It’s about time someone within our sphere exposed this rat-infested cult who I call the Siegetards. Siege culture was started by a wignat neo-Nazi named James Mason, who was affiliated with George Lincoln Rockwell and also convicted serial killer Charles Manson.
The logic of the Siegetards (based on the writings of Mason) is that “there’s no political solution” to our current problems and so the only way for Whites to win is to provoke a Helter Skelter cataclysmic collapse of the system through violence, race war and destruction. That cabal has been essentially taken over by satanic pedophiles, following the example of their godfather James Mason, who was also a convicted pedophile.

Form Mason’s wiki bio:
In 1988 and 1991, police raided Mason’s home in Ohio and seized pornographic photos of a 15-year-old girl. In 1992, he pleaded guilty to two counts of “illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material”,[3] for which he was sentenced to a $500 fine and a suspended sentence.[12] In May 1994, Mason was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Mason threatened his ex-girlfriend, who was then 16 years old, and a Latino man whom she had been dating, with a firearm. Mason struck a plea bargain and was convicted of weapons charges,[12] for which he was sentenced to three years of incarceration before being released in August 1999.[3]
Mason became the advisor to Siege-inspired sperg group Atomwaffen Division, which has been thoroughly penetrated by Feds and bad actors. One member of that group, Devon Arthur, converted to radical Islam and then killed two other members of the group because they made fun of his new religion.
Hilariously Mason himself lives in Denver off of government welfare and soup kitchens.
Mason operates as an Osama bin Laden type figure, inciting and inspiring young hotheads to go out and do violent attacks while he collects his welfare check and hangs out in local soup kitchens. Like Bin Laden did, Mason preys on these young, dejected, low-IQ loner/incel type people who have nothing to lose.
Another major player in the Siege cult was Joshua Caleb Sutter, who published books on National Socialism and satanism, fusing the two things together in what Rolling Stone described as a “lunatic mashup of vampirism, Columbine-style death worship, and edgelord posturing, specifically designed to lure in the lost, angry, and transgressive types like Melzer.” Sutter’s writings and published literature became prominent in this cult grouping of neo-Nazi satanists. He was also on the payroll of the FBI from the outset.

For years, Joshua Caleb Sutter, an avowed white supremacist from South Carolina, has published and sold books glorifying torture, child abuse, rape, terrorism, mass murder and more – all in the name of his racist and satanic beliefs.
His self-published books have become go-to texts for some of the most extreme and violent white supremacists across the world. They have become required reading in a sinister satanist cult that has spread to several countries and has already inspired several known terrorists and would-be mass killers.
The ideas Sutter pushes are so vile they have proven too much even for some of the country’s most dangerous and violent neo-Nazis. In 2018 several people left the white supremacist domestic terrorism group Atomwaffen Division, citing Sutter’s books – and his growing influence in the organization – as too radical even for them.
Since 2004, while his publishing business and his influence over radical white supremacists have swelled, Sutter has had another benefactor: the American taxpayer. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has paid him at least $140,000 over the past 18 years to provide information about the extremist groups he associates with, according to court records.
The partnership between the FBI and Sutter was first revealed in the trial last year of a leader of the violent white supremacist group Atomwaffen Division.
The payments highlight the delicate balance federal agents strike when working with confidential informants inside extremist groups, former FBI agents and security experts told USA TODAY. Paid informants can provide invaluable information, but they also need to be handled very carefully, and the FBI doesn’t always do a good job monitoring the people it’s paying for information, former agents acknowledged.
In September, Sutter was called as a witness in the trial of Kaleb Cole, one of the former leaders of Atomwaffen Division. Cole was being prosecuted for his role in a conspiracy to threaten journalists at various publications and researchers at the Anti-Defamation League.
Now in his early 40s, Sutter has been an active white supremacist since his teens. On the stand, he was frank about his long history of working with the FBI. Federal agents first approached him in the early 2000s, he testified, while he was serving a two-year prison sentence for possessing a pistol with an obliterated serial number.
“It was proposed that I could act in a deep-cover capacity,” he told the court, according to a transcript obtained by USA TODAY. “I was instructed to continue the relationships that I had in the right wing.” Immediately after his release in 2004, Sutter went to work for the FBI doing surveillance, attending in-person meetings and traveling around the country targeting different networks, he testified. It was work that he did continuously over the nearly 20 years since then, he said.
Sutter was drawn to the satanic white supremacist movement called the “Order of Nine Angles,” a group that was spreading across the globe via the internet, attracting troubled young men and women interested in violence, gore and the infliction of pain and suffering.
Founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, the order claims to have chapters, called “Nexions,” across the world. This is how Koch, the Israeli academic, described the group in a research paper published earlier this year: “A loose and leaderless network of individuals and groups that merges National Socialism and Satanism; endorses tyrants, cult leaders, non-National Socialist terrorists and child-abusers; promotes violence, celebrates death, and advocates for real-life action.”
Sutter founded a North American wing inspired by the order, giving it the title “Tempel ov Blood.”
The Order of Nine Angels (ONA) satanic Natsoc group mentioned there was founded by another kook named David Myatt, based in the UK, who himself converted to Islam and wrote propaganda for Islamists:
At a 2003 UNESCO conference in Paris, which concerned the growth of antisemitism, it was stated that “David Myatt, the leading hardline Nazi intellectual in Britain since the 1960s […] has converted to Islam, praises bin Laden and al Qaeda, calls the 9/11 attacks ‘acts of heroism,’ and urges the killing of Jews. Myatt, under the name Abdul Aziz Ibn Myatt supports suicide missions and urges young Muslims to take up Jihad. Observers warn that Myatt is a dangerous man…”[15] This view of Myatt as a radical Muslim, or Jihadi,[16] is supported by Professor Robert S. Wistrich, who writes that Myatt, when a Muslim, was a staunch advocate of “Jihad, suicide missions and killing Jews…” and also “an ardent defender of bin Laden”.[17] One of Myatt’s writings justifying suicide attacks was, for several years, on the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing) section of the Hamas website.[18]
Atomwaffen and other spin-offs like The Base (which was named after and modeled on Al-Qaeda and whose leader is an American ex-intel spook married to a Russian and lives in Russia) are more or less ONA offshoots:
The Order of Nine Angles is British-based, but steeped in Nazism. A fringe occultist group whose literature encourages human sacrifices, the ONA champions Nazi Germany and pushes Holocaust denialism. One of the group’s longest-running leaders, Anton Long, is rumored to have been a pseudonym for the known neo-Nazi David Myatt.
The ONA requires members (called Noctulians) to spend six months either hitchhiking, working as a burglar, working as a police officer, or infiltrating an extremist political group.
“Undertake the role of extreme political activist and so champion heretical views (by, e.g. becoming involved in extreme Right-Wing activism),” the group demands in one of its introductory books. “The aim is to express fanaticism in action and be seen by all ‘right-thinking people’ as an extremist, and a dangerous one.”
That book is also recommended reading for Atomwaffen members. On a recently defunct website, Atomwaffen uploaded the book in full in the “spirituality” section of its “library.” The library also encouraged Atomwaffen members to read Iron Gates, a gruesome sci-fi novel penned by the occult group Tempel of Blood, which is openly affiliated with the ONA.
“While officially a separate organization, the Tempel acknowledges its ties to the Order, and credits the ONA for much of its terminology and mythos,” Tempel’s website reads.
Iron Gates is listed as required reading on Atomwaffen’s current website.
Atomwaffen’s satanism-heavy reading list has apparently driven away some former members who were only in the group for the Nazism. In January, a purported former Atomwaffen member quit the group dramatically, publishing a 27-page Google document claiming to document the group’s growing satanic ties.
“A plague has befallen the movement yet again,” the former Atomwaffen member wrote about satanism (not about murder). “We WILL purge the Noctulian scum from our ranks, and never again will this happen.”

Atomwaffen went on to inspire various murders and an attempted murder plot on US soldiers by Ethan Melzer:
The key evangelical for O9A, the figure who facilitated this macabre wedding of apocalyptic death cults, is Joshua Caleb Sutter, a 41-year-old ex-convict, prolific satanist, publisher of manuscripts advocating murder, torture, rape, and child abuse — and a paid FBI informant since 2004.
Sutter’s O9A message is a lunatic mashup of vampirism, Columbine-style death worship, and edgelord posturing, specifically designed to lure in the lost, angry, and transgressive types like Melzer.
Indeed, for his part, Melzer’s indoctrination seemed complete. “Fascism is more the law of nature than anything, [its] worldview is that by causing absolute chaos, anarchy, whatever you want to call it, the law of nature will naturally take over once again,” Melzer wrote on a Telegram channel devoted to satanism.
In spring 2020, Melzer learned of the 173rd Airborne Brigade’s upcoming deployment from Camp Ederle in Vicenza, Italy, to a base in Turkey. Prosecutors allege that Melzer passed on highly classified details of his unit’s forthcoming assignment to fellow satanists on Telegram, and to a person he believed was a member of Al Qaeda. The intelligence was sent with the intent of having the 173rd ambushed by terrorists and triggering a “mascal” — military speak for a “mass casualty” event, prosecutors say.
In the back and forth over a number of days in May 2020, according to the evidence presented by federal prosecutors, Melzer and his alleged Al Qaeda and satanist co-conspirators discussed the location of the base, the precise number of personnel stationed there, and the unit’s defensive capabilities. Melzer also allegedly shared satellite images of the outpost’s layout. The proposed carnage apparently didn’t bother Melzer in the least. In fact, he reveled in the potential fallout from a massacre of American soldiers by jihadis, even if that meant losing his own life.
According to the New York Post:
several O9A texts promote rape and pedophilia as a way to transgress against civilized norms. As of 2019, six neo-Nazi followers of O9A in the US and the UK have been convicted of sexual assault and possession of child abuse material.
Following in the footsteps of their sage, James Mason, the pedophile. This makes sense since Satanism is a demented death cult that promotes all kinds of “transgressive” behaviors designed to desensitize people to violence, death and chaos, to usher in their satanic end times apocalypse. This is why these satanic pedophile neo-nazis become fascinated with Islamic terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as foreign dictatorships like North Korea. Anything that is looked upon as “verboten” in society, they will embrace it as rebel contrarians, which is what nihilistic Satanism is all about.
Another ONA/Atomwaffen spin-off was the UK’s National Action. They used the same bad optics, demonic aesthetics (skull masks), and extreme rhetoric. The group was eventually shut down by the UK government and its leader Jack Renshaw was convicted of homosexual grooming of minors:
Renshaw, a campaigner against child sexual exploitation, was secretly a paedophile who had been grooming boys for sex. For nearly a year he had been using a fake Facebook profile to sexually groom two boys, who were aged between 13 and 15 at the time.
Despite not meeting the children, he offered them money for sex and requested intimate photographs. Police were alerted after a relative saw messages on one of the boy’s phones. Detectives established the Facebook messages had been sent from the Blackpool address occupied by Jack Renshaw.
When first arrested in January, he had only been interviewed in relation to the speeches, before being released on bail while inquiries continued. One of the investigating officers – Det Con Victoria Henderson – was tasked with keeping in touch with the suspect and she also became involved in the sexual offences inquiry.
In May that year, Renshaw was re-arrested and questioned about the grooming. He must have realised his deception was at an end. DC Henderson later said Renshaw had been “shocked and upset” and “gone visibly white and was very teary”.
He denied grooming the boys, despite evidence of the offending having been found on his own phones. The suspect, who had a history of making homophobic statements, told DC Henderson he was still a virgin, did not believe in sex outside marriage, and that his taste in pornography was “quite traditional” and “quite conservative”.
While admitting to having searched online for gay pornography “out of interest”, he denied being homosexual and said same-sex relationships were “unnatural”. Within two days of being released on bail, Renshaw searched for DC Henderson on Facebook.
Renshaw eventually faced four trials over the past 14 months. In January 2018, at Preston Crown Court, he was convicted of two counts of stirring up racial hatred in speeches and later sentenced to three years in prison In June, at the same court, he was convicted of four counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and jailed for an additional 18 months.
The case can only be reported now his final trial has concluded. In the dock in Preston he appeared sheepish as videos of police interviews with his two young victims, conducted by DC Henderson, were shown to the court. One boy described how Renshaw – using a fake Facebook profile under an assumed name – called him a “hottie” and “jailbait”. “He was getting too weird, saying he wanted to do weird sexual things to me,” the victim said. “Deffo getting cuddled you,” Renshaw had informed him.
Renshaw asked the child for explicit photos and tried to entice him into sex by offering money, drugs and pizza: “One night. 10 grand. Me and you.” “I was scared for my life,” the child told DC Henderson. The second boy said Renshaw bombarded him with messages daily.
Around Christmas time, he sent the child an image of some presents and said he could have them in exchange for intimate pictures. Renshaw even sent the boy graphic photos of himself. When the child called Renshaw a “dirty paedophile” he replied by saying “that turned him on”, the victim recalled.
Renshaw, in the witness box, said his only explanation for how evidence of his sexual interest in children – including very explicit search terms – came to be on four separate mobile phones to which only he had access, that were seized by police over a period of several months, was “real time synchronised access” by Hope not Hate.
Hacking, to put it another way. Hacking so complex it was beyond the capabilities of advanced states. The fake Facebook profile had been accessed during bursts of online activity that Renshaw admitted were his own, including sometimes within seconds of social media accounts in his own name being used.
So it seems that pedophilia and satanism follows these people around like flies on shit. That’s because it’s a feature of the O9A cult’s ideology and was the perverse habit of James Mason too. Mason claims to disavow the satanism stuff but whatever the case is, his own ideology is not far off from it and he’s a confirmed pedophile scumbag.
The only people who would be attracted to this extreme shit would be mentally ill, maladjusted, social defects as William Pierce described them.
And that is exactly the types of people I have witnessed in those circles. Their ranks are filled with low-IQ, poorly educated, socially inept, drug addicted, criminally inclined types who get involved in extreme politics because it is a form of escapism from their sad lives. They want a rush and some attention from strangers.

These people do absolutely no good for Whites and purposely wrap themselves in White advocacy to undermine it and make it appear as vile and repugnant as possible to the average White person. If they didn’t exist on their own, the ADL and FBI would invent them to discredit good faith genuine pro-White activism and politics. These dipshits offer nothing positive for right-wing Europeans going forward other than either premature death or imprisonment. If you want to keep your sanity, health and life then stay as far away from these satanic pedophile rats as you can.