Someone sent me this clip, so I’ll respond to these typical natsoc bad-jacketing accusations and misrepresentations of my views that Tom Sewell comes out with here.
Firstly, Sewell and I used to have a genuine friendship (at least on my end) and I supported him both through promotion and financially. Overall I probably sent him about 1K in crypto to help him deal with his legal issues. I didn’t have to do that, but I thought he was very much on point (and still is) on numerous issues that we face today. He’s an eloquent speaker and passionate representative of White Australian interests with many of the right instincts against the malaise that afflicts Europeans today.
I suspected that whatever gratitude he showed me in the past would quickly evaporate over my change of opinion about Hitler and fascism, the gnostic cult he has committed his life to, which shows that he was never a true friend but only an acquaintance who was using me as a signal boost to propel the ideology.
My views are not as different now as he claims they are. Because he’s a Hitler worshipper with tunnel vision he’s obsessing over this one viewpoint change, which is not even an important one. Anyone who follows my content knows that my political views are largely the same as before, except for this one historical topic. Many less astute people mistake an optical shift for an ideological shift, but they’re not the same thing. But as you can see, I don’t care about winning the approval of other people. I am my own man and have genuine beliefs of my own. I don’t follow trends or cults and if I see issues, contradictions and problems with an ideology that I can’t stand by, then I will call that out no matter who dislikes me because of it.
Sewell has been sucked so far into the rabbit hole of Neo-Nazism and this cultic Hitler worship nonsense that it’ll take a miracle to break him out of that mold. He’s invested far too much of his life into it that he can’t escape it now. If he changes course even slightly, he’ll lose his paypigs and followers. His friend Blair Cottrell wisely warned him about the destructive path he was on with his ridiculous KKK cosplay, cross burnings, and Hitler séance rituals, and how all that does nothing to advance pro-White politics but rather undermines it. I was on Sewell’s side at that time because I was in the cult, but I’ve come to realize how correct Cottrell was about all that jazz over time.
He accuses me here in that clip of being a “bad faith actor” because of my change of view on Hitler. He provides no evidence for this other than that he doesn’t like my views about Hitler. Then he misrepresents what I say about Hitler to create a fake strawman. He says that I say Hitler was anti-White because he fought against White people. That’s not what I argue. If I ever did say that it was a misstatement. What I do say is that Hitler was anti-Slavic, that’s undeniable. You can be pro-German and anti-Slavic at the same time, as Hitler was, which means that Hitler wasn’t “pro-White”. Just as you can be pro-Irish but anti-English, pro-Serb but anti-Croat, pro-Basque but anti-Spanish, etc. That’s different from being anti-White. Those are internal blood feuds among Europeans, which I oppose. Slavs are White, so hating them means you’re not pro-White. “Pro-White” means you love/support all Europeans not just North Western ones.
Hitler’s anti-Slavicism is beyond dispute. I wrote a massive article documenting tons of evidence that Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann and others hated the Slavs and viewed them as an inferior race. Here’s a few quotes:
“For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished.” – Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 14
“Your errors in the domain of foreign policy are explained by your ignorance of racial factors. For example, you are enthusiastic about the Hindu independence movement … you know the Anglo-Saxons have the mission to govern the people they have subdued, precisely in the name of their superiority. The Nordic race is called to dominate the world, and this right must guide our foreign policy. It’s why we cannot envision any rapprochement with Russia, which is a Slavic-Tatar body surmounted by a Jewish head. I knew Slavs from my home country. In the era where a Germanic head ruled the Slavic body, entente was possible, Bismarck outlined this rapprochement before. But today, it would be a crime.” – 1930, Hitler in discussion with Otto Strasser
“Not only in Austria, however, but also in Germany, these so-called national circles were, and still are, influenced by similarly false ideas. A Polish policy, involving a Germanization of the East, was demanded by many and was unfortunately based on the same false reasoning. Here again it was believed that a Germanization of the Polish element could occur by a purely linguistic union. The result would have been catastrophic: A foreign people expressing their foreign thoughts in the German language, thus compromising the dignity and nobility of our own nation by their inferiority.” – Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter Two
“The Führer’s verdict on the Poles is scathing. More animals than men, completely dull and amorphous. Next to them a slaughtering class, which is at least the product of the lower classes mixed with an Aryan master class. The filth of the Poles is unimaginable. Their judgment is also nil. Even Lipski believed that a nervous crisis would break out in our country in 8 days during the war. Poor madman! The Führer does not want assimilation with the Poles. They are to be squeezed into their reduced state and left entirely to themselves.” – Goebbels diaries
“The incidents that Sepp Dietrich related to me about the Russian people in the occupied areas are simply hair-raising. They are not a people, but a conglomeration of animals. The greatest danger threatening us in the East is the stolid dullness of this mass. That applies both to the civilian population and to the soldiers. The soldiers won’t surrender, as is the fashion in western Europe, when completely surrounded, but continue to fight until they are beaten to death. Bolshevism has merely accentuated this racial propensity of the Russian people. In other words, we are facing an adversary about whom we must be careful. The human mind cannot possibly imagine what it would mean if this opponent were to pour into western Europe like a flood.” – Goebbels on the Russians, diaries
“The Slavs are to work for us [Germans]. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. THE FERTILITY OF THE SLAVS IS UNDESIRABLE. THEY MAY USE CONTRACEPTIVES OR PRACTICE… ABORTION, THE MORE THE BETTER. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to 100. At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy. Religion we leave to them as a means of diversion. As for food, they will not get any more than is necessary. We are the masters; we come first.” – Martin Bormann in letter to Rosenberg on Eastern policy
“I am not in the least interested in the fate of a Russian or a Czech. We will take from other Nations the blood of our type that they can give us. If necessary, we will take their children away from them and bring them up in our environment. Whether other peoples live in contentment or starve to death is of interest to me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise, it does not interest me. If ten thousand Russian women fall from exhaustion while digging anti-tank ditches, it will only interest me to the extent that this anti-tank ditch is ready for Germany.” – Himmler’s speech at a meeting of SS gruppenfuhrers in Poznan on October 4, 1943
There’s much more where that came from. Sewell does not dispute this information, he hasn’t even tried. He can’t because it’s all true. It’s right in his bible, Mein Kampf.
Here’s Sewell getting asked how many Whites Hitler killed:
He first refuses to answer and then says, “Hitler was fighting for White living space”. This is wrong. He was fighting for GERMAN living space AGAINST other White people (Slavs). As I showed in my Lebensraum video, Hitler states explicitly in Chapter 14 of Mein Kampf that he believed the 1914 borders of Germany were insufficient living space not worth fighting for, and that the only way for Germany to become a “great power” again was by expanding East and seizing new land from Russia. It’s all there in black and white.
Sewell is being tricky here by using the term “White” instead of “German” to confuse people. Hitler was not for “Whites” he was for “Germans” only. He disliked other Whites, especially Poles and Russians, because he was trying to otherize them in order to justify invading, subjugating and colonizing their lands for German exploitation as he said in a 1941 meeting.
So according to Sewell, it’s OK to invade and kill Whites so long as you’re doing so to benefit a different group of Whites. This is a brazen contradiction to his alleged “pro-White” worldview. And I very much doubt he would have the same opinion if it were Meds or Slavs invading Nordic countries to expand their living space. He clearly favours GERMAN Whites over Slavic/Polish/Russian (and most certainly Mediterranean) Whites. When you get into the details here, his bias comes out. Natsocs like Sewell are NORDICISTS with a particular fetish for Germany and Germans. They care more about North West Euros than other ones. That’s clear. He’s being dishonest when he says he’s “Pro-White”. His in-group is not “Whites” as a whole, it’s North Western Europeans. I don’t have a huge problem with that in principle, but I do have a big fucking problem with these Nordicists trying to justify colonialism and imperialism against other White people (as they do with Hitler). They call themselves “pro-White” right now because they see a common non-White foe coming in via mass immigration, but when the dust settles on that question, they’ll turn their guns on Meds and Slavs who they truly view as “not White enough” (one drop rule).
If Hitler is not bad for killing millions of Whites, sticking them in slave labour camps and colonizing their land for the exclusive benefit of his ethnic group, then why is Stalin bad for doing all of that? They have no answer. Hitler can do anything and they will support it because it’s a deranged cult.
Moving on from that point, there’s obviously other issues I have with Hitler and fascism, such as its close parallels with Marxism, but I won’t go over that here. I do resent Sewell’s claim that I’m not pursuing the truth intellectually. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I wrote an article about how I changed my view of Hitler after the Russia/Ukraine war started. I saw many parallels between Putin’s justifications for his invasion of Ukraine and Hitler’s for his invasions, and I saw many Neo-Nazis backing Putin on the same grounds that they back Hitler. They must do that because it’s nearly the same policy: German ethnic Lebensraum vs Russian cultural Lebensraum. To denounce Putin for his version of Lebensraum would call into question their defense of Hitler’s.
I resent a lot Sewell’s assertion that I’m a bad faith actor, whatever that means, which he has no proof of. I could easily throw that accusation back at him. In a way he’s forced to say that about me to appease his flock. He’s auditioning to be the next Führer and as such must “defend the faith” (aka cult) against all dissenters left, right and center. He is an intelligent and astute person so I can’t understand why he has embraced such a stupid posture in public with his cosplay antics. He endorses mentally retarded wigger glowops like GDL/Bloodtribe, people that even William Pierce would have denounced as “defective freaks and misfits”.
Sewell’s a hotheaded zealot who gets himself into trouble, maybe on purpose to get some camera time which he seems addicted to. He has said his genius “political strategy” is being a “lightning rod” for government suppression, whatever that’s supposed to accomplish. So how can he hate the Australian government for suppressing him when he says that’s exactly what he wants it to do?
He is a chronic fedposter who has embraced a version of siegetard violent accelerationism; he has praised mass shooter Brenton Tarrant and bragged about trying to recruit him; here he praises the murder of White leftists by blacks; here he is basically calling for race war and the mass murder of “anti-Whites” ; he called Whites in South Africa “disgusting cowards who deserve their fate” because he says they’re not doing enough violence in response to black violence:
He said on Chris Mitchell’s podcast that UK cops deserve to get raped; he pretty clearly used disproportionate force to attack a security guard who grabbed his friend when trying to get some media face-time; the list goes on. All of this berserk behaviour is what one may expect from a true “bad faith actor” looking to get the people who associate with him into legal trouble.
Sewell has criminals in his group and recruits convicted felons as well as prison and biker gang members.

This has been one of my main critiques of the skinhead/neo-nazi scene. It’s full of low-IQ ex-cons. These natsoc groups are glorified prison gangs. Sewell recruits from jails because criminals have little to nothing to lose so they make better “revolutionaries,” in his mind. His hard edge off-putting optics will scare away most normal White people with middle or upper class lifestyles and jobs, so he’s left with looking for members among the less educated and less intelligent lower classes, unskilled labourers, and ex-cons. Hence why modern National Socialism is a notoriously low-IQ movement full of Jerry Springer drama spergs.
Sewell is definitely a step above your average unhinged natsoc spergnat, which I guess he understands and thinks he’s going to make them into better men. But at the end of the day, you’ll be judged by the company you keep and the company he keeps is ugly. I don’t think Sewell’s a “fed” because I’m not a paranoid schizo conspiracy theorist like most natsocs are, but I do think he can’t control his emotions and is drunk on accelerationist Turner Diaries fan fiction, which has led him into this peculiar path to nowhere.
Despite all the ideological and optical disagreements, I don’t wish any harm comes his way in Australia. I fully support the pro-White effort to win back their country, not only in Australia but everywhere. But I cannot endorse him or the company he keeps. I hope one day he can see where he has gone wrong, where he can improve and corrects course into something more productive.