2 thoughts on “Martinez vs Unhinged Egyptian Pharaoh Bishai On Russia/Ukraine War”
Albert Bishai simply got wrecked. You hit the nail on the head his whole world view is arab oriented but he lives in a white created society that he blames for all wrongs and sides with Putin because he thinks it will bring some sort of liberation to the arabs from “the evil West”. Bishai is so delusional and I am glad you called him out on his hypocrisy and his traitorous support for the Neo-USSR of Putin.
This camel jockey worships Russian and Chinese governments. He literally said, that American government only lies and Rus/China tells the truth. How stupid can he be. Chinese government does nothing but lie and they imprison anyone who tells the truth about the government or has any kind of anti-government attitude deemed by them. If they can’t imprison them, then they silence them other ways. You have no freedom’s in China and Russia in headed that way.
Albert Bishai simply got wrecked. You hit the nail on the head his whole world view is arab oriented but he lives in a white created society that he blames for all wrongs and sides with Putin because he thinks it will bring some sort of liberation to the arabs from “the evil West”. Bishai is so delusional and I am glad you called him out on his hypocrisy and his traitorous support for the Neo-USSR of Putin.
This camel jockey worships Russian and Chinese governments. He literally said, that American government only lies and Rus/China tells the truth. How stupid can he be. Chinese government does nothing but lie and they imprison anyone who tells the truth about the government or has any kind of anti-government attitude deemed by them. If they can’t imprison them, then they silence them other ways. You have no freedom’s in China and Russia in headed that way.