Russian apologist Mark Collett says here that he supports Putin’s terror bombing and attempts to colonize Ukraine because it’s a “poke in the eye” of the West. Like Dugin and Putin, Collett collectivizes “the West” as a placeholder for “the current ruling establishment” and guilt trips all White Westerners into shame for having such an elite.
This is the standard logic of the spergnat/wignat brigade who have been unapologetically shilling for Russian imperialism for years. They do this both as an act of revenge against their own governments who they dislike and as a means of ingratiating themselves with the Kremlin in the hopes of obtaining Kremlin largesse to fund their domestic political activities.
The British scene is especially compromised by Kremlin panderers. All of the leading figures in Britbong nationalism have attempted to cozy up to the Russians in order to get their money and support.
While the chief of the BNP, Nick Griffin went to Russia to rubber stamp their rigged elections. He followed that up with an appearance at a Russian conference in which he called for a Russian imperial conquest of Europe: “it’s Russia’s turn” to rule the West, he said. What kind of “nationalist” wants a foreign country to conquer his own? A fake one.

Paul Golding of Britain First and Tommy Robinson of the EDL both went on speaking and media tours throughout Russia. Golding appears to have done so in the hopes of setting up bank accounts in Russia.
Britain First leader Paul Golding has: Visited Russia at least three times; Said he is a “great admirer of President Vladimir Putin”; Denied Russian involvement in the Salisbury poisonings; Defended state persecution of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny; Praised Putin and Assad for their actions in Syria; Said “I think Crimea and the Donbas should be part of Russia.”
HOPE not hate can reveal that Golding has visited Russia at least three times on behalf of Britain First. The earliest two trips came in 2019, first in June and again in October, with a third trip a year later in October 2020.
The first trip, in the summer of 2019, saw Golding, accompanied by Sam Cochrane and Andrew Edge, attend a gathering of far-right figures from around the world. The “International Conference of Peace-loving Forces” was organised by the LDPR and was attended by extreme figures such Bartosz Bekier of Falanga in Poland, Karl Richter and Florian Stein from the neo-Nazi German National Democratic Party and Kimura Mitsuhiro from Issuika in Japan.
Golding gave a short speech to the gathering in which he made his thoughts on Putin very clear: “I am a great admirer of President Vladimir Putin and what he has achieved for your sacred motherland. […] I applaud President Putin for condemning Western liberalism at the G20 summit last week.”
As well as using the trip to network with other far-right extremists and to heap praise on Putin, it is also alleged that Golding used it to deposit huge sums of money in Russian bank accounts. According to the Sunday World newspaper, “Golding has reportedly deposited over £100,000 in Russian bank accounts.” When asked for a comment, Golding replied: “Good grief, we wish we had money stashed away in Russian accounts.”
Similarly, the New York Times spoke to a source who claimed to have had a dinner with Golding and fellow far-right extremist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson), during which they discussed how to move money to Russia. NYT’s source claimed that “Golding had already opened accounts there linked to his far-right group.”
While in Moscow they met with Edward Chesnokov from the Komsomolskaya-Pravda newspaper, who subsequently set up a TV interview for Golding on the state-owned news channel Russia-24. Golding hit all of his usual talking points, praising the freedom and openness of Russia while condemning Britain’s supposedly totalitarian police state, multiculturalism and political correctness.
The main purpose of their trip was supposedly to meet again with the LDPR, who provided them with a tour around the Duma before welcoming them at their office on Basmanny Lane, where they discussed how “we in Britain First could work together with the LDPR. It was agreed that we should keep in touch, meet regularly, and explore ideas leading to mutual co-operation.” Golding then handed the LDPR representatives signed copies of his own book.
It was on their return from this trip that Golding was arrested and questioned by SO15 counter-terrorism police at Heathrow airport. He was charged and subsequently convicted of an offence under the Terrorism Act after he refused to provide the police with access to his digital devices. Interestingly though, Burton’s diary of the trip states that police asked “Were there any financial transactions carried out involving Britain First finances?”, suggesting that the police were seeking to find out more about the widespread rumours of Golding’s hidden Russian money.
What’s also interesting to note here, is that while Collett vehemently backs Russian terror bombing against the White Christian peoples of Ukraine, he concurrently opposes with equal vigor the American and Israeli interventions against Muslim Arabs. He is constantly whining about the treatment of Arab Palestinians by Israel and the US/UK war in Iraq which ended a decade ago and even uses it now as a whataboutism to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the current moment.
This is proof enough that Collett is not pro-White…. he cares more about the well-being of brown Muslims than White Ukrainians. He’s zealously anti-American/anti-Western establishment to the point where he will support bloody violence against Whites who live in the West, so long as that violence is being conducted by an outside power like Russia or China. This is part and parcel of the “accelerationist” neo-Nazi tendency of inviting doom and demise for the West, so these larpers can then “rise” from the ashes and take power, a fantasy with little chance of success. Collett is pursuing the same accelerationist wignat logic but on a global scale, hoping that Russia and China will initiate violence against the West so he can somehow swoop into power, likewise comical fan fiction with dismal chance of success. What would he say if China invaded Australia tomorrow? Or Turkey invaded Greece? Or China invaded his own country of England? Surely he would have to side with the invaders because he doesn’t like his own government, right? Sounds like a traitor, not a patriot.
Collett’s discourse has ventured into low-brow wignat nonsense. On his Telegram page he even posted this laughably photoshopped image which says “jewkraine,” an attempt to selectively use the JQ issue to justify violence against the Ukrainian people, while excusing Jewish influence in Russia itself because he’s a propagandist.

By this logic, the UK should be bombed and turned into rubble too because Jews have influence there, but Jewish influence in Russia is ok because Putin is fighting with our elites. These people are not nationalists, they’re desperate and depressed nihilists who want to be saved by a foreign dictator because they can’t save themselves.
The problem with the spergnat scene is that its not very sophisticated and as it has grown in popularity its ranks have been swelled by low-IQ people who have retarded and poorly thought out opinions. They follow a pretty banal script of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and stick to it like dronebots, any deviation from that script is met with vitriol and rage from these low-IQ mouth breathers.
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