Here’s yet another sperged out butthurt Hitler fanatic hurling a bunch of half-baked lies.

Let’s thoroughly debunk him.
> his Anti-German rhetoric
I’ve made no “anti-German” rhetoric shitbag. Anti-Hitler is not the same thing as anti-German. I have nothing against Germans and my rhetoric is not directed at Germans but at Hitler’s regime. Conflating the two is peak dishonesty. Hitler himself said his own people “deserved” to perish because they failed the test of history by losing the war and then gave the Nero Decree to self-sabotage his own country’s infrastructure. Doesn’t get more anti-German than that.
> real issue with Hitler is not “muh economics”
That’s part of it
> it’s Hitler’s alleged “Nordicism”
That’s the second part of it. It’s not “alleged” Nordicism it’s confirmed Nordicism. Hitler says at multiple points in MK that Slavs are an “inferior race” whose land is ripe for German colonization. If you support that, then you’re anti-Slavic and have no business calling yourself “pro-White”, shitbag. My stance against Nordicism is not against Nordic self-preservation, which is fine, but Nordic imperialism/expansionism at the expense of other Europeans which is what Hitler represents.
> That is to say it’s ethnic resentment
There’s no “ethnic resentment” here faggot. Is it resentment to not agree with an ideology that calls non-Nordic Slavs (and presumably Meds too) an “inferior race”? If it is then the only position I can have in your view is to agree with the claim that Slavs are an “inferior race” deserving of subjugation which would make me a cuckold for a group of conquerors. But that’s exactly what you want, you’re not pro-White, you’re a Nordic imperialist as Hitler was.
> he will continue using Slavs and Economics to brow-beat individuals who admire Hitler
I will continue to point out that 1) Hitler was NOT an anti-communist since he was a diehard socialist who hated capitalism and 2) Hitler was anti-Slavic and sought to colonize their lands. Those are hard facts and you can be butthurt about me pointing out those facts but you can’t refute them.
> He hides behind the retarded claim that Hitler was “anti-White”
I didn’t say he was anti-White I said he was anti-Slavic and Slavs are White, so he can’t be said to be “pro-White”. Many natsocs have agreed with me on this point. You’re an odd deluded holdout.
> in order to mask his ethnic resentment and feelings of inferiority
If I felt inferior then I would agree with Hitler that Slavs are inferior but I clearly don’t agree with that position, so you’re the one DEMANDING that I feel inferior when I don’t. Dumb faggot. You’re just angry that I’m pointing out to Meds and Slavs that they’re not part of the cool kids club no matter how much they wrap themselves up in its symbols; they’ll never be “White enough” for the Nordicists so it makes no sense to risk your life, freedom and livelihood to shill an ideology that hates us as much as it hates Jews or non-Whites.
> does in his “Rebranding” efforts
But I was never a “REAL” natsoc according to you right? I’m actually the same as before, with different optics. There’s nothing wrong with “rebranding,” anyway. If anything you should be HAPPY that I’m no longer identifying with this movement/ideology because I’m not a “REAL” one since I’m not a socialist who wants to abolish the private economy, like you do, nor am I a Nordicist.
Here’s Rockwell saying he was not a fascist because fascism is leftist economics and some sperg just like yourself murdered him over it:
Rockwell’s mistake was taking up the NS optics which attracts mentally ill spergs who want to kill anyone who slightly disagrees with their socialism.
The Hitler cult is extremely dishonest. They frame all my positions dishonestly, impute bad motives, lie, slander, and try to get me censored so that their cult can continue to proliferate without anyone correcting the record on what this ideology actually represents. This thing operates as a criminal prison gang fighting to maintain dominance over pro-White politics, keeping it in the fringe sperg-zone of Hitler cultism so that it never takes off.