The “Anti-Woke” Reboot of Marxism

You’re starting to see a variant of “anti-woke” Marxism pop up that is trying to steer right-wingers into the Marxist orbit. You see examples like Hinkle/Haz in America (American Communist Party) and Roberto Vaquero (Frente Obrero) in Spain. I’m sure there’s other examples. These Turd Worldist Marxists have adopted “anti-woke” positions on social themes to try to make Marxist Communism sexy again. Marxism often does this, it adapts to trends. It re-invents itself. It modifies some of its positions, but ultimately holds true to the main Marxist mission of abolishing free enterprise and private property.

These commies see woke leftism as becoming unpopular. Therefore they’re trying to hijack the backlash to it and redirect the public’s anger away from the leftist (Marxist) ideologues who created it all (Critical Race Theory, Gender/Queer theory, intersectional feminism, BLM/Black Power, etc.) and push that anger towards the traditional enemies of Marxists (the “capitalists,” “corporations,” “bankers,” “property owners,” “landlords,” etc.) They do this by scapegoating these corporations for the introduction of leftoid woke ideology into society, which was conceived in the Marxist-dominated universities and then filtered out into all sectors of public life. The Marxist-socialist Frankfurt School – a fountainhead of early ‘woke’ anti-racist, feminist and diversity ideology – were certainly not “capitalists” or free market enthusiasts.

Corporations who have adopted woke bullshit in marketing are Johnny-come-lately opportunists who are trying to capitalize on trends to move product. It’s far more a case of virtue signaling than genuine belief, although there has been some infiltration of these companies at the highest levels by woke ideologues who are willing to sacrifice profits to push political agendas. The Disney writing staff is (according to an insider) dominated by literal homosexuals who are pushing gay themes into the company’s content for ideological reasons. But that’s really no different than state-owned media ventures like BBC doing the same or the culture departments of various governments subsidizing woke modern art exhibits, woke museums and woke cinema.

But none of this woke shit (CRT, Transgenderism, BLM, etc.) was cooked up in corporate boardrooms. Some of these companies are realizing that they made a big mistake by backing leftist initiatives like DEI and are reversing course because it has hurt the business.

While these big companies absolutely bear some responsibility for amplifying the leftist mind rot and funding it (I’m not excusing their behaviour), it’s a fallacy to suggest they are the origin point of these beliefs or trends and that the “solution” is simply getting rid of large companies or having the Leftist state take them over, which will change nothing. A Joe Biden-run publicly controlled X would be much worse than an Elon Musk-run private X, for example. Even as a private company, Elon’s X is facing intense government regulation efforts to censor it.

BLM itself was started by three black lesbians who identify as Marxists. They hate capitalism. They got their start with the Bus Riders Union and crucial mentorship by Jewish socialist Eric Mann.

Socialist labour unions, for example, are just as “woke”/leftist as the queer-dominated corporations and they lobby politicians to introduce anti-White CRT/DEI and gay agendas in the workplace. Most socialist-leaning politicians and parties are, needless to say, all in for woke leftism (Democratic Socialists of America, Labour Party in the UK, etc.).

The State itself enforced much of this leftism on society through legislation like civil rights acts, hate speech laws, diversity quotas, etc. Public schools, run by the state, are hotbeds of leftoid ideology and brainwashing. State-owned enterprises like the NHS and BBC in England are notoriously anti-White, pro-diversity and pushing woke transsexual and gay agendas.

Other so-called “capitalists” supporting leftist political trends financially (George Soros comes to mind) are doing so mainly for non-economic ideological reasons. Soros’s son Alex said that his father does this because he’s Jewish and wants a world “safe for minorities”. That’s a fundamentally ideological motivation. Soros even attacked capitalism in an article titled “The Capitalist Threat” in which he argues for more government interventionism, social welfarism and redistributionism. Peter Sutherland, an Irish Catholic multi-millionaire who backed mass migration, seems to have been motivated by humanitarian (thus ideological) concerns stemming from his Christian beliefs in charity and helping the oppressed. Donating hundreds of millions to leftist causes and NGOs is not an economic investment since there is no economic return (Soros is losing money by doing so). It is a social investment. James Pritzker, a Jewish billionaire who funds much of the Transsexual Agenda, is a literal transsexual who calls himself Jennifer now. Another case of an ideological motive behind left-wing philanthropy. Perhaps there is some money to be made on trans surgeries and other medical procedures, but the market for that is so small that it seems unlikely that would be the only motive a wealthy billionaire like James Pritzker would be subsidizing it.

So this Marxist line, which has been smuggled into right-wing discourse by crypto-Marxist fascists, that woke leftist ideology or trends are the exclusive brainchild of corporations or “capitalists” is a distorted and twisted narrative that suits their socialistic economic agenda. They simply hate capitalism and market economics itself and will throw any dirt they think they can throw at it to undermine what’s left of it.

The only particular social issue that big businesses are expressly interested in promoting for motives of profit is immigration. It’s fairly apparent that large businesses, especially in the agricultural sector, fast food sector, and other sectors that employ low-skilled labour, want more immigration to get more workers in their low-paid, high turnover industries. But you can see that they are not alone in this desire as the big labour unions and big churches also want more immigration to fill up their own organizations and pews with new bodies. More people equals more potential union members, more potential church goers, etc. More people also means more voters and more tax payers feeding the social welfare state, which peaks the interests of politicians and the State. NGOs back it for ideological/humanitarian reasons. There are multiple factors and layers to the drive for mass immigration, both ideological and economic.

To solve the latter issue one need only impose an immigration moratorium, shut down the borders, deport all illegals and then ignore all of these lobbyists on a political level. Hell, ban lobbying entirely. Or one could implement a robust guest worker program, properly enforced, that could solve any potential labour shortages in the low-skilled industries who can’t find enough domestic workers.

Evil Marxist shitheads like Hinkle and Haz exist as Trojan Horse enemies within the gates. As anti-White, anti-Western agents they’re pursuing most of the traditional objectives of Soviet Marxist Communism: the destruction of Western civilization, the weakening of Western economies and militaries, the abolition of NATO, the abolition of capitalism and private property, the political and economic empowerment of non-White Global South nations, etc. All of that is manifestly evident in their perverse belligerent support for all Third World communist, socialist and Islamic governments and groups who are enemies of the West and their cheerleading for Russian imperialism in Ukraine and Chinese imperialism against Taiwan, Tibet, etc. Like Putin, they dress up their anti-Westernism in some performative anti-wokeism to make it more sellable to gullible conservatives who aren’t clued into all of these ideologies and the agendas behind them.

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One thought on “The “Anti-Woke” Reboot of Marxism

  1. Wow, well said. All backed with evidence and quotes. It makes me wonder, why don’t we have quislings in their camp? Anti-immigration progressives, free speech snowflakes, and free market central planners. Lol. I think the left may be smarter and harder working than us. Idiocracy here we come!

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