Russian shills in the “alternative” media

Kremlin Ops πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

1) Alex Jones: Around the year 2008, Alex Jones became a regular guest on Russia Today, especially the show of Max Keiser. In 1999, AJ condemned Putin as a “demon” and globalist but flipped his position when RT started having him on. That revised stance is a mix of opportunism (clout chasing) and jumping on popular conspiracy trends which began portraying Putin as a “Christian saviour” and “anti-globalist”. Around 2015 Jones began cross-promoting with Alexander Dugin, the lunatic Eurasian imperialist who has influenced Putin’s foreign policy. Jones’ lazy unscrupulous methods saw him repost over 1,000 RT articles, making him little more than an aggregator of Russian propaganda.

2) Abby Martin: A left-wing radical Marxist who grew to prominence through the Occupy Wall Street movement, she was tapped by Russia Today to host her own program on the network for a number of years, where she focused all her attention on attacking Western governments and corporations, while supporting/defending all Eastern, Islamic and leftist regimes globally. She usually tows the Russian foreign policy line, shilled for the Maduro regime in Venezuela, and fetishizes the Palestine cause. She later went on to work for Venezuelan state TV channel Telesur, making her a direct employee of both the Russian and Venezuelan governments.

3) Max Blumenthal: Jewish anti-Zionist Blumenthal is the son of Clinton campaign advisor Sidney Blumenthal. He has floated around “alternative” journalism for years, focusing mostly on anti-Israel, pro-Palestine content. Around 2013, Blumenthal quit a Lebanese newspaper because of it’s pro-Assad editorial line, then around 2015, he did an abrupt about-face and began shilling for Assad and Putin’s Russia. Since then he has obsessively promoted Russian propaganda about Ukraine and helped propel their lies to support the invasion of that country. He makes regular appearances on RT.

4) Glenn Greenwald: Glenny boy is a leftist “journalist” who broke the Ed Snowden/NSA story. Snowden ended up in Russia under their protection. Since then, Greenwald has been riding the “national security” grift and basically opposes any and all US foreign policy that isn’t beneficial to foreign nations like Russia, China and Islamic countries. Now he uses his platforms to help Russia justify invading Ukraine and opposes all aid to that country. In his 15 or so years doing journalism, he has not uttered a single criticism of the Russian state. In 2018 Greenwald went to Russia and told them his journalistic mission has been to “combat negative attitudes of Russia”.

5) Tucker Carlson: Veteran Fox News host became a loud cheerleader for the Russians since at least 2016 during Trump’s presidency. He has been caught on his show stating he is “rooting for the Russians” in its war against Ukraine. Since that war began, Carlson has had Russian asset Douglas MacGregor on his show almost every week to spread easily discredited lies and disinfo about the war in favour of Russia. Carlson has not once condemned the actual invasion, has said Russia is justified to invade and that it’s all America’s fault for not capitulating to Putin’s hefty demands.

6) Douglas MacGregor: Former US army colonel who has become one of the Kremlin’s favourite mouthpieces in the US, especially since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. MacGregor has gone on Fox News and other platforms to slag off Ukraine and predict its imminent “defeat” to Russia (three day war!). His sourcing is extremely dubious and he has been wrong about all of his fake predictions. In 2015 MacGregor said that the Russians “have been subverting, destabilizing, invading and conquering their neighbors since Peter the Great,” only to bizarrely reverse that position by supporting Russia’s imperialism in Ukraine and hail Putin as a based anti-globalist. He also makes regular appearances on RT. Was there a pay off?

7) Scott Ritter: former UN weapons inspector turned “dissident” pundit. Ritter has been one of the loudest proponents of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while he opposes all other invasions done by NATO, the US, Israel, etc. He is a Kremlin favourite making regular appearances on Russian state TV to spew out their talking points about Ukraine. In 2011 Ritter was convicted of attempted endangering of a minor after he masturbated in front of what he thought was an underage girl on a webcam chat, but who turned out to be an undercover cop. Ritter is clearly acting out a revenge fantasy against the US government for putting him in jail for his pedophilia, hence his support for any regime that is contrarian to the US in the realm of foreign policy.

8) Phil Giraldi: Former CIA officer has become a pundit in “alternative” media. He has made regular appearances on RT and generally tows the Russian line on foreign policy. A critic of the Israeli lobby, he demands that Israeli lobbyists like AIPAC should register as a foreign agent (correct take), but at the same time he hypocritically opposed the US government crackdown on Russia Today as a foreign agent. His pro-Russia bias is clearly related to his own self-interest in making regular appearances on the Russian network to promote himself. Another clear case of oppositional contrarianism or a Russian pay off.

9) Nick Fuentes: Internet pundit who has aggressively cheered and propagandized his audience for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calling for Ukraine to be “destroyed”. A clear cut case of oppositional contrarianism who flipped his position on Russia from critical to fawning support. In 2018 he said Russia was “a degenerate country” and criticized Russophiles on the right. Then when Biden got elected and he faced some mild persecution over January 6, he began waving Russian flags and calling for genocidal destruction of Ukraine so he can counter-signal Biden and profit off of it with content.

10) Syrian Girl: Syrian online content creator living in Australia who has been heavily promoted by “alternative” media channels for her “Syria analysis” which was little more than acting as a stenographer for the Assad regime in its war with rebels. Her motive for supporting Russia is clear: Syria’s Assad regime (her de facto employer) is a client state of the Russians and so the Syrians will in return support Russian foreign policy no matter what it is. Hypocrite “anti-war” faker who fully supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, demonized Ukrainians as Nazis and said that they deserved to be destroyed because they supported the Iraq war in a limited capacity. Very spiteful Semite who wants to see Europeans die because her people have been taking geopolitical Ls for decades.

11) Ryan Dawson: Alt-media huckster who has been around for years promoting his left-wing egalitarian Semite-obsession on Israel-Palestine. Takes the side of any Muslim regime he thinks is hostile to Israel. Opposes Israel because he says it’s a “racist apartheid” state and that ethno-states are bad. His preferred model is multiculturalism and globalist melting pot because he is of mixed race extraction himself and married an Asian. Has been a rabid Putin shill for years promoting Russia as the “saviour” of his beloved Muslims in the Middle East because of Russia’s less pro-Zionist foreign policy in comparison with the US. His main motive for supporting Russia is that he believes Putin is more favourable to Islam and Semites in the Middle East. He relentlessly defends Muslims and totalitarian Islam despite being an atheist libertarian (browns come first in his victim support hierarchy).

12) Jay Dyer: Alt-media content creator and Orthodox Christian evangelist who mostly just picks fights with other sects of Christianity to reignite the medieval religious wars. Has embraced the Orthodox variety of Christianity and sees his divine mission as attacking all other religions, including Christian sects, that don’t bow to the Russian Orthodox Church and by extension the Russian state. Big Putin shill who blames all global calamities on the “Anglo-Americans” as part of his Duginist infowar against the West. Major backer and apologist for Putin’s Eurasian imperialist war in Ukraine, which he attacks and demonizes in using the usual Moscow talking points. His main motive for supporting Russia is his religious conversion to Orthodoxy which, similar to Islamic converts, shifts his loyalty from his nation of birth to a foreign power he thinks is friendlier to his religion.

13) Brother Nathanel Kapner: Jewish convert to Christianity who has been floating around the “alt-media” for decades with his kook-tier videos and analysis. Basically an anti-Judaic version of Alex Jones. Has always pushed Putinism and Russophilia to his audience with half-baked nonsense theories that Putin is a “secret anti-Semite” and thus the good guy. Extreme shill for Russian foreign policy and supporter of the war in Ukraine because he wants the Russians to exterminate White people who don’t bow to the Russian Orthodox Church and by extension the Putin regime. Uses extremely dubious sourcing in his pro-Russian apologetics, dismisses any source that isn’t Russian state media approved because he is a low-IQ schizo of Semite extraction.

14) Mark Collett: Alt-right or White Nationalist activist who has ramped up his pro-Russian shilling since Putin invaded Ukraine. Shills Putin as the saviour of the West and Whites despite Putin’s full embrace of multiculturalism in Russia itself. His main motive for doing this is that he wants the Russian state to fund his political movement in the UK, the exact same reason that Nick Griffin and Paul Golding have also courted Russia in the hopes of obtaining Kremlin funding. Also an element of opportunistic contrarianism towards the establishment because they have backed Ukraine’s sovereignty against Russian aggression. Basically he’s one of these “anti-Jew before pro-White” types who thinks that because there is less Jewish influence in Russia in comparison with the US or UK then that means Putin is his best friend and ally. White Ukrainians be damned, so long as there’s a Kremlin shekel to be gotten from hating them.

15) David Duke: Veteran White nationalist American who has been pushing Russophilia and Putin worship for years. Same motive as Collett (his disciple). He believes Russia is some kind of “last bastion of the White race” despite it facing similar demographic decline issues and immigration problems, thanks to Putin’s multicultural worldview, which he never talks about because it doesn’t fit his fake saviour narrative. Duke is pining for Russian money and support for his own projects in America so he will sugarcoat and whitewash Putin’s crimes against Ukraine and preach schizo theories that Putin is a “secret anti-Semite and White nationalist” despite no evidence that’s the case.

16) Jackson Hinkle: Self-defined Marxist-Leninist, has become a major purveyor of Russian propaganda online and is clearly being boosted by a Russian botnet. Somehow gained 1.5 million Twitter followers within a week of the latest Israel-Palestine war. Spent the past two years running non-stop propaganda and psyops in favour of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite having declared that Russian wouldn’t invade Ukraine in the months leading up to it. Very lame and sleazy opportunist who jumps on bandwagons he thinks are popular. His motive for shilling Russia is clear: he’s a West-hating communist who cheerleads for the rise of the East in the hopes that it will lead to the collapse of the West. All communists are fifth columnists who have committed themselves to attacking, undermining and destroying the West and White people; Hinkle is no different.

17) Mike Peinovich: Old guard alt-right activist Peinovich has come out as a rabid Putin shill and anti-Ukrainian voice. When Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022, Peinovich turned his entire podcast network into a Russian shill op for the invasion, hailing especially the Chechen jihadists who were sent in to terrorize Mariupol. His motive for this is a combination of autistic contrarianism to every foreign policy of the US government as well as dubious direct ties to a Russian influence agent named Charles Bausman, who hosts Peinovich’s NJP organization on his Pennsylvania property. Bausman is an American who has worked as a businessman in Russia for decades, starting up a Kremlin propaganda website Russia Insider in 2014 to sell Eurasianism and Putinism to American right-wingers. Peinovich epitomizes the “anti-Jew before pro-White” worldview where he will cheerlead for White deaths in Ukraine if he thinks he can use it to criticize American Jews on the internet. Schizoid 4chan worldview that puts opposition to Jews above White well-being.

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