Some fascists who don’t know what fascism is (they’re like nominal Christians who have never read the Bible) have taken issue with me saying that fascism is cut from the same cloth as Marxism and Communism.
So to close the case, let’s hear it from some avowed fascists themselves.
Here’s fascist nerd Joel Davis, reviewing a book by A James Gregor, saying that fascism and communism are incredibly alike.
Here are two more screenshots where Davis says that National Bolshevism and Fascism are the same thing.

So Davis says the following:
- “National Socialism & National Bolshevism are non-superficially indistinguishable”
- “National Bolshevism… is Russian fascism”
- “the main characteristics of fascist regimes…are also characteristic of communist governments”
- “the idea that fascism & Communism are diametrically opposed [is disinfo]”
- “fascism & communism are immensely similar in practice”
- “communist regimes in practice took the fascist state form”
- “communism became an identifiable variant of fascism”
It is ironic that he says all of this because in a more recent post he attacked me personally for saying the same thing that he said there. Here it is:

So the dingbat shithead wants to have his cake and eat it too. He says inferring Hitler was a communist is retarded when he did that himself when he said “fascism and communism are immensely similar in practice”. So what gives big guy? He wants to be able to say that fascism and communism are virtually identical in practice, but when I say it he condemns me and calls me names. Why? Because when he says this, he’s preaching to his own economic leftist choir who he knows will view these similarities between fascism and communism as a good thing. They’re already convinced that economic leftism is good and desirable, so showing them the leftist Marxist roots of fascism will not turn them off it but ingratiate them with it.
But when I point out these similarities as a critique, to say that fascism is no good because it’s of Marxist origin and is little better than communism, Davis spergs out because he doesn’t like how I feel about it. He wants me to love it. He wants me to agree with it and co-sign it. Since I don’t like it or co-sign it but instead critique it as gay leftism, he shits a brick and cries about it like the bitch that he is. This is a classic celebration parallax from a confused nutjob.
Here’s some more fascists saying the exact same thing:
They admit:
“we are close to Marxist-Leninists”
“we agree more with communists than capitalists”
“Authoritarian Left, close to Stalin on a political quadrant”
“we’re economically on the left”
“we want to seize production”
economics of fascism is the same as Lenin’s USSR
National Bolshevism is the same as Fascism
Here’s fascist dork Keith Woods explaining the Marxist origins of fascism:
To summarize what he says:
Corporatism (Fascism) is a form of socialism
Almost every intellectual of early Fascism was a former Marxist & respected members of Italy’s left-wing intelligentsia
Quotes a scholar saying Fascism is a “variant of classical Marxism”
Quotes Mussolini calling himself a socialist
Quotes Goebbels calling himself socialist and affirming he’d “rather go down with Bolshevism than live under slavery of Capitalism”
Another fascist says the same thing:
“we are authentic anti-capitalists”
“the only genuine inheritors of socialism”
“fascism is a variant of classical Marxism”
“Fascism/NS is an anti-capitalist worldview”
Here’s National Socialist Tom Sewell saying that he wants a government-controlled, planned economy (USSR-style) with a central bank (we already have that) and that markets are bad because Jewish businessmen can become prominent in them.
What he’s essentially saying there is that he thinks Jews will outcompete Whites in the marketplace and he wants to intervene to elevate Whites over Jews in the marketplace. The inherent assumption on his part is that Jews are superior to Whites at business and will always win a competition between the two. So much for Aryan superiority right?
This logic is dumb because Jews can also come to dominate a mixed market economy (what we have now) or a totally socialist economy if they’re allowed to. Jews can also come to dominate a government, democratic or otherwise, so by the same token should we abolish government entirely? If centralizing the economy alone is an automatic anti-dote to Jewish power, then how did Jews become so dominant in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries which were all centralized state-run economies? He has no answer for this. But the point is he’s just trying to sell you communist economics by scaring you about the Jews. He advocates there for a central bank (we already got that) and state central planning of all markets – the same thing they did in Soviet Russia – and then he says this isn’t communism because “Aryans” would be the ones doing the planning. Even if “Aryans” are the ones doing the planning, it’s still Communism big guy. Aliens could do the central planning and it’s still Communism. The ethnicity of the central planners does not change the fact that they’re communist central planners. He’s employing bafflegab here to trick you. But as I’ve pointed out Jews can take over central state-run banks and central planning boards too, so it’s a non-sequitur.
Unless the government directly bans Jews from participation in public life and the economy, they can succeed in taking over anything, public or private. To prevent that would require government social policy, a literal ban on Jews from serving in government or taking part in the economy at all. Without that, it doesn’t matter what type of political system or economy you have, Jews can find a way to thrive in it.
But this is what fascism and National Socialism is: economic Communism varnished with national or racial identity. They’re not against the Socialism in Communism or Marxism, only some of the vague philosophical points and the perceived Jewishness of Marx. They want to keep Marx’s ideas of central planning and collectivization of all things economic, they just want it to be done in the name of German racialism (in the case of Hitler) or civic nationalism (in the case of Mussolini).
Hitler himself admitted in Mein Kampf that his National Socialism would revert to being plain Marxism if you stripped away the racial element of it, aka it’s Racial Marxism.

As you can see with what Sewell was saying there too, he wants an “Aryanized” version of Communism aka Racial Marxism. Not surprising since he’s just copying Hitler who said the same thing.
Here’s two more quotes from fascist sources:
“Let me tell you this, none of them had sympathy for traditionalism, let alone cried about returning to the past, figures such as: Sergio Panunzio, who saw Fascism as the highest realization of Marxism; Nicola Bombacci, who believed that the actions of Mussolini were in line with the Marxist-Leninist dialectic. Bombacci would aid Fascist thought by bringing mainstream Communists into the fold, individuals such as Giovanni Bitelli, Federico Giannini, Dino Fiorelli, Mario Guarnieri, Bruno Ricci, Sigfrido Barghini and Alibrando Giovannetti. Oh, and let us not forget how Giovanni Gentile, the main philosopher of Fascism, believed that––not only did fascist doctrine achieve the only feasible form of Socialism––but Fascist Philosophy had become a form of Practical Marxism.” – Source
“Giovanni Gentile does not reject Marx, but rather builds upon Marx by pointing out that Marx was actually just a “confused idealist”, and that Fascism is in actuality just “a better Marxism”. In other words, Fascism is not “Anti-Marxism”, but more accurately “Post-Marxism”. It is a “superior Marxism” or “practical Marxism” in praxis because it’s built upon a coherent ontology unlike the vulgar materialism of Marxists that follow figures such as Engels and Lenin.” – Source
This from Killing History:
“citing over 114 sources from historians and political scientists, who basically concluded that Mussolini’s Fascism was either a heretical revision, variety, or consequence of Marxism, demonstrating that Mussolini had indeed thought of himself and his movement as left-wing social revolutionaries who opposed classical liberalism, individualism, free-market capitalism, religion, monarchies, and limited government“
“Prior to his fascist years, Mussolini repeatedly demonstrated his appetite for hardcore socialism, verifying that Italian Fascism was actually just one of many variant shades of Marxist-influenced socialism, which snuggled up to the political left. Moreover, Mussolini’s dedication to his socialist comrades was such that he worked hard to make fascist Italy the first nation in the West to officially recognize the Soviet Union, in 1924. Does this sound like the mindset of an anti-communist?“
“In 1934, Mussolini boasted in a major speech that he had nationalized three-fourths of the Italian economy. Who but a Marxist or communist sympathizer would boast about heavily socializing his nation’s economy? Isn’t the true measure of a dedicated socialist his following Karl Marx’s wishes to have the means of production owned by the government?”
The apologists for Mussolini will claim “at least he didn’t nationalize the entire economy! He left some of it private!” Barely… and he planned to nationalize virtually all of it anyway, he just got held up by World War II.
This from the 1943 Verona Manifesto:
“On February 12, 1944, Mussolini’s cabinet approved a bill of “socialization” that spoke about the “Mussolinian conception on subjects such as; much higher social justice, a more equitable distribution of wealth and the participation of labor in the state life.” Mussolini claimed that Italian capitalists had betrayed him after they had gained immensely from fascism, and that he now regretted his alliance with them and rediscovered his old socialist influences. He claimed that he had intended to carry out a large-scale nationalization of property in 1939–1940 but that the outbreak of war had forced him to postpone it, and promised that in the future, all industrial firms with over 100 employees would be nationalized. Mussolini even reached out to ex-communist Nicola Bombacci, a former student of Vladimir Lenin, to help him in spreading the image that Fascism was a progressive movement.”
Mussolini said his prophet was Karl Marx:
“It was inevitable that I should become a Socialist ultra, a Blanquist, indeed a communist. I carried about a medallion with Marx’s head on it in my pocket. I think I regarded it as a sort of talisman… [Marx] had a profound critical intelligence and was in some sense even a prophet.” – Source
And some more:

As you can see there, fascists are autistic economic leftists who are never satisfied unless 100% of the economy is socialized and state-run (prices, wages and production all set by the state). That’s Communism.
Case closed: Fascism and Communism are two sides of the same coin.
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