our saviour”.
Meanwhile, as they cry crocodile tears over dead Palestinians and monetize their deaths for financial gain, they gleefully cheer the destruction and hell being rained down on White Ukrainians because they’re White and thus guilty of the eternal sin of colonialism, as Putin says in his speeches. It’s payback for centuries of oppression of brown people, Putin says, so killing Whites in Ukraine or anywhere else is a justified settling of scores for the Global South.

Mr. Eunuch agrees because he’s a Eurasianist on FSB asset Charles Bausman’s payroll who supports the genocide of Eastern Europeans who refuse to be culturally colonized and Russified. Dawson agrees because he’s also anti-White and yearns for mixed-race revenge on the pure bloods.
Together forever, Dawson and Eunuch will Free Palestine and deliver Muslims from racist bondage… while also delivering White blue eyed Ukrainian devils into the harems of Chechen and Dagestani Muslims because Putin said that men in dresses aren’t real women a few times.