The Jewish Question Revisited (the Academic vs Conspiratard Hypothesis)

I mentioned in this clip above that the hypothesis of “Judeo-Bolshevism” seems self-evidently contradictory when you note that so many Jews are successful businessmen and advocates of free enterprise and capitalism. As Neo-Nazis like to often point out (which contradicts their own belief in “Judeo-Bolshevism”), many prominent free market economists have been Jewish: Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Walter Block, etc. Many anti-communist libertarian intellectuals were also Jewish: Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, etc. Many anti-communist, anti-Soviet neoconservatives (who are not libertarians, but strong pro-military statists) are also Jewish.

But this demonstrates the contorted and unsound conspiratorial nature of the NatSoc narrative on the Jews and why a more nuanced analysis is necessary. The Nazis would say Jews are bad for being Marxists (socialists) AND they’re bad for being capitalists or libertarians (thus anti-Marxists, businessmen, etc.). So if they’re both of these things, then they’re not a monolith and they have wildly divergent views. To get around this inconvenience, they would resort to conspiracy logic that these Jews on opposites ends of the political and economic spectrum were not sincere in their beliefs and were conspiring together in some way, with scant proof. So this critique is illogical and invalid. You could also find non-Jewish Germans who were Marxists and others who were capitalists and businessmen. Why is that not similarly viewed as a German ethnic conspiracy?

You can also find Jews who support some kind of mixed economy, social welfare system, similar to what some Nazis advocate (even George Soros supports that type of system). You can find fascist Jews who supported Mussolini and Zionist Jews who tried to align with Hitler on both geopolitical and ideological grounds:

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. It initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.[22] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on “nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance”

You can find religious traditionalist Jews, secular atheist Jews, woke Jews, anti-woke Jews, LGBT Jews, anti-LGBT Jews, anti-Zionist Jews, Israeli conservative nationalists, Jewish anti-Semites (Bro Kaper, Gilad Atzmon, Bobby Fischer, etc.), even race realist Jews (like Richard Hernnstein). A few even took up Neo-Nazism (Daniel Burros, Frank Collin, etc.). They’re on all sides of the political spectrum just as all other groups are on all sides of the political and social spectrum.

Joseph Goebbels said this:

That is why we oppose the Jew as nationalists and as socialists. As socialists we are opponents of the Jews because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.

He also said this:

Lenin was the greatest man, second only to Hitler…the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.

So Goebbels’ critique of “Judeo-Bolshevism” falls flat as he admits that his own ideology is very close to Bolshevism. He says above that the reason he dislikes and opposes Jews is because he views them as “capitalists”, not socialists. He is a socialist, a very radical one indeed, so why would a Jewish socialist be bad then? He attacked Jewish socialists for being Jewish and for not adhering to Nordic supremacy race theory, not for being socialists.

Ironically, sentiment of Jewish culture being the “incarnation of capitalism” echoes exactly what Karl Marx said about Judaism:

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money[…] An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible[…] The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews[…] Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities[…] The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange[…] The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

As PraxBen notes, much of what Karl Marx wrote about Jews would have Nazis shouting in agreement:

Marx may have been ethnically Jewish, but he grew up a Lutheran, had no Jewish education, and rejected Judaism and his Jewish heritage. Marx didn’t just reject his Jewishness, he despised it. Marx is known to be a vehement antisemite. It’s quite ironic that his existence is meant to prove some sort of Jewish-communism conspiracy, while in reality, he wrote things about Jews that would have modern antisemites shouting in agreement. He claimed that money was the “jealous God of Israel,” referred to Jews as “dirty” in body and soul, and believed they were both inherently bourgeois and inherently counter-revolutionary.

Marx was raised in the Protestant church and was baptized:

Although earlier generations of the Marx family had been rabbis, Karl Marx’s father became a professing member of Prussia’s official Protestant church for sociopolitical reasons. The young Karl Marx was officially baptized as a Protestant, exhibited “fairly clear and well grounded” knowledge of Christianity in school, and penned the fervent—if perhaps sometimes theologically confused—Christian-themed essay quoted above.

It was fairly evident that the Marx family was sprinting full speed ahead away from their Jewish roots towards full assimilation. Mischling Review notes:

Marx’s childhood sweetheart and life-long wife was Jenny von Westphalen, a gentile woman descending from German nobility. The Marxes had three surviving children, of whom apparently only Eleanor would go on to identify as Jewish after the Dreyfus Trial, though none including Eleanor married other Jews. This was a thoroughly assimilated family whose Jewishness was eventually absorbed into gentile stock, disappearing without a trace in just the manner Marx endorsed. Not only did he consistently apply his ideas to his own ethnic group, he did so to his own family.

Here Joseph Goebbels more or less echoes Marxist “alienation” theory under capitalism:

The worker in a capitalist state — and that is his deepest misfortune — is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker. He has become a machine. A number, a cog in the machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces. Labor is for him only a way to survive, not a path to higher blessings, not a joy, not something in which to take pride, or satisfaction, or encouragement, or a way to build character. We are a workers’ party because we see in the coming battle between finance and labor the beginning and the end of the structure of the twentieth century. We are on the side of labor and against finance. Money is the measuring rod of liberalism, work and accomplishment that of the socialist state. The liberal asks: What are you? The socialist asks: Who are you? Worlds lie between.Those Damned Nazis, Joseph Goebbels, 1932

Despite hating Marx simply for being ethnically Jewish, Goebbels had much more in common with him than he’d care to admit.

As PraxBen mentioned, Marx may have been ethnically Jewish, but had no Jewish upbringing and seemed to despise Judaism as the “incarnation of capitalism” just as Goebbels did. Marx believed that Jews could only truly assimilate after capitalism (and thus their supposed culture) was abolished first. It’s been demonstrated that Marx did have a strong Germanic identity and was quite chauvinistic, supporting German imperialism in Europe, as did Fredrich Engels.

The issue with this logic of Jews as arch-capitalists is that so many of them took up socialism in various forms, including the early State of Israel:

The party of Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion, the Labor Party, may now be more or less dead, a casualty of the nation’s right-wing shift, but it cannot be forgotten that its predecessor was the dominant force of the modern Jewish state in its first three decades. Israel was once a beacon of successful socialism in which the paradigmatic building block was the kibbutz, the utopian commune that fused egalitarianism, farming, and Zionism.

You’d think if Judaism was inherently capitalisitic, as Karl Marx and his disciple Goebbels said, this Kibbutz socialism would not have occurred in Israel and no Jews would have ever become socialists or Marxists at all. Obviously, whatever capitalistic elements exist in the Jewish culture or religion, it’s not strong enough to prevent large numbers of Jews from defecting to the ranks of socialism.

So the conspiracy logic here falls apart when you note the broad variety of Jewish types and beliefs. Ockham’s Razor leads us to the simplest explanation: differences among Jews are genuine and not the product of some vague “trickery” agenda which doesn’t have consistent academic proof or a logical basis. The motivations of various Jews can be and sometimes is influenced by their culture and religion, but that is not always the case.

Take Lazar Kaganovich for example. A prominent Soviet Bolshevik of Jewish background said to prove the “Judeo-Bolshevik” conspiracy. Yet, like Karl Marx, Kaganovich rejected his Jewish identity and actually despised it. He said the following in an interview:

They [Jews] are always confused,” he [Kaganovich] said. “Even today, during the time of the collapse of our state, they are in the first ranks of those who instigate public disorder. Before the war, we successfully overcame the heritage of Jewish bourgeois nationalism, but after the war they forgot who saved them from destruction by Hitler. We carried out an offensive against cosmopolitanism” — the Stalinist codeword for Jews — “and struck first of all at the Jewish intelligentsia, the primary army of the cosmopolitans…. Asked how he could make such comments when he himself was a Jew, Kaganovich said: “This is by birth only. In general, I never felt myself to be a Jew. I have a totally different mind-set. Unlike the Jews, who are prone to anarchy, I love order.

So Kaganovich was loyal to Stalin, a non-Jew, until the very end and supported Stalin’s purges of specifically Jewish members of the regime. Surely, this was not a man motivated by Jewish tribalism but by genuine belief in communist ideology.

Hitler embraced this more paranoid primitive thinking on this matter and failed to recognize that not all Jews are pulling in the same direction and have genuine disagreements with one another politically. He said this bluntly to Max Planck:

“I must proceed uniformly against all Jews,” Hitler said, despite there being large differences among them. Hitler was confronted with the reality that nationalist Jews loyal to Germany existed when Max Naumann formed the group “Association of German National Jews” (which counted seven thousand members according to JTA) declared its full support of Hitler and advocated for the total assimilation of Jewish identity into a German identity.

There was another group of Jews loyal to Hitler called “The German Vanguard“. Despite Naumann’s seemingly honest desire to support Hitler and Germanic nationalism, Hitler had Naumann’s group disbanded and he was tossed in a concentration camp where he died. Naumann’s existence undermined Hitler’s desire to peg all German Jews as the enemy. Instead of acknowledging that these patriotic Jews existed and were sincere, he found it more expedient to get rid of them and carry on with the agenda.

He did this deliberately, explaining in Mein Kampf that only simplified, caricatured propaganda can move the masses in the direction he wants:

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out. The function of propaganda is . . . not to weigh and ponder the rights of different people, but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue for. Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.

As he says there, his goal was not to tell the truth about the Jewish phenomenon because his agenda was “not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness”. So he was willing to bend the truth, to lie and embellish things, to achieve the desired result.

It should have been evident to Hitler that, while there were certainly leftist/Marxist Jews in Germany who were advocating for Communism and other ills, as there were German non-Jews advocating for the same ills, there were also patriotic ones who fought and died in World War I and earlier wars:

According to Bryan Mark Rigg, there were quite a few soldiers of partial Jewish ancestry in Hitler’s army too.

So if Hitler was correct and all Jews were internationalist traitors, then you would not have seen any Jewish military service at all in any German war. Clearly, an exaggeration.

The Nazis were so paranoid on this question that some of them (including Alfred Rosenberg) even labeled fascism Jewish because various Italian Jews were involved with Mussolini’s government.

What further weakens Hitler’s position on this was its hypocritical nature: Hitler himself was a leader of a soldier’s council in the Soviet Bavarian Republic and attended the funeral of Jewish Marxist Kurt Eisner.

So if all Jews are bad for some Jews being communists, then why is Hitler not bad for having been a communist? In fact, a historian has shown that at least half of recruits to the Nazi SA battalion were former communists:

Scott exposes the estimates collected by Rudolf Diels, first head of the Gestapo -the political police of the Third Reich-, in his memoirs, “Lucifer Ante Portas: Von Severing bis Heydrich” (1950), pointing out that in Berlin 70% of the new recruits to the SA from January 1933 were former Communists. According to the historian, the SA themselves calculated at 55% the number of their militants who came from the communist ranks. Brown also points out that both the Gestapo files and the reports from the KPD intelligence apparatus confirm the considerable presence of former communists in the SA.

That was a phenomenon that Hitler welcomed, stating:

 we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

Many leading Nazis themselves, like the Strasser brothers and Joseph Goebbels, were communists before joining the NSDAP (and I’d argue continued being communists while in the NSDAP). So if all Jews are to be held collectively responsible for the involvement of some Jews in communism, then why are not all Germans collectively responsible for German communists?

The overlap between Communism and National Socialism was palpable, which Goebbels himself attested to as I quoted earlier. Hitler’s fake hatred of Communism didn’t stop him from collaborating with the Soviets in Molotov-Ribbentrop, leading to their joint conquest and victory celebration over Poland:

I have covered this topic of Nazi-Communist similarities ad nauseum, so I won’t go over it all here again, but suffice to say that Nazi critiques of communism are self-defeating considering how close the two systems are.

So how could Hitler and the Nazis, being quasi-communists themselves as avowed statists and socialists who happily collaborated with the USSR, sustain this critique of “Jews as communists”? It’s unsound and hypocritical. They were against Jews no matter what they were politically: communists, capitalists, social democrats, conservatives, even the nationalist, pro-monarchist ones were carted away to camps to hide them from the public.

So what is true about the Jews?

What is true, as we have seen, is that there are genuine political and ideological differences among Jews. These differences are not some nefarious mirage to “trick the goyim” into thinking they’re on different teams when they’re all secretly in cahoots. That can’t be demonstrated to be true considering that Jews have killed other Jews over political differences.

On Judeo-Bolshevism itself, various meme-exaggerations have taken root online, but a sober analysis of the phenomenon produced these numbers:

“Jews comprised 5.2 percent of party members in 1922 and 4.3 percent in 1927”

“7.2 Jews per 1,000 were members”

The first government of 1917 had Jews at 6/21 of the Central Committee and 4/10 of the politburo. That’s 28% and 40% respectively, which is quite an overrepresentation but much lower than the 90-95% numbers bandied about by the memers. Those high numbers plummeted after Stalin’s purges as you can see on this chart (courtesy Mischling Review):

Two studies of Jewish participation in the upper echelons of the USSR regime put their representation overall at 17% and 15%:

Following Stalin’s purges, these numbers emerge:

The Jewish share of the Politburo diminishes greatly under the reign of Stalin, with the removal of all the Jews by the mid-1920s up until Kaganovich is installed in 1930. Jews become, in fact, underrepresented (~0.7% or six of 851 total post-Stalin elite in Mawdsley’s terms9) in the post-Stalin USSR where official antisemitism emerges.

The highest positions then become minimally Jewish:

There were approximately four Jews of the ten most prominent Gulag administrators over a period of 25 years:

So while it is clear that Jews were overrepresented in the Soviet government apparatus, especially in the early years, the extent of this power has been exaggerated to make it seem like it was an entirely Jewish affair. Jews were certainly eager to enter into this new socially egalitarian government after the fall of the Czar who largely restricted them to the Pale of Settlement. That can be seen, but the wild claims that they were over 90% of the top positions is a lie that originates with two people: Robert Wilton (a British journalist who had close ties to the Russian monarchist forces) and Boris Brasol, a Russian emigree loyal to the Russian monarchy, both of whom had political motives to exaggerate the phenomenon to discredit the Czar’s opponents. Another meme-lie is that “Stalin was Jewish” and had “Jewish wives,” both of which are false. Why lie to embellish this issue if you’re an honest person? Obviously as a right-winger I personally would have sided with the Czar over the Bolsheviks, but that doesn’t mean that the monarchist side didn’t partly embellish this Judeo-Bolshevism phenomenon to suit their objectives.

What’s clear is that the USSR did overlap on some Jewish interests like emancipation of the minorities and full civil liberties, but it contradicted other Jewish interests like the preservation of Jewish culture and Jewish religion, which were both suppressed like all other faiths. It’s abundantly clear that Stalin, and not Jews, had total control evidenced by his purges and executions of various Jews like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yagoda and later the Slansky trial which took on an “anti-Zionist” character. If self-interested Jews were guiding the Soviet ship under Stalin, then surely they would have never signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop deal with Hitler. In fact, Stalin fired his Jewish foreign minister Litvinov to replace him with Molotov precisely to please Hitler and get the deal done, since Litvinov opposed the deal.

The Soviets also then took up a global crusade against Israel and Zionism, backing all of Israel’s Arab enemies, even engaging in direct aerial combat with Israel in 1970. Then there was the refusal to allow Soviet Jews to emigrate until the 1970s. Surely, if Jews were steering this ship the entire time, none of those Stalinist purges would have happened and Soviet anti-Zionism would not have been a thing. It should be noted too that most Jewish communists were also anti-Zionist and remain so today, proving that they were committed to communist ideology and not exclusively to a collective Jewish interest.

With that said, what is true is that Jewish tribalism is a real phenomenon and Jews are a tight-knit group who often, but not always, hang together especially when there’s an external threat to their existence. When they view an external threat to their existence, they will temporarily put aside political differences to band together for survival. That phenomenon, however, is not really unique to Jews but is true of any group that is collectively under threat.

What is also true and where there is a valid critique to be made of organized Jewry is their tribal inclinations towards a form of politics that undermines the majority group. Some Jews are motivated to do certain things by their religion and culture, just as some Gentiles are. It’s often the case that they think and act politically as Jews instead of as Americans, as Britons, as Canadians, etc. But this has to be demonstrated with evidence, not guesswork. For example, George Soros showers left-wing groups and politicians with money and pursues his globalist “open society” project precisely because he is Jewish and views nationalism as a threat to “minority groups” including Jews. Alex Soros said this:

It is not charity, and his outlook represents more than mere solidarity with others who have endured similar fates. He believes in an open society because Jews and other minorities need rights and equality under the law to prevent another Holocaust.

This “holocaust experience” motive is what drives most of organized Jewish groups to pursue radical progressive politics. It’s not something they hide, but readily admit:

Organized Jewish support for causes like open borders immigration, LGBT, transsexualism, and Black Lives Matter can also be seen as part of this Holocaust or pogrom PTSD mentality that drives many Jews into a state of paranoia about Gentile anti-Semites out to get them. They believe that by supporting the political rights and emancipation of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, they too will be shielded from persecution. Ironically, it was Hitler’s paranoia about Jews being “out to get Germans” that has led in part to modern-day Jewish paranoia about Whites (in general) being “out to get Jews”.

The Frankfurt School appears to be part of this milieu of Jewish leftists committed to weakening any political or social tendencies that may pose a threat to Jews:

This Jewish paranoia about Gentile oppressors, especially White Europeans, has led copious numbers of Jews into leftist radicalism and anti-White advocacy. They appear at the helm of Marxist academia’s push for woke ideology. In addition to the original Frankfurt School intellectuals, Jewish names like Noel Ignatiev, Ronit Lentin, Tim Wise, Richard Lewontin, Franz Boas and a slew of others have featured prominently in the “anti-racist” (aka anti-White) and “race denialist” academic circuit. Jewish leftists appear prominently in media attacks on “Whiteness” and “masculinity”.

American Jews year after year tend to vote 70/30 for the Democrat Party who they believe represent their progressive politics. Insofar as Jews are well-educated, well-organized and ambitious, they will continue to pop up at the frontline of organized progressivism, whipping up woke mobs into a frenzy. This leads many on the Right to suspect them of being the masterminds of Western decline. They are not alone in that endeavor and have many Gentile fellow travelers in the progressive camp (Jane Elliott, Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, Angela Davis, BLM, TYT network, AOC/the Squad, Democratic Socialists of America, etc.). But as Barbara Spectre herself acknowledged, if they’re seen as taking a “leading role” in the rotten edifice of anti-Whiteism and woke progressivism, they’ll be collectively blamed for it.

And while it is true that a majority of Western-based Jews are aligning themselves with some kind of left-wing politics at least partially out of a perceived self-interest, there are notable counter-examples like Stephen Miller, Eric Zemmour and Yoram Hazony who are championing a patriotic nationalist-conservatism in defense of Western civilization. While not explicitly White nationalist in orientation it’s certainly adjacent to those viewpoints.

The Jewish neoconservatives were indeed motivated by a deep devotion to the well-being of Israel. Thus Zionist ideology and Jewish identity could be said to have been a strong motivating factor for their hawkish foreign policy advocacy towards Arab/Muslim countries at odds with Israel. They, in tandem with the Sharon-Netanuyahu Likud faction in Israel, lobbied for the Iraq war because they believed that was in the long-term strategic interests of Israel.

This is an example of where some Jews are not acting in the best interests of their host nation, but a foreign nation who shares their religious/ethnic identity, which has led to very valid accusations of treason and disloyalty to the West.

Since the State of Israel was formed, Jewish patriotism to their host countries has evaporated in favour of Jewish loyalty to Israel. This has given birth to the phenomenon of “dual-citizen” Israelis attempting to infiltrate and sway Western governments to do Israel’s bidding in the realm of foreign policy. Zionist lobbies like AIPAC function as emissaries of Israeli intrigue in the West attempting to buy support for Israel via campaign donations. Zionism, thus, can be said to have put the patriotism of Western Jews into question. A man cannot serve two masters.

While most Jews would probably say they believe in Israel’s right to exist, a growing faction of Jewish anti-Zionists is breaking ranks and taking the side of Palestine, which confirms my thesis that there is no Jewish hive mind collective and they don’t always just “take their own side” no matter what. Jewish anti-Zionist voices like Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, Miko Peled, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Dave Smith, Max Blumental and others have become especially prominent since the October 7 attack, in addition to dozens of anti-Zionist Jewish groups both in the West and Israel:

George Soros himself opposed the Iraq war and the neocons and has funded pro-Palestine/anti-Zionist groups. A PEW poll on Jewish-American opinions post October 7 show that among younger Jews support for Israel is falling, with 42% saying Israel’s military response to the October 7 attacks has not been justified.

31% of US Jews between ages 18 and 35 went so far as to say that Hamas’ reasons for fighting Israel are valid.

This Jewish dissension is also present in the fact that so many Jews marry outside the faith. According to PEW:

Fully 42% of all currently married Jewish respondents indicate they have a non-Jewish spouse. Among those who have gotten married since 2010, 61% are intermarried.

Obviously, if so many Jews are taking non-Jewish spouses, those ones can’t be all that committed to group preservation and advancement.

There’re also valid critiques of the supremacy elements and attitudes of the Jewish religion (chosen people supremacy, hatred of Gentiles/Goyim, revenge fantasies). While these ideas are not universal among Jews and there are also historical enmities between various groups of Gentiles, some prominent rabbis have espoused both hatred of non-Jews and ethno-religious supremacy.

While this is in no way unique to Jews as you can find Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Whites, Blacks, etc. proclaiming their superiority over other groups, what is unique is the prominence of the Jews proclaiming it, such as chief rabbis and Israeli lawmakers; whereas the members of other groups who espouse supremacy viewpoints are generally marginalized or fringe.

Many Jews seem to be motivated by the religious concept of Tikkun Olam to try to “lead” society in certain directions in line with Jewish religious principles, which probably mostly benefits them and not everyone else. This can also be seen with their support of immigrants and refugees, often referencing biblical stories. So the dominant influence of Jewish leftists over academic institutions and Hollywood, and their tribalist pursuit of making their own well-being as a minority paramount, can be said to be a problem that requires some solution if right-wing nationalist politics is to emerge triumphant in the west.

So while there are some very valid critiques of the impact of Jewish-Zionist influence on the West, the low-brow and low-IQ sectors of Neo-Nazism have tried to hijack the issue and turn it into a Der Stürmer meme-caricature of reality with their shoddy conspiracy theorizing and weak (or deliberately falsified) research. Case in point: the GDL. That group, run by uneducated wiggers and convicted criminals, produces flyers claiming X thing is “Jewish” by cherry picking Jewish names out of a line up of people involved in something, ignoring the non-Jews involved, and embellishing the Jews involved by labeling non-Jews as Jews. You can see some debunkings of their memes here.

In this clip, they are confronted about having a pedophile in their group (big surprise) and for deliberately leaving non-Jewish main players off their covid meme (Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, etc.) because it doesn’t fit the Jewish conspiracy angle:

As always, their dishonest cherry-picking, purposeful omissions and mislabeling tactics discredit whatever truth they tell about this topic. This is the by-product of their low-IQ and mendacious lack of concern for facts. As you can see with the meme below, their retardation know no bounds as they are alleging that both supporting Israel and opposing Israel is “Jewish,” which would mean there’s no position one can take that they won’t call Jewish.

This is the behavior of bad actors who exist as a “turd in the punchbowl” to discredit legitimate criticism of the Israel lobby and Jewish institutional support for leftism and globalism. Instead of rationally approaching this subject and presenting the facts as they are, these degenerate morons purposely embellish the issue with shoddy conspiratard logic and easily falsifiable poor “research” to make it all look insane. If the ADL isn’t paying them to make critics of Jewish power look like wackos, they ought to be because these goons are a big W for organized Jewry.

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One thought on “The Jewish Question Revisited (the Academic vs Conspiratard Hypothesis)

  1. Finally. I”m always infuriated at Neo-Nazis claiming it was all the jews thing completely denying that many of the globalists and leftists are also gentiles. I don’t deny Jewish Influence but if people are just gonna throw baseless claims like Candace Owens did that Stalin was Jewish, it would be very difficult to have honest discussion about Jewish question with normies.

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